Package pgconn is a low-level PostgreSQL database driver. pgconn provides lower level access to a PostgreSQL connection than a database/sql or pgx connection. It operates at nearly the same level is the C library libpq. Use Connect to establish a connection. It accepts a connection string in URL or DSN and will read the environment for libpq style environment variables. ExecParams and ExecPrepared execute a single query. They return readers that iterate over each row. The Read method reads all rows into memory. Exec and ExecBatch can execute multiple queries in a single round trip. They return readers that iterate over each query result. The ReadAll method reads all query results into memory. All potentially blocking operations take a context.Context. If a context is canceled while the method is in progress the method immediately returns. In most circumstances, this will close the underlying connection. The CancelRequest method may be used to request the PostgreSQL server cancel an in-progress query without forcing the client to abort.

go get




Package pgconn is a low-level PostgreSQL database driver. It operates at nearly the same level as the C library libpq. It is primarily intended to serve as the foundation for higher level libraries such as Applications should handle normal queries with a higher level library and only use pgconn directly when required for low-level access to PostgreSQL functionality.

Example Usage

pgConn, err := pgconn.Connect(context.Background(), os.Getenv("DATABASE_URL"))
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalln("pgconn failed to connect:", err)
defer pgConn.Close(context.Background())

result := pgConn.ExecParams(context.Background(), "SELECT email FROM users WHERE id=$1", [][]byte{[]byte("123")}, nil, nil, nil)
for result.NextRow() {
	fmt.Println("User 123 has email:", string(result.Values()[0]))
_, err = result.Close()
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalln("failed reading result:", err)


The pgconn tests require a PostgreSQL database. It will connect to the database specified in the PGX_TEST_CONN_STRING environment variable. The PGX_TEST_CONN_STRING environment variable can be a URL or DSN. In addition, the standard PG* environment variables will be respected. Consider using direnv to simplify environment variable handling.

Example Test Environment

Connect to your PostgreSQL server and run:

create database pgx_test;

Now you can run the tests:

PGX_TEST_CONN_STRING="host=/var/run/postgresql dbname=pgx_test" go test ./...

Connection and Authentication Tests

Pgconn supports multiple connection types and means of authentication. These tests are optional. They will only run if the appropriate environment variable is set. Run go test -v | grep SKIP to see if any tests are being skipped. Most developers will not need to enable these tests. See ci/setup_test.bash for an example set up if you need change authentication code.