go get




After cloning the repos

One line command mysql db

docker run --name mysql -p 3306:3306 -e "MYSQL_DATABASE=muzzdb" -e "MYSQL_USER=user" -e "MYSQL_PASSWORD=strongPass" -e "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rootPass" -d  mysql:latest

or create a local db

  • rename .env.example to .env
  • update .env DB infos , these infos will be loaded in struct settings.Config using kenv
  • run go run main.go

The first time you run the project, it will auto migrate models using struct, i used my ORM korm . So the same code will work with other sql dialects


  • GET /user/create

you will notice password hash the name as a password, so you can copy the name of any user and tested.


  • POST /login
  • email :
  • password: name
  • session encrypted using AES, i prefered over JWT and once implemented it's very straigtforward

this will return a token , and add it to cookies , you are authenticated, you are ready for /profiles you can change cookie session name using middlewares.CookieSessionName


  • GET /profiles?age=x&gender=x this endpoint take only queryParams and get userId from request context passed through the AuthMiddleware

profiles are sorted by distance from the user_id it should look like this:

  "results": [
      "id": 30,
      "name": "qxsjs",
      "gender": "male",
      "age": 52,
      "distanceFromMe": 1.7557933930191036
      "id": 5,
      "name": "vjhyf",
      "gender": "male",
      "age": 53,
      "distanceFromMe": 10.475076919529819
      "id": 20,
      "name": "dmyvl",
      "gender": "male",
      "age": 52,
      "distanceFromMe": 15.032404929858311
      "id": 6,
      "name": "mmzih",
      "gender": "male",
      "age": 56,
      "distanceFromMe": 19.181882524682916
      "id": 12,
      "name": "qfeml",
      "gender": "male",
      "age": 51,
      "distanceFromMe": 25.979435191333025
      "id": 11,
      "name": "pekad",
      "gender": "male",
      "age": 55,
      "distanceFromMe": 26.206583779720727


  • finaly POST /swipe expect in body:
  • profileId : profile.Id
  • preference : 'yes' or 'no'
  • return matched only if both swiper yes

after swipe it should delete the profile and not see it again, you can check /profiles to verify

To Not Miss

file handlers/util.go , these 2 functions took me some time, and remind me when i was studying mechanics :

  • GenerateRandomLocation
  • DistanceBetweenLocations