Docker volume plugin for creating persistent volumes as a dedicated zfs dataset.
Download the latest binary from github releases and place in /usr/local/bin/
If using a systemd based distribution, copy
docker-zfs-plugin.service to /etc/systemd/system
Then enable and start the service with systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl enable docker-zfs-plugin.service && systemctl start docker-zfs-plugin.service
- Usage
After the plugin is running, you can interact with it through normal docker volume
Recently, support was added for passing in ZFS attributes from the docker volume create
docker volume create -d zfs -o compression=lz4 -o dedup=on --name=tank/docker-volumes/data
- Legacy
The driver was refactored to allow multiple pools and fully qualified dataset names. The master branch has removed all legacy naming options and now fully qualified dataset names are required. If you still have not converted to fully qualified names, please use the latest release in the v0.4.x line until you can switch to non-legacy volume names.