go get


Terraform module to implements Multi-Account Single Sign-On by Cloud SSO.


English | 简体中文

When enterprises adopt a multi-account cloud architecture, configuring personnel identities and permission policies for each account becomes very cumbersome and time-consuming. This module leverages the product capabilities of cloud SSO to provide a centralized way to manage identities and permissions across multiple accounts, simplifying the complexity of identity configuration for enterprise IT administrators.



Enable Alicloud CloudSSO


Manage Alicloud CloudSSO users, groups, access configurations and access assignments with Terraform. If you have already created users and groups through SCIM synchronization or other methods, the users and groups parameters could be set to empty list or ignored.

provider "alicloud" {
  region = "cn-shanghai"

data "alicloud_resource_manager_resource_directories" "default" {}

data "alicloud_resource_manager_accounts" "default" {}

module "cloudsso" {
  source = "alibabacloud-automation/landing-zone-cloudsso/alicloud"
  users = [
      user_name = "tf-example-user1",
      display_name = "tf-example-user1",
      first_name = "tf",
      last_name = "example",
      email = "",
      description = "This user is used for tf example."
      user_name = "tf-example-user2",
      display_name = "tf-example-user2",
      first_name = "tf",
      last_name = "example",
      email = "",
      description = "This user is used for tf example."

  groups = [
      group_name = "tf-example-group1",
      description = "This group is used for tf example.",
      users = ["tf-example-user1", "tf-example-user2"]
      group_name = "tf-example-group2",
      description = "This group is used for tf example.",
      users = ["tf-example-user1"]
  access_configurations = [
      access_configuration_name = "Admin",
      description = "This is a test access configuration for tf example",
      session_duration = 1000,
      permission_policies = [
            policy_name = "AdministratorAccess",
            policy_type = "System",
            policy_name = "TestInlineAccess",
            policy_type = "Inline",
            policy_document = "{\"Statement\":[{\"Action\":\"ecs:Get*\",\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Resource\":[\"*\"]}],\"Version\":\"1\"}"

  access_assignments = [
      principal_name = "tf-example-user1",
      principal_type = "User",
      access_configurations = ["Admin"],
      accounts = [data.alicloud_resource_manager_resource_directories.default.directories[0].master_account_id]
      principal_name = "tf-example-group1",
      principal_type = "Group",
      access_configurations = ["Admin"],
      accounts = [data.alicloud_resource_manager_accounts.default.accounts[0].account_id]



Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.10
alicloud >= 1.145.0


Name Version
alicloud >= 1.145.0


Name Source Version
cloud_sso_access_assignment ./modules/cloud_sso_access_assignment n/a
cloud_sso_users_and_groups ./modules/cloud_sso_users_and_groups n/a


Name Type
alicloud_cloud_sso_access_configuration.default resource
alicloud_cloud_sso_directories.default data source


Name Description Type Default Required
access_assignments A list of access assignments in which each element contains the following attributes: The principal_namecan be either a user name or a group name, depending on the principal_type (valid values: User, Group). The access_configurations should be a list of access configurations names. The accounts should be a list of account IDs which could contain the master account or member accounts in Resource Directory.
principal_name = string
principal_type = string
access_configurations = list(string)
accounts = list(string)
[] no
access_configurations A list of cloud sso access configurations in which each element contains the following attributes. The access_configuration_name must be unique in cloud sso. The value of session_duration(Unit: Seconds) should between 900 to 43200. The permission policies is a list of Policy which will be assigned to the access configuration. The permission_policy_type can be either System or Inline. If permission_policy_type is set to Inline, permission_policy_document is required.
access_configuration_name = string
description = optional(string)
session_duration = optional(number)
permission_policies = optional(list(object({
policy_name = string
policy_type = string
policy_document = optional(string)
})), [])
[] no
groups A list of cloud sso groups. The group_name must be unique in cloud sso and the users is a list of user name.
group_name = string
description = optional(string)
users = optional(list(string), [])
[] no
users A list of cloud sso users. The user_name must be unique in cloud sso.
user_name = string
display_name = optional(string)
first_name = optional(string)
last_name = optional(string)
email = optional(string)
description = optional(string)
[] no


Name Description
access_assignments_ids the id of access assignments. The value formats as <directory_id>:<access_configuration_id>:<target_type>:<target_id>:<principal_type>:<principal_id>
access_configuration_ids The access configuration id list of access configurations.
group_ids The id of groups
user_attachment_ids The id of user attachments. The value formats as <directory_id>:<group_id>:<user_id>
user_ids The id of users.

Submit Issues

If you have any problems when using this module, please opening a provider issue and let us know.

Note: There does not recommend opening an issue on this repo.


Created and maintained by Alibaba Cloud Terraform Team(


MIT Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.
