A really f*cking simple logger for Go.

go get


Really F*cking Simple Logger

I wrote this package because I wanted an easy logger that would write out to files and move on to new files at a certain point so that I could safely store past logs. There are probably alternative solutions to this problem, and maybe they are better than writing my own package, but why not, right?

Basic Usage

First, install the package

go get

Before using the logger, call rfsl.Config()

func main() {
    rfsl.Config("/var/logs/mylogs.txt", "", 500000000, rfsl.LOG_LVL_INFO) // 500MB log files

Then you can use the logger with the included functions

rfsl.Trace("This is a trace log!")
rfsl.Warningf("Something unexpected happened! Variable 'x' is %d.", x)
rfsl.Panic("Something very bad happened!")
rfsl.Fatal("A critical error! The program will shut down.")


2022-11-11 00:15:18.3473 TRACE	↦ This is a trace!
2022-11-11 00:15:18.3473 WARN	↦ Something unexpected happened! Variable 'x' is 10.
2022-11-11 00:15:18.3473 PANIC	↦ Something very bad happened!
2022-11-11 00:15:18.3473 FATAL	↦ A critical error! The program will shut down.