10 seconds post-login OS security

go, golang, open-source, security, windows, windows11
go get




build status

UltraSecurity is a Go-based utility designed to enhance system security by monitoring the presence of a specific folder on the user's desktop. If the folder named letsgo is not found within 10 seconds of the program's execution, the system will automatically shut down. This tool is particularly useful for ensuring that certain security protocols are followed before allowing the system to remain operational.


  • Folder Monitoring: Checks for the existence of a folder named letsgo on the desktop.
  • Automatic Shutdown: Initiates a system shutdown if the folder is not found within the specified time frame.
  • Administrative Privileges: Requests and utilizes administrative privileges to perform the shutdown operation.
  • Silent Operation: Runs without opening a console window, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Customizable Folder Name: Allows customization of the folder name through build tags.
  • Customizable Timeout: Allows customization of the timeout duration through build tags.


  1. Download the executable or build the executable from source:

    go build -ldflags="-H=windowsgui -s -w" -o ultrasecurity.exe .
    Build the Executable with Custom Folder Name and Timeout

    Use the -tags flag to specify the build tags and the -ldflags flag to pass the custom folder name and timeout when building your executable:

    go build -tags "folder timeout" -ldflags="-X main.folder=letsgo -X main.timeout=15s -H=windowsgui -s -w" -o ultrasecurity.exe .


    • Operating System: Windows 11
    • Go: Version 1.23 or higher
  1. Place in Startup Folder: Copy the ultrasecurity.exe to the Windows startup folder:

    C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
    # Or press Win + R, type shell:startup, and press Enter
    # and move the executable to the opened folder.

    This will ensure that the script runs every time the computer starts up. If the folder "letsgo" is not created on the desktop within 10 seconds, the computer will shut down.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.