Priority queue is a collection that gives an easy access to its smallest (or largest) item.
Priority queues are good at accessing the smallest/largest item (O(1) for head
, smallest
and largest
), while they're slower at inserting and deleting items (O(log n) for insert
and dequeue
Contrast this to linked lists (Elm's List
) which are fast at inserting and deleting items (O(1) for cons
and tail
) but slow at finding the smallest/largest item (O(n) for minimum
and maximum
This package is a fork of fifth-postulate/priority-queue
- makes it easier (by naming the types explicitly) to know which "direction" the queue goes (items with smaller priority Ints first, or the other way round)
- contains a more complete API (eg.
, etc.) - doesn't hold a function inside the data structure (thus is usable in the Elm debugger etc.)
import MaxPriorityQueue exposing (MaxPriorityQueue)
type alias BuyOffer =
{ amount : Int
, unitPrice : Int
offersByPrice : MaxPriorityQueue BuyOffer
offersByPrice =
MaxPriorityQueue.fromList .unitPrice
[ { amount = 10, unitPrice = 3000 }
, { amount = 15, unitPrice = 10000 }
, { amount = 100, unitPrice = 2000 }
bestOffer =
MaxPriorityQueue.largest offersByPrice
--> Just { amount = 1, unitPrice = 10000 }
bestAndRest =
MaxPriorityQueue.dequeue offersByPrice
--> Just
-- ( { amount = 15, unitPrice = 10000 }
-- , MaxPriorityQueue.fromList .unitPrice
-- [ { amount = 10, unitPrice = 3000 }
-- , { amount = 100, unitPrice = 2000 }
-- ]
-- )
nextBest =
|> Maybe.andThen (\(_, rest) -> MaxPriorityQueue.largest rest)
--> Just { amount = 10, unitPrice = 3000 }
works similarly, just has smallest
instead of largest
in its functions:
import MinPriorityQueue exposing (MinPriorityQueue)
type alias Person =
{ name : String
, age : Int
peopleByAge : MinPriorityQueue Person
peopleByAge =
MinPriorityQueue.fromList .age
[ Person "Martin" 31
, Person "Xavier" 13
, Person "Joanne" 54
youngest : Maybe Person
youngest =
MinPriorityQueue.smallest peopleByAge
--> Just { name = "Xavier", age = 13 }
and MaxPriorityQueue
are implemented using leftist heaps (see Purely Functional Data Structures by Okasaki, chapter 3.1).