git phlow
Git-phlow (pronounced "git flow"), is a CLI extension for git, which provides an extra set of commands to easily use our pragmatic workflow by the same name, Git phlow. It provides a branching model which makes collaboration easy. It also provides automatic issue tracking using GitHub issues.
git-phlows core features include:
works with GitHub and waffle: git-phlow assigns labels to move around user stories on waffle boards, and managing your github issues.
works with jira: sets assignee and does transition
branches based on issues: create a workspace from an issue to ensure traceability
fully automatable:
your branches, ready for your pipeline to integrate, test and merge
Getting started
To get started using this git extension we recommend to read the blogpost about Git-phlow and the entire automated workflow.
Otherwise follow these 3 simple steps to get up and running
Get the tool Download from github releases
Go to your project and create a configuration. You can use the default generated by the git-phlow
git phlow --init # create a new .gitconfig file with a sane set of defaults
- start using the workflow
git phlow workon <issue>
#Add changes
git phlow wrapup
git phlow deliver
Automation systems
We use Travis CI, Concourse CI and Jenkins. They can all be configured to follow git phlow. You can see the Concourse pipeline configured for Git-phlow here
git-phlow on Windows
git-phlow works in PowerShell on windows. There are known issues with cmd rendering formatted text incorrect, and git bash's input being handled incorrectly.
Project status
This is the official repository for the git-phlow extension. The project is currently stable at version 3.8.2 for both windows, macOS and linux.
Contributions are welcome! Please read the contribution guide