Hako is a handy echo HTTP server utility with a simple CLI interface. Also available as a Docker image.

cli, cli-interface, developer-tools, docker-image, echo, echo-server, hako, http-server, utility
go get github.com/sha1n/hako


Go GitHub go.mod Go version Go Report Card Coverage Status Release License: MIT Release Drafter


Hako is an HTTP echo server with a CLI interface that provides some extra features. Hako has been developed to help me develop and test one of my projects and since the need for such utility keeps popping every few years, I thought it would be nice to share it with others.


Install From a Homebrew Tap

# Tap the repository
brew tap sha1n/tap

# Install
brew install hako

# Update
brew upgrade hako

Downloading released binaries

MacOS cURL Example

curl -Lf --compressed -o <~/.local/bin/hako> https://github.com/sha1n/hako/releases/download/v0.6.1/hako-darwin-amd64

chmod +x <~/.local/bin/hako>

Pulling a Public Docker Image

docker pull sha1n/hako

# you can then start the server using 
docker run sha1n/hako
# or with custom arguments 
docker run -p 8090:8080 sha1n/hako /bin/sh -c "/opt/hako start --path /echo/shmecho --delay 1 --verbose --verbose-headers"

Building from sources

git clone git@github.com:sha1n/hako.git
cd hako

# build the Go app (a local Go installation is required)

# optionally copy the binary to your path
cp bin/hako <~/.local/bin/hako>

Building docker image from sources

Use the following command to build a docker image from the local sources. The image will be tagged hako:latest.

make build-docker


Use hako --help for help.

Terminal A:

# run the server~ hako start -p 8090 --path /echo/shmecho --delay 1 --verbose --verbose-headers
# or using the published docker image~ docker run -p 8090:8080 sha1n/hako /bin/sh -c "/opt/hako start --path /echo/shmecho --delay 1 --verbose --verbose-headers"
[HAKO] 2020/03/17 12:32:36 Registering signal listeners for graceful HTTP server shutdown..
[HAKO] 2020/03/17 12:32:36 Staring HTTP Server on :8090
[HAKO] 2020/03/17 12:32:36 Waiting for shutdown signal...
[HAKO] 2020/03/17 12:32:38 Handling request at /echo/shmecho
[HAKO] 2020/03/17 12:32:38 Received headers:

User-Agent : curl/7.64.1
Accept : */*
Content-Type : application/json
Content-Length : 18

[HAKO] 2020/03/17 12:32:38 Received body:

{'Hello': 'World'}

[HAKO] 2020/03/17 12:32:38 Delaying response in 1 millis
[GIN] 2020/03/17 - 12:32:38 | 200 |    1.328925ms |             ::1 | POST     /echo/shmecho
[HAKO] 2020/03/17 12:33:44 Handling request at /non-existing
[GIN] 2020/03/17 - 12:33:44 | 404 |      14.822µs |             ::1 | HEAD     /non-existing

Terminal B:

# posting to an existing URL~ curl -X POST localhost:8090/echo/shmecho -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{'Hello': 'World'}"
{'Hello': 'World'}%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

# heading to a non-existing URL~ curl -I localhost:8090/non-existing
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2020 10:33:44 GMT
Content-Length: 18