
More extra tools for Nginx haskell module

library, network, Propose Tags, Nginx Haskell module, Index, Quick Jump, NgxExport.Tools.Aggregate, NgxExport.Tools.EDE, NgxExport.Tools.PCRE, NgxExport.Tools.Prometheus, NgxExport.Tools.Resolve, NgxExport.Tools.ServiceHookAdaptor, NgxExport.Tools.Subrequest, ansi-wl-pprint, prettyprinter, More info, ngx-export-tools-extra-, browse, Package description, Package maintainers, lyokha, edit package information , aggregate, haskell, nginx, service, stats, web
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More extra tools for Nginx Haskell module

Build Status Hackage

This package contains a collection of Haskell modules with more extra tools for Nginx Haskell module. Detailed documentation on each module's exported functions and data can be found at the Hackage page.

Table of contents

Module NgxExport.Tools.Aggregate

An aggregate service collects custom typed data reported by worker processes and sends this via HTTP when requested. This is an ignitionService in terms of module NgxExport.Tools, which means that it starts upon the startup of the worker process and runs until termination of the worker. Internally, an aggregate service starts an HTTP server implemented via the Snap framework, which serves incoming requests from worker processes (collecting data) as well as from the Nginx server's clients (reporting collected data for administration purpose).

An example
File test_tools_extra_aggregate.hs
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, DeriveGeneric, TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, BangPatterns #-}

module TestToolsExtraAggregate where

import           NgxExport
import           NgxExport.Tools
import           NgxExport.Tools.Aggregate

import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C8L
import           Data.Aeson
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.IORef
import           System.IO.Unsafe
import           GHC.Generics

data Stats = Stats { bytesSent :: Int
                   , requests :: Int
                   , meanBytesSent :: Int
                   } deriving Generic
instance FromJSON Stats
instance ToJSON Stats

stats :: IORef Stats
stats = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef $ Stats 0 0 0
{-# NOINLINE stats #-}

updateStats :: ByteString -> IO C8L.ByteString
updateStats s = voidHandler $ do
    let cbs = readFromByteString @Int s
    modifyIORef' stats $ \(Stats bs rs _) ->
        let !nbs = bs + fromMaybe 0 cbs
            !nrs = rs + 1
            !nmbs = nbs `div` nrs
        in Stats nbs nrs nmbs
ngxExportIOYY 'updateStats

reportStats :: Int -> Bool -> IO C8L.ByteString
reportStats = deferredService $ \port -> voidHandler $ do
    s <- readIORef stats
    reportAggregate port (Just s) "stats"
ngxExportSimpleServiceTyped 'reportStats ''Int $
    PersistentService $ Just $ Sec 5

ngxExportAggregateService "stats" ''Stats

Here, on the bottom line, aggregate service stats is declared. It expects from worker processes reports in JSON format with data of type Stats which includes the number of bytes sent so far, the number of client requests, and the mean value of bytes sent per a single request. Its own configuration (a TCP port and the purge interval) shall be defined in the Nginx configuration file. The reports from worker processes are sent from a deferredService reportStats every 5 seconds: it merely reads data collected in a global IORef stats and then sends this to the aggregate service using reportAggregate. Handler updateStats updates the stats on every run. It accepts a ByteString from Nginx, then converts it to an Int value and interprets this as the number of bytes sent in the current request. It also increments the number or requests and calculates the mean value of bytes sent in all requests to this worker so far. Notice that all the parts of stats are evaluated strictly, it is important!

File nginx.conf
user                    nobody;
worker_processes        2;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

http {
    default_type        application/octet-stream;
    sendfile            on;

    haskell load /var/lib/nginx/;

    haskell_run_service simpleService_aggregate_stats $hs_stats
            'AggregateServerConf { asPort = 8100, asPurgeInterval = Min 5 }';

    haskell_service_var_in_shm stats 32k /tmp $hs_stats;

    haskell_run_service simpleService_reportStats $hs_reportStats 8100;

    server {
        listen       8010;
        server_name  main;
        error_log    /tmp/nginx-test-haskell-error.log;
        access_log   /tmp/nginx-test-haskell-access.log;

        haskell_run updateStats !$hs_updateStats $bytes_sent;

        location / {
            echo Ok;

    server {
        listen       8020;
        server_name  stat;

        location / {
            deny all;

The aggregate service stats must be referred from the Nginx configuration file with prefix simpleService_aggregate_. Its configuration is typed, the type is AggregateServerConf. Though its only constructor AggregateServerConf is not exported from this module, the service is still configurable from an Nginx configuration. Here, the aggregate service listens on TCP port 8100, and its purge interval is 5 minutes. Notice that an aggregate service must be shared (here, variable hs_stats is declared as shared with Nginx directive haskell_service_var_in_shm), otherwise it won't even start because the internal HTTP servers on each worker process won't be able to bind to the same TCP port. Inside the upper server clause, handler updateStats runs on every client request. This handler always returns an empty string in variable hs_updateStats because it is only needed for the side effect of updating the stats. However, as soon as Nginx variable handlers are lazy, evaluation of hs_updateStats must be forced somehow. To achieve this, we used the strict annotation (the bang symbol) in directive haskell_run that enforces strict evaluation in a late request processing phase, when the value of variable bytes_sent has been already calculated.

Data collected by the aggregate service can be obtained in a request to the virtual server listening on TCP port 8020. It simply proxies requests to the internal aggregate server with URL /get/stats where stats corresponds to the name of the aggregate service.

A simple test

As far as reportStats is a deferred service, we won't get useful data in 5 seconds after Nginx start.

$ curl -s '' | jq

However, later we should get some useful data.

$ curl -s '' | jq
    "21651": [
        "meanBytesSent": 0,
        "requests": 0,
        "bytesSent": 0
    "21652": [
        "meanBytesSent": 0,
        "requests": 0,
        "bytesSent": 0

Here we have collected stats from the two Nginx worker processes with PIDs 21651 and 21652. The timestamps show when the stats was updated the last time. The topmost timestamp shows the time of the latest purge event. The data itself have only zeros as soon we have made no request to the main server so far. Let's run 100 simultaneous requests and look at the stats (it should update at worst in 5 seconds after running them).

$ for i in {1..100} ; do curl '' & done

Wait 5 seconds...

$ curl -s '' | jq
    "21651": [
        "meanBytesSent": 183,
        "requests": 84,
        "bytesSent": 15372
    "21652": [
        "meanBytesSent": 183,
        "requests": 16,
        "bytesSent": 2928

Service simpleService_aggregate_stats was implemented using Snap framework. Basically, a native Nginx implementation is not easy because the service must listen on a single (not duplicated) file descriptor which is not the case when Nginx spawns more than one worker processes. Running simpleService_aggregate_stats as a shared service is an elegant solution as shared services guarantee that they occupy only one worker at a time. However, nginx-haskell-module provides directive single_listener which can be used to apply the required restriction in a custom Nginx virtual server. This directive requires that the virtual server listens with option reuseport and is only available on Linux with socket option SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF.

Exporter ngxExportAggregateService exports additional handlers to build a native Nginx-based aggregate service. Let's replace service simpleService_aggregate_stats from the previous example with such a native Nginx-based aggregate service using single_listener and listening on port 8100.

user                    nobody;
worker_processes        2;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

http {
    default_type        application/octet-stream;
    sendfile            on;

    haskell load /var/lib/nginx/;

    haskell_run_service simpleService_reportStats $hs_reportStats 8100;

    haskell_var_empty_on_error $hs_stats;

    server {
        listen       8010;
        server_name  main;
        error_log    /tmp/nginx-test-haskell-error.log;
        access_log   /tmp/nginx-test-haskell-access.log;

        haskell_run updateStats !$hs_updateStats $bytes_sent;

        location / {
            echo Ok;

    server {
        listen       8020;
        server_name  stat;

        location / {
            deny all;

    server {
        listen          8100 reuseport;
        server_name     stats;

        single_listener on;

        location /put/stats {
            haskell_run_async_on_request_body receiveAggregate_stats
                    $hs_stats "Min 1";

            if ($hs_stats = '') {
                return 400;

            return 200;

        location /get/stats {
            haskell_async_content sendAggregate_stats noarg;

Handler receiveAggregate_stats accepts a time interval corresponding to the value of asPurgeInterval from service simpleService_aggregate_stats. If the value is not readable (say, noarg) then it is defaulted to Min 5.

Notice that the stats server must listen on address because service simpleService_reportStats reports stats to this address.

Module NgxExport.Tools.EDE

This module allows for complex parsing of JSON objects with EDE templating language. In terms of module NgxExport.Tools, it exports a single-shot service compileEDETemplates to configure a list of templates parameterized by a simple key, and two variable handlers renderEDETemplate and renderEDETemplateFromFreeValue for parsing JSON objects and substitution of extracted data into provided EDE templates. The former handler is asynchronous and suitable for parsing JSON objects POSTed in a request body, while the latter is synchronous and can parse JSON objects contained in Nginx variables.

An example
File test_tools_extra_ede.hs
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module TestToolsExtraEDE where

import           NgxExport
import           NgxExport.Tools.EDE ()

import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.URI as URI

urlDecode :: ByteString -> L.ByteString
urlDecode = L.fromStrict . URI.urlDecode False

ngxExportYY 'urlDecode

We are going to use urlDecode to decode JSON values contained in HTTP cookies. Notice that we are not using any Haskell declarations from module NgxExport.Tools.EDE while still need to import this to access the three handlers from the Nginx configuration. This situation is quite valid though not usual to ghc, and to make it keep silence, an explicit empty import list was added at the end of the import stanza.

File nginx.conf
user                    nobody;
worker_processes        2;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

http {
    default_type        application/octet-stream;
    sendfile            on;

    haskell load /var/lib/nginx/;

    haskell_run_service simpleService_compileEDETemplates $hs_EDETemplates

    server {
        listen       8010;
        server_name  main;
        error_log    /tmp/nginx-test-haskell-error.log;
        access_log   /tmp/nginx-test-haskell-access.log;

        location / {
            haskell_run_async_on_request_body renderEDETemplate $hs_user user;
            rewrite ^ /internal/user/$hs_user last;

        location ~ ^/internal/user/(EDE\ ERROR:.*) {
            echo_status 404;
            echo "Bad input: $1";

        location ~ ^/internal/user/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$ {
            echo "User id: $1, options: $2, path: $3";

        location ~ ^/internal/user/(.*) {
            echo_status 404;
            echo "Unexpected input: $1";

        location /cookie {
            haskell_run urlDecode $hs_cookie_user $cookie_user;
            haskell_run renderEDETemplateFromFreeValue $hs_user_from_cookie
            rewrite ^ /internal/user/$hs_user_from_cookie last;

There is an EDE template declared by the argument of service simpleService_compileEDETemplates. The template will be accessed later in the asynchronous body handler renderEDETemplate with key user. Path /var/lib/nginx/EDE can be used in the templates to include more rules from files located inside it, but we do not actually use this here.

The rule inside template user says: with given JSON object,

  • print object id inside a top object user,
  • print slash,
  • print object ops inside the top object user filtered by function b64,
  • print slash,
  • print object path inside a top object resources filtered by function uenc.

Functions b64 and uenc are polymorphic filters in terms of EDE language. There are many filters shipped with EDE, but b64 and uenc were defined in this module.

  • b64 encodes an Aeson's Value using base64url encoding,
  • uenc encodes an Aeson's Value using URL encoding rules.

So, basically, we used renderEDETemplate to decompose POSTed JSON objects and then rewrite requests to other locations where the URL path after substitution of the extracted and then encoded into variable hs_user fields points to. Handler renderEDETemplateFromFreeValue in location /cookie does the same but reads JSON objects from HTTP cookie user.

A simple test
$ curl -d '{"user": {"id" : "user1", "ops": ["op1", "op2"]}, "resources": {"path": "/opt/users"}}' 'http://localhost:8010/'
User id: user1, options: WyJvcDEiLCJvcDIiXQ==, path: %2Fopt%2Fusers

Let's try to send a broken (in any meaning) input value.

$ curl -d '{"user": {"id" : "user1", "ops": ["op1", "op2"]}, "resources": {"p": "/opt/users"}}' 'http://localhost:8010/'
Bad input: EDE ERROR: Text.EDE.parse:1:32 error: variable resources.path doesn't exist.

Now we got response with HTTP status 404 and a comprehensive description of what went wrong. To not mess rewrite logic and error responses, variable hs_user can be listed inside directive haskell_var_empty_on_error in the Nginx configuration.

    haskell_var_empty_on_error $hs_user;

Now the variable will always be empty on errors, while the errors will still be logged by Nginx in the error log.

Let's read user data encoded in HTTP cookie user.

$ curl -b 'user=%7B%22user%22%3A%20%7B%22id%22%20%3A%20%22user1%22%2C%20%22ops%22%3A%20%5B%22op1%22%2C%20%22op2%22%5D%7D%2C%20%22resources%22%3A%20%7B%22path%22%3A%20%22%2Fopt%2Fusers%22%7D%7D' 'http://localhost:8010/cookie'
User id: user1, options: WyJvcDEiLCJvcDIiXQ==, path: %2Fopt%2Fusers

Module NgxExport.Tools.PCRE

This module provides a simple handler matchRegex to match a value against a PCRE regex preliminary declared and compiled in configuration service simpleService_declareRegexes (which is an ignitionService in terms of module NgxExport.Tools) and the corresponding service update hook (in terms of module NgxExport) compileRegexes at the start of the service.

An example
File test_tools_extra_pcre.hs
module TestToolsExtraPCRE where

import NgxExport.Tools.PCRE ()

The file does not contain any significant declarations as we are going to use only the exporters of the handlers.

File nginx.conf
user                    nobody;
worker_processes        2;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

http {
    default_type        application/octet-stream;
    sendfile            on;

    haskell load /var/lib/nginx/;

    haskell_run_service simpleService_declareRegexes $hs_regexes
            '[("userArea", "(?:\\\\|)(\\\\d+)$", "")
             ,("keyValue", "(k\\\\w+)(\\\\|)(v\\\\w+)", "i")

    haskell_var_empty_on_error $hs_kv;

    server {
        listen       8010;
        server_name  main;
        error_log    /tmp/nginx-test-haskell-error.log;
        access_log   /tmp/nginx-test-haskell-access.log;

        location / {
            haskell_run matchRegex $hs_user_area 'userArea|$arg_user';
            rewrite ^ /internal/user/area/$hs_user_area last;

        location ~ ^/internal/user/area/(PCRE\ ERROR:.*) {
            echo_status 404;
            echo "Bad input: $1";

        location = /internal/user/area/ {
            echo_status 404;
            echo "No user area attached";

        location ~ ^/internal/user/area/(.+) {
            echo "User area: $1";

In this example, we expect requests with argument user which should supposedly be tagged with an area code containing digits only. The user value should match against regex userArea declared alongside with another regex keyValue (the latter has an option i which corresponds to caseless; the regex compiler has also support for options s and m which correspond to dotall and multiline respectively). Notice that regex declarations require 4-fold backslashes as they are getting shrunk while interpreted sequentially by the Nginx configuration interpreter and then by the Haskell compiler too.

Handler matchRegex finds the named regex userArea from the beginning of its argument: the second part of the argument is delimited by a bar symbol and contains the value to match against. If the regex contains captures, then the matched value shall correspond to the contents of the first capture (in case of userArea, this is the area code), otherwise it must correspond to the whole matched value.

A simple test
$ curl 'http://localhost:8010/'
No user area attached
$ curl 'http://localhost:8010/?user=peter|98'
User area: 98
$ curl 'http://localhost:8010/?user=peter|98i'
No user area attached

There are handlers to make substitutions using PCRE regexes. An ignitionService simpleService_mapSubs declares named plain substitutions which are made in run-time by handlers subRegex and gsubRegex. Functions subRegexWith and gsubRegexWith make it possible to write custom functional substitutions.

Let's extend our example by adding ability to erase the captured area code. We also going to implement a functional substitution to swap the keys and the values matched in the keyValue regex.

File test_tools_extra_pcre.hs
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, LambdaCase #-}

module TestToolsExtraPCRE where

import           NgxExport
import           NgxExport.Tools.PCRE

import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L

gsubSwapAround :: ByteString -> IO L.ByteString
gsubSwapAround = gsubRegexWith $ const $ \case
    a : d : b : _ -> B.concat [b, d, a]
    _ -> B.empty

ngxExportIOYY 'gsubSwapAround

Functional substitution handler gsubSwapAround expects a regular expression with at least 3 capture groups to swap the contents of the first and the third groups around. We are going to apply this handler against regex keyValue.

File nginx.conf: erase area code and swap keys and values
    haskell_run_service simpleService_mapSubs $hs_subs
            '[("erase", "")]';

    haskell_var_empty_on_error $hs_kv;
        location /erase/area {
            haskell_run subRegex $hs_user_no_area 'userArea|erase|$arg_user';
            rewrite ^ /internal/user/noarea/$hs_user_no_area last;

        location ~ ^/internal/user/noarea/(PCRE\ ERROR:.*) {
            echo_status 404;
            echo "Bad input: $1";

        location ~ ^/internal/user/noarea/(.*) {
            echo "User without area: $1";

        location /swap {
            haskell_run gsubSwapAround $hs_kv 'keyValue|$arg_kv';
            echo "Swap $arg_kv = $hs_kv";

Service simpleService_mapSubs declares a list of named plain substitutions. In this example, it declares only one substitution erase which substitutes an empty string, i.e. erases the matched text. Notice that the argument of handler subRequest requires three parts delimited by bar symbols: the named regex, the named substitution, and the value to match against.

A simple test
$ curl 'http://localhost:8010/erase/area?user=peter|98'
User without area: peter
$ curl 'http://localhost:8010/swap?kv=kid|v0012a
Swap kid|v0012a = v0012a|kid

Module NgxExport.Tools.Prometheus

This module is aimed to convert custom counters from nginx-custom-counters-module to Prometheus metrics. For this, it exposes four exporters: prometheusConf which is an ignitionService in terms of module NgxExport.Tools, toPrometheusMetrics to convert custom counters to Prometheus metrics, prometheusMetrics which is a content handler aiming to return Prometheus metrics to the client, and a handy utility scale1000 to convert small floating point numbers to integers by multiplying them by 1000 (which fits well for dealing with request durations).

The module makes use of a few custom data types which are not exported while still needed when writing Nginx configurations. In the following example they are used in configurations of simpleService_prometheusConf and toPrometheusMetrics.

An example
File test_tools_extra_prometheus.hs
module TestToolsExtraPrometheus where

import NgxExport.Tools.Prometheus ()

The file does not contain any significant declarations as we are going to use only the exporters.

File nginx.conf
user                    nobody;
worker_processes        2;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

http {
    default_type        application/octet-stream;
    sendfile            on;

    map $status $inc_cnt_4xx {
        default         0;
        '~^4(?:\d){2}'  1;

    map $status $inc_cnt_5xx {
        default         0;
        '~^5(?:\d){2}'  1;

    map_to_range_index $hs_request_time $request_time_bucket

    map_to_range_index $hs_bytes_sent $bytes_sent_bucket

    haskell load /var/lib/nginx/;

    haskell_run_service simpleService_prometheusConf $hs_prometheus_conf
                { pcMetrics = fromList
                    [("cnt_4xx", "Number of responses with 4xx status")
                    ,("cnt_5xx", "Number of responses with 5xx status")
                    ,("cnt_stub_status_active", "Active requests")
                    ,("cnt_uptime", "Nginx master uptime")
                    ,("cnt_uptime_reload", "Nginx master uptime after reload")
                    ,("hst_request_time", "Request duration")
                , pcGauges = fromList
                , pcScale1000 = fromList

    haskell_var_empty_on_error $hs_prom_metrics;

    counters_survive_reload on;

    server {
        listen       8010;
        server_name  main;
        error_log    /tmp/nginx-test-haskell-error.log;
        access_log   /tmp/nginx-test-haskell-access.log;

        counter $cnt_4xx inc $inc_cnt_4xx;
        counter $cnt_5xx inc $inc_cnt_5xx;

        # cache $request_time and $bytes_sent
        haskell_run ! $hs_request_time $request_time;
        haskell_run ! $hs_bytes_sent $bytes_sent;

        histogram $hst_request_time 11 $request_time_bucket;
        haskell_run scale1000 $hs_request_time_scaled $hs_request_time;
        counter $hst_request_time_sum inc $hs_request_time_scaled;

        histogram $hst_bytes_sent 6 $bytes_sent_bucket;
        counter $hst_bytes_sent_sum inc $hs_bytes_sent;

        location / {
            echo_sleep 0.5;
            echo Ok;

        location /1 {
            echo_sleep 1.0;
            echo Ok;

        location /404 {
            return 404;

    server {
        listen       8020;
        server_name  stats;

        location / {
            haskell_run toPrometheusMetrics $hs_prom_metrics
                     ,{"cnt_stub_status_active": $cnt_stub_status_active
                      ,"cnt_uptime": $cnt_uptime
                      ,"cnt_uptime_reload": $cnt_uptime_reload

            if ($hs_prom_metrics = '') {
                return 503;

            default_type "text/plain; version=0.0.4; charset=utf-8";

            echo -n $hs_prom_metrics;

        location /counters {
            default_type application/json;
            echo $cnt_collection;

        location /histograms {
            default_type application/json;
            echo $cnt_histograms;

        location /uptime {
            echo "Uptime (after reload): $cnt_uptime ($cnt_uptime_reload)";

Type PrometheusConf contains fields pcMetrics, pcGauges, and pcScale1000. Field pcMetrics is a map from metrics names to help messages: this can be used to bind small descriptions to the metrics as nginx-custom-counters-module does not provide such functionality. Setting descriptions to counters is optional. Field pcGauges lists counters that must be regarded as gauges: the number of currently active requests is obviously a gauge. Field pcScale1000 contains a list of counters that were scaled with scale1000 and must be converted back.

Handler toPrometheusMetrics expects 4 fields: the name of the counter set identifier — in our example there is only one counter set main, predefined variables cnt_collection and cnt_histograms from nginx-custom-counters-module, and a list of additional counters — in our example there are three additional counters cnt_stub_status_active, cnt_uptime, and cnt_uptime_reload which are also defined in nginx-custom-counters-module.

To fulfill histogram description in Prometheus, the sum value must be provided. Histogram sums are not supported in nginx-custom-counters-module, and therefore they must be declared in separate counters. In this example there are two histograms collecting request durations and the number of sent bytes, and accordingly, there are two sum counters: hst_request_time_sum and hst_bytes_sent_sum. As request durations may last milliseconds while being shown in seconds, they must be scaled with scale1000.

To further ensure histogram validity, it is important to have the last bucket in a histogram labeled as "+Inf". This is achieved automatically when the number of range boundaries in directive map_to_range_index is less by one than the number in the corresponding histogram declaration: in this example, the map for request_time_bucket has 10 range boundaries while histogram hst_request_time has 11 buckets, the map for bytes_sent_bucket has 5 range boundaries while histogram hst_bytes_sent has 6 buckets.

Notice that the variable handler toPrometheusMetrics and directive echo in location / can be replaced with a single content handler prometheusMetrics like in the following block.

        location / {
            haskell_async_content prometheusMetrics
                     ,{"cnt_stub_status_active": $cnt_stub_status_active
                      ,"cnt_uptime": $cnt_uptime
                      ,"cnt_uptime_reload": $cnt_uptime_reload
A simple test

Let's look at the metrics right after starting Nginx.

$ curl -s 'http://localhost:8020/'
# HELP cnt_4xx Number of responses with 4xx status
# TYPE cnt_4xx counter
cnt_4xx 0.0
# HELP cnt_5xx Number of responses with 5xx status
# TYPE cnt_5xx counter
cnt_5xx 0.0
# HELP cnt_stub_status_active Active requests
# TYPE cnt_stub_status_active gauge
cnt_stub_status_active 1.0
# HELP cnt_uptime Nginx master uptime
# TYPE cnt_uptime counter
cnt_uptime 8.0
# HELP cnt_uptime_reload Nginx master uptime after reload
# TYPE cnt_uptime_reload counter
cnt_uptime_reload 8.0
# HELP hst_bytes_sent 
# TYPE hst_bytes_sent histogram
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="0"} 0
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="10"} 0
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="100"} 0
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="1000"} 0
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="10000"} 0
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="+Inf"} 0
hst_bytes_sent_count 0
hst_bytes_sent_sum 0.0
# HELP hst_bytes_sent_err 
# TYPE hst_bytes_sent_err counter
hst_bytes_sent_err 0.0
# HELP hst_request_time Request duration
# TYPE hst_request_time histogram
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.005"} 0
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.01"} 0
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.05"} 0
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.1"} 0
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.5"} 0
hst_request_time_bucket{le="1.0"} 0
hst_request_time_bucket{le="5.0"} 0
hst_request_time_bucket{le="10.0"} 0
hst_request_time_bucket{le="30.0"} 0
hst_request_time_bucket{le="60.0"} 0
hst_request_time_bucket{le="+Inf"} 0
hst_request_time_count 0
hst_request_time_sum 0.0
# HELP hst_request_time_err 
# TYPE hst_request_time_err counter
hst_request_time_err 0.0

Run some requests and look at the metrics again.

$ for i in {1..20} ; do curl -D- 'http://localhost:8010/' & done
$ for i in {1..30} ; do curl -D- 'http://localhost:8010/1' & done
$ curl ''
$ curl -s 'http://localhost:8020/'
# HELP cnt_4xx Number of responses with 4xx status
# TYPE cnt_4xx counter
cnt_4xx 1.0
# HELP cnt_5xx Number of responses with 5xx status
# TYPE cnt_5xx counter
cnt_5xx 0.0
# HELP cnt_stub_status_active Active requests
# TYPE cnt_stub_status_active gauge
cnt_stub_status_active 1.0
# HELP cnt_uptime Nginx master uptime
# TYPE cnt_uptime counter
cnt_uptime 371.0
# HELP cnt_uptime_reload Nginx master uptime after reload
# TYPE cnt_uptime_reload counter
cnt_uptime_reload 371.0
# HELP hst_bytes_sent 
# TYPE hst_bytes_sent histogram
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="0"} 0
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="10"} 0
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="100"} 0
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="1000"} 51
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="10000"} 51
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="+Inf"} 51
hst_bytes_sent_count 51
hst_bytes_sent_sum 9458.0
# HELP hst_bytes_sent_err 
# TYPE hst_bytes_sent_err counter
hst_bytes_sent_err 0.0
# HELP hst_request_time Request duration
# TYPE hst_request_time histogram
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.005"} 1
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.01"} 1
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.05"} 1
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.1"} 1
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.5"} 13
hst_request_time_bucket{le="1.0"} 44
hst_request_time_bucket{le="5.0"} 51
hst_request_time_bucket{le="10.0"} 51
hst_request_time_bucket{le="30.0"} 51
hst_request_time_bucket{le="60.0"} 51
hst_request_time_bucket{le="+Inf"} 51
hst_request_time_count 51
hst_request_time_sum 40.006
# HELP hst_request_time_err 
# TYPE hst_request_time_err counter
hst_request_time_err 0.0

Module NgxExport.Tools.Prometheus has limited support for extracting data from lists of values. Normally, variables from Nginx upstream module such as upstream_status, upstream_response_time and others contain lists of values separated by commas and semicolons. With handler statusLayout, numbers of 2xx, 3xx, 4xx and 5xx responses from backends can be collected in a comma-separated list. Handlers cumulativeValue and cumulativeFPValue can be used to count cumulative integer and floating point numbers from lists of values.

Let's add checking upstream statuses and cumulative response times from all servers in an upstream into the original file nginx.conf from the previous example.

File nginx.conf: checking upstream statuses and response times
    upstream backends {
        server max_fails=0;
        server max_fails=0;
    server {
        listen       8030;
        server_name  backend1;

        location / {
            echo_sleep 0.5;
            echo_status 404;
            echo "Backend1 Ok";

    server {
        listen       8040;
        server_name  backend2;

        location / {
            echo_status 504;
            echo "Backend2 Ok";

Here we added upstream backends with two virtual servers that will play the role of backends. One of them will wait for half a second and return HTTP status 404, while the other will return HTTP status 504 immediately. Both servers are tagged with max_fails=0 to prevent blacklisting them.

We also have to add counters and mappings.

    map $hs_upstream_status $inc_cnt_u_4xx {
        default                               0;
        '~^(?:(?:\d+),){2}(?P<m_status>\d+)'  $m_status;

    map $hs_upstream_status $inc_cnt_u_5xx {
        default                               0;
        '~^(?:(?:\d+),){3}(?P<m_status>\d+)'  $m_status;

    map_to_range_index $hs_u_response_time $u_response_time_bucket
        haskell_run statusLayout $hs_upstream_status $upstream_status;
        counter $cnt_u_4xx inc $inc_cnt_u_4xx;
        counter $cnt_u_5xx inc $inc_cnt_u_5xx;

        # cache $upstream_response_time
        haskell_run ! $hs_u_response_times $upstream_response_time;

        histogram $hst_u_response_time 11 $u_response_time_bucket;
        histogram $hst_u_response_time undo;
        haskell_run cumulativeFPValue $hs_u_response_time $hs_u_response_times;
        haskell_run scale1000 $hs_u_response_time_scaled $hs_u_response_time;

Notice that histogram hst_u_response_time was disabled on this level to not count visiting unrelated locations (i.e. /, /1, and /404): the histogram will be re-enabled later in locations related to proxying requests. The sum counter will also be declared inside the proxying locations and take the value of hs_u_response_time_scaled as the input value.

So many new variables require a bigger hash table to store them.

    variables_hash_max_size 4096;

And finally, we have to update counters declarations in simpleService_prometheusConf and add location /backends in the main server.

    haskell_run_service simpleService_prometheusConf $hs_prometheus_conf
                { pcMetrics = fromList
                    [("cnt_4xx", "Number of responses with 4xx status")
                    ,("cnt_5xx", "Number of responses with 5xx status")
                     ,"Number of responses from upstreams with 4xx status")
                     ,"Number of responses from upstreams with 5xx status")
                    ,("cnt_stub_status_active", "Active requests")
                    ,("cnt_uptime", "Nginx master uptime")
                    ,("cnt_uptime_reload", "Nginx master uptime after reload")
                    ,("hst_request_time", "Request duration")
                     ,"Response time from all servers in a single upstream")
                , pcGauges = fromList
                , pcScale1000 = fromList
        location /backends {
            histogram $hst_u_response_time reuse;
            counter $hst_u_response_time_sum inc $hs_u_response_time_scaled;
            error_page 404 @status404;
            proxy_intercept_errors on;
            proxy_pass http://backends;

        location @status404 {
            histogram $hst_u_response_time reuse;
            counter $hst_u_response_time_sum inc $hs_u_response_time_scaled;
            echo_sleep 0.2;
            echo "Caught 404";

We are going to additionally increase response time by 0.2 seconds when a backend server responds with HTTP status 404, and this is why location @status404 was added.

A simple test

Let's restart Nginx and run a simple test.

$ for i in {1..20} ; do curl -D- 'http://localhost:8010/backends' & done
$ curl -s ''
# HELP cnt_4xx Number of responses with 4xx status
# TYPE cnt_4xx counter
cnt_4xx 11.0
# HELP cnt_5xx Number of responses with 5xx status
# TYPE cnt_5xx counter
cnt_5xx 9.0
# HELP cnt_stub_status_active Active requests
# TYPE cnt_stub_status_active gauge
cnt_stub_status_active 1.0
# HELP cnt_u_4xx Number of responses from upstreams with 4xx status
# TYPE cnt_u_4xx counter
cnt_u_4xx 11.0
# HELP cnt_u_5xx Number of responses from upstreams with 5xx status
# TYPE cnt_u_5xx counter
cnt_u_5xx 9.0
# HELP cnt_uptime Nginx master uptime
# TYPE cnt_uptime counter
cnt_uptime 63.0
# HELP cnt_uptime_reload Nginx master uptime after reload
# TYPE cnt_uptime_reload counter
cnt_uptime_reload 63.0
# HELP hst_bytes_sent
# TYPE hst_bytes_sent histogram
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="0"} 0
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="10"} 0
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="100"} 0
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="1000"} 20
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="10000"} 20
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="+Inf"} 20
hst_bytes_sent_count 20
hst_bytes_sent_sum 4032.0
# HELP hst_bytes_sent_err
# TYPE hst_bytes_sent_err counter
hst_bytes_sent_err 0.0
# HELP hst_request_time Request duration
# TYPE hst_request_time histogram
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.005"} 9
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.01"} 9
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.05"} 9
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.1"} 9
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.5"} 9
hst_request_time_bucket{le="1.0"} 20
hst_request_time_bucket{le="5.0"} 20
hst_request_time_bucket{le="10.0"} 20
hst_request_time_bucket{le="30.0"} 20
hst_request_time_bucket{le="60.0"} 20
hst_request_time_bucket{le="+Inf"} 20
hst_request_time_count 20
hst_request_time_sum 7.721
# HELP hst_request_time_err
# TYPE hst_request_time_err counter
hst_request_time_err 0.0
# HELP hst_u_response_time Response time from all servers in a single upstream
# TYPE hst_u_response_time histogram
hst_u_response_time_bucket{le="0.005"} 9
hst_u_response_time_bucket{le="0.01"} 9
hst_u_response_time_bucket{le="0.05"} 9
hst_u_response_time_bucket{le="0.1"} 9
hst_u_response_time_bucket{le="0.5"} 13
hst_u_response_time_bucket{le="1.0"} 20
hst_u_response_time_bucket{le="5.0"} 20
hst_u_response_time_bucket{le="10.0"} 20
hst_u_response_time_bucket{le="30.0"} 20
hst_u_response_time_bucket{le="60.0"} 20
hst_u_response_time_bucket{le="+Inf"} 20
hst_u_response_time_count 20
hst_u_response_time_sum 5.519
# HELP hst_u_response_time_err
# TYPE hst_u_response_time_err counter
hst_u_response_time_err 0.0

Counters look good. Numbers of visiting backend servers are almost equal (11 and 9), the sum of cumulative response times from backends is approximately 5 seconds, while the sum of all requests durations is approximately 7 seconds which corresponds to 11 visits to location @status404 and the sleep time 0.2 seconds that was added there.

In the previous examples we used many counters which served similar purposes. For example, counters cnt_4xx, cnt_5xx, cnt_u_4xx, and cnt_u_5xx counted response statuses in different conditions: particularly, the 2 former counters counted 4xx and 5xx response statuses sent to clients, while the latter 2 counters counted 4xx and 5xx response statuses received from the upstream. It feels that they could be shown as a single compound counter parameterized by the range of values and the origin. We also had two histograms hst_request_time and hst_u_response_time which could also be combined in a single entity parameterized by the scope (the time of the whole request against the time spent in the upstream).

Fortunately, Prometheus provides a mechanism to make such custom parameterizations by using labels in metrics. This module supports the parameterization with labels by expecting special annotations attached to the names of the counters.

Let's parameterize the status counters and the request times as it was proposed at the beginning of this section.

File nginx.conf: changes related to counters annotations
    haskell_run_service simpleService_prometheusConf $hs_prometheus_conf
                { pcMetrics = fromList
                    [("cnt_status", "Number of responses with given status")
                    ,("cnt_stub_status_active", "Active requests")
                    ,("cnt_uptime", "Nginx master uptime")
                    ,("cnt_uptime_reload", "Nginx master uptime after reload")
                    ,("hst_request_time", "Request duration")
                , pcGauges = fromList
                , pcScale1000 = fromList
        counter $cnt_status@value=(4xx),from=(response) inc $inc_cnt_4xx;
        counter $cnt_status@value=(5xx),from=(response) inc $inc_cnt_5xx;

        haskell_run statusLayout $hs_upstream_status $upstream_status;
        counter $cnt_status@value=(4xx),from=(upstream) inc $inc_cnt_u_4xx;
        counter $cnt_status@value=(5xx),from=(upstream) inc $inc_cnt_u_5xx;

        # cache $request_time and $bytes_sent
        haskell_run ! $hs_request_time $request_time;
        haskell_run ! $hs_bytes_sent $bytes_sent;

        histogram $hst_request_time@scope=(total) 11 $request_time_bucket;
        haskell_run scale1000 $hs_request_time_scaled $hs_request_time;
        counter $hst_request_time@scope=(total)_sum inc $hs_request_time_scaled;

        histogram $hst_bytes_sent 6 $bytes_sent_bucket;
        counter $hst_bytes_sent_sum inc $hs_bytes_sent;

        # cache $upstream_response_time
        haskell_run ! $hs_u_response_times $upstream_response_time;

        histogram $hst_request_time@scope=(in_upstreams) 11
        histogram $hst_request_time@scope=(in_upstreams) undo;
        haskell_run cumulativeFPValue $hs_u_response_time $hs_u_response_times;
        haskell_run scale1000 $hs_u_response_time_scaled $hs_u_response_time;

        location / {
            echo_sleep 0.5;
            echo Ok;

        location /1 {
            echo_sleep 1.0;
            echo Ok;

        location /404 {
            return 404;

        location /backends {
            histogram $hst_request_time@scope=(in_upstreams) reuse;
            counter $hst_request_time@scope=(in_upstreams)_sum inc
            error_page 404 @status404;
            proxy_intercept_errors on;
            proxy_pass http://backends;

        location @status404 {
            histogram $hst_request_time@scope=(in_upstreams) reuse;
            counter $hst_request_time@scope=(in_upstreams)_sum inc
            echo_sleep 0.2;
            echo "Caught 404";

Notice that the 4 status counters were combined into a compound counter cnt_status whose name was annotated by a tail starting with @. This annotation gets put in the list of labels of the Prometheus metrics with symbols ( and ) replaced by " without any further validation. The request time histograms and the corresponding sum counters were annotated in a similar way. Annotations in histogram sum counters must be put between the base name of the counter and the suffix _sum.

A simple test
$ curl ''
$ for i in {1..20} ; do curl -D- 'http://localhost:8010/backends' & done
$ curl -s 'http://localhost:8020/' 
# HELP cnt_status Number of responses with given status
# TYPE cnt_status counter
cnt_status{value="4xx",from="response"} 11.0
cnt_status{value="4xx",from="upstream"} 10.0
cnt_status{value="5xx",from="response"} 10.0
cnt_status{value="5xx",from="upstream"} 10.0
# HELP cnt_stub_status_active Active requests
# TYPE cnt_stub_status_active gauge
cnt_stub_status_active 1.0
# HELP cnt_uptime Nginx master uptime
# TYPE cnt_uptime counter
cnt_uptime 70.0
# HELP cnt_uptime_reload Nginx master uptime after reload
# TYPE cnt_uptime_reload counter
cnt_uptime_reload 70.0
# HELP hst_bytes_sent 
# TYPE hst_bytes_sent histogram
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="0"} 0
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="10"} 0
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="100"} 0
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="1000"} 21
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="10000"} 21
hst_bytes_sent_bucket{le="+Inf"} 21
hst_bytes_sent_count 21
hst_bytes_sent_sum 4348.0
# HELP hst_bytes_sent_err 
# TYPE hst_bytes_sent_err counter
hst_bytes_sent_err 0.0
# HELP hst_request_time Request duration
# TYPE hst_request_time histogram
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.005",scope="in_upstreams"} 10
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.01",scope="in_upstreams"} 10
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.05",scope="in_upstreams"} 10
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.1",scope="in_upstreams"} 10
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.5",scope="in_upstreams"} 14
hst_request_time_bucket{le="1.0",scope="in_upstreams"} 20
hst_request_time_bucket{le="5.0",scope="in_upstreams"} 20
hst_request_time_bucket{le="10.0",scope="in_upstreams"} 20
hst_request_time_bucket{le="30.0",scope="in_upstreams"} 20
hst_request_time_bucket{le="60.0",scope="in_upstreams"} 20
hst_request_time_bucket{le="+Inf",scope="in_upstreams"} 20
hst_request_time_count{scope="in_upstreams"} 20
hst_request_time_sum{scope="in_upstreams"} 5.012
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.005",scope="total"} 11
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.01",scope="total"} 11
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.05",scope="total"} 11
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.1",scope="total"} 11
hst_request_time_bucket{le="0.5",scope="total"} 11
hst_request_time_bucket{le="1.0",scope="total"} 21
hst_request_time_bucket{le="5.0",scope="total"} 21
hst_request_time_bucket{le="10.0",scope="total"} 21
hst_request_time_bucket{le="30.0",scope="total"} 21
hst_request_time_bucket{le="60.0",scope="total"} 21
hst_request_time_bucket{le="+Inf",scope="total"} 21
hst_request_time_count{scope="total"} 21
hst_request_time_sum{scope="total"} 7.02
# HELP hst_request_time_err 
# TYPE hst_request_time_err counter
hst_request_time_err{scope="in_upstreams"} 0.0
hst_request_time_err{scope="total"} 0.0

Module NgxExport.Tools.Resolve

With Nginx module nginx-upconf-module, it is possible to update servers inside upstreams dynamically. The module requires an agent to update a bound variable with upstreams layout and also signal that the variable has been altered. This module is such an agent. It updates the variable with the upstreams layout in service collectUpstreams and signals about this in service callback signalUpconf. Collecting upstreams encompasses DNS queries of A and SRV records. The queries are configured independently for each managed upstream. With SRV queries, the module allows configuration of complex hierarchies of priorities given that compound upstream containers named upstrands are in use (they are implemented in nginx-combined-upstreams-module).

Additionally, the module exports a number of functions and data types which implement service collectUpstreams.

An example

In the following example, we are going to extract IP addresses from an SRV record for to inhabit upstream utest.

File test_tools_extra_resolve.hs
module TestToolsExtraResolve where

import NgxExport.Tools.Resolve ()

The file does not contain any significant declarations as we are going to use only the exporters.

File nginx.conf
user                    nginx;
worker_processes        4;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

error_log               /tmp/nginx-test-upconf-error.log notice;

http {
    default_type        application/octet-stream;
    sendfile            on;

    error_log           /tmp/nginx-test-upconf-error.log notice;
    access_log          /tmp/nginx-test-upconf-access.log;

    upstream utest {
        zone utest 64k;
        server localhost:9000;

    haskell load /var/lib/nginx/;

    haskell_run_service simpleService_collectUpstreams $hs_upstreams
        'Conf { upstreams =
                    [UData { uQuery =
                                     (Name "")
                                         (SinglePriority "utest")
                           , uMaxFails = 1
                           , uFailTimeout = 10
              , maxWait = Sec 300
              , waitOnException = Sec 2
              , responseTimeout = Unset

    haskell_service_var_ignore_empty $hs_upstreams;
    haskell_service_var_in_shm upstreams 64k /tmp $hs_upstreams;

    haskell_service_var_update_callback simpleService_signalUpconf $hs_upstreams

    server {
        listen          localhost:8010;
        server_name     main;

        location /upconf {
            upconf $hs_upstreams;

            deny  all;

        location /upstreams {
            default_type application/json;
            echo $hs_upstreams;

            deny  all;

        location / {
            proxy_pass http://utest;

    server {
        listen          localhost:9000;
        server_name     backend9000;

        location / {
            echo_status 503;
            echo "Not configured";

At the start of Nginx, upstream utest contains a statically declared server which reports Not configured, but so soon as service collectUpstreams collects servers for the upstream in variable $hs_upstreams, and then the upconf module gets notified about this via callback signalUpconf, the upstream gets inhabited by the collected servers. Notice that signalUpconf accepts a list of URLs which means that it can broadcast collected servers to multiple upconf endpoints listening on this or other hosts.

The upstream contents will be re-checked within the time interval of (1 or waitOnException, maxWait). Particularly, if an exception happens during the collection of the servers, then the service will restart in waitOnException. If there were no exceptions and the smallest value of TTL calculated from all collected servers does not exceed the value of maxWait, then the service will restart in this time.

Too big response times may also cause exceptions during the collection of the servers. The timeout is defined by the value of responseTimeout. In our example, the timeout is not set.

Notice that we used QuerySRV and SinglePriority "utest". The latter means that all collected servers will inhabit upstream utest regardless of their priority values. To distribute collected servers among a number of upstreams, we can use PriorityList.

File nginx.conf: collect upstreams with PriorityList
    haskell_run_service simpleService_collectUpstreams $hs_upstreams
        'Conf { upstreams =
                    [UData { uQuery =
                                     (Name "")
                                         (PriorityList ["utest", "utest1"])
                           , uMaxFails = 1
                           , uFailTimeout = 10
              , maxWait = Sec 300
              , waitOnException = Sec 2
              , responseTimeout = Unset

With this configuration, servers with the highest priority will inhabit upstream utest, while servers with lesser priorities will inhabit upstream utest1. Upstream utest1 must also be managed by the upconf module. The priority list may contain more than two upstreams, in which case upstreams at the beginning of the list will take higher priorities found in the collected servers, while the last upstream will take the remainder of the priorities.

Upstreams in the priority list can be put inside of an upstrand to form the main and the backup layers of servers.

File nginx.conf: upstrand utest
    upstream utest1 {
        zone utest1 64k;
        server localhost:9000;

    upstrand utest {
        upstream utest;
        upstream utest1;
        order per_request;
        next_upstream_statuses error timeout 5xx;
        next_upstream_timeout 60s;
File nginx.conf: location /upstrand
        location /upstrand {
            proxy_pass http://$upstrand_utest;

Module NgxExport.Tools.ServiceHookAdaptor

This module exports a simple service (in terms of module NgxExport.Tools) simpleService_hookAdaptor which sleeps forever. Its sole purpose is to serve service hooks for changing global data in all the worker processes in run-time. A single service hook adaptor can serve any number of service hooks with any type of global data.

An example
File test_tools_extra_servicehookadaptor.hs
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings #-}

module TestToolsExtraServiceHookAdaptor where

import           NgxExport
import           NgxExport.Tools.ServiceHookAdaptor ()

import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import           Data.IORef
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Exception
import           System.IO.Unsafe

data SecretWordUnset = SecretWordUnset

instance Exception SecretWordUnset
instance Show SecretWordUnset where
    show = const "unset"

secretWord :: IORef ByteString
secretWord = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef ""
{-# NOINLINE secretWord #-}

testSecretWord :: ByteString -> IO L.ByteString
testSecretWord v = do
    s <- readIORef secretWord
    when (B.null s) $ throwIO SecretWordUnset
    return $ if v == s
                 then "success"
                 else ""
ngxExportIOYY 'testSecretWord

changeSecretWord :: ByteString -> IO L.ByteString
changeSecretWord s = do
    writeIORef secretWord s
    return "The secret word was changed"
ngxExportServiceHook 'changeSecretWord

Here we are going to maintain a secret word of type ByteString in run-time. When a worker process starts, the word is empty. The word can be changed in run-time by triggering service hook changeSecretWord. Client requests are managed differently depending on their knowledge of the secret which is tested in handler testSecretWord.

File nginx.conf
user                    nobody;
worker_processes        2;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

error_log               /tmp/nginx-test-haskell-error.log info;

http {
    default_type        application/octet-stream;
    sendfile            on;
    error_log           /tmp/nginx-test-haskell-error.log info;
    access_log          /tmp/nginx-test-haskell-access.log;

    haskell load /var/lib/nginx/;

    haskell_run_service simpleService_hookAdaptor $hs_hook_adaptor noarg;

    haskell_service_hooks_zone hooks 32k;

    server {
        listen       8010;
        server_name  main;

        location / {
            haskell_run testSecretWord $hs_secret_word $arg_s;

            if ($hs_secret_word = unset) {
                echo_status 503;
                echo "Try later! The service is not ready!";

            if ($hs_secret_word = success) {
                echo_status 200;
                echo "Congrats! You know the secret word!";

            echo_status 404;
            echo "Hmm, you do not know a secret!";

        location /change_sw {
            deny all;

            haskell_service_hook changeSecretWord $hs_hook_adaptor $arg_s;

Notice that service simpleService_hookAdaptor is not shared, however this is not such important because shared services must work as well.

A simple test

After starting Nginx, the secret word service must be not ready.

$ curl ''
Try later! The service is not ready!

Let's change the secret word,

$ curl ''

and try again.

$ curl ''
Hmm, you do not know a secret!
$ curl ''
Hmm, you do not know a secret!
$ curl ''
Congrats! You know the secret word!

Change the secret word again.

$ curl ''
$ curl ''
Hmm, you do not know a secret!
$ curl ''
Congrats! You know the secret word!

What if a worker process quits for some reason or crashes? Let's try!

# ps -ef | grep nginx | grep worker
nobody     13869   13868  0 15:43 ?        00:00:00 nginx: worker process
nobody     13870   13868  0 15:43 ?        00:00:00 nginx: worker process
# kill -QUIT 13869 13870
# ps -ef | grep nginx | grep worker
nobody     14223   13868  4 15:56 ?        00:00:00 nginx: worker process
nobody     14224   13868  4 15:56 ?        00:00:00 nginx: worker process
$ curl ''
Congrats! You know the secret word!

Our secret is still intact! This is because service hooks manage new worker processes so well as those that were running when a hook was triggered.

Note, however, that the order of service hooks execution in a restarted worker process is not well-defined which means that hooks that affect the same data should be avoided. For example, we could declare another service hook to reset the secret word.

File test_tools_extra_servicehookadaptor.hs: reset the secret word
resetSecretWord :: ByteString -> IO L.ByteString
resetSecretWord = const $ do
    writeIORef secretWord ""
    return "The secret word was reset"
ngxExportServiceHook 'resetSecretWord
File nginx.conf: new location /reset_sw in server main
        location /reset_sw {
            deny all;

            haskell_service_hook resetSecretWord $hs_hook_adaptor;

Both changeSecretWord and resetSecretWord alter the secretWord storage. The order of their execution in a restarted worker process may differ from the order they had happened before the new worker started, and therefore the state of secretWord can get altered in the new worker.

To fix this issue in this example, get rid of hook resetSecretWord and use directive rewrite to process the reset request in location /change_sw.

        location /reset_sw {
            deny all;

            rewrite ^ /change_sw last;

You may also want to change the hook message in changeSecretWord to properly log the reset case.

changeSecretWord :: ByteString -> IO L.ByteString
changeSecretWord s = do
    writeIORef secretWord s
    return $ "The secret word was " `L.append` if B.null s
                                                   then "reset"
                                                   else "changed"

Module NgxExport.Tools.Subrequest

Using asynchronous variable handlers and services together with the HTTP client from Network.HTTP.Client allows making HTTP subrequests easily. This module provides such functionality by exporting asynchronous variable handlers makeSubrequest and makeSubrequestWithRead, and functions makeSubrequest and makeSubrequestWithRead to build custom handlers.

An example
File test_tools_extra_subrequest.hs
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module TestToolsExtraSubrequest where

import           NgxExport
import           NgxExport.Tools
import           NgxExport.Tools.Subrequest

import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L

makeRequest :: ByteString -> NgxExportService
makeRequest = const . makeSubrequest

ngxExportSimpleService 'makeRequest $ PersistentService $ Just $ Sec 10

Handler makeRequest will be used in a periodical service which will retrieve data from a specified URI every 10 seconds.

File nginx.conf
user                    nobody;
worker_processes        2;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

http {
    default_type        application/octet-stream;
    sendfile            on;

    upstream backend {

    haskell load /var/lib/nginx/;

    haskell_run_service simpleService_makeRequest $hs_service_httpbin
            '{"uri": ""}';

    haskell_var_empty_on_error $hs_subrequest;

    server {
        listen       8010;
        server_name  main;
        error_log    /tmp/nginx-test-haskell-error.log;
        access_log   /tmp/nginx-test-haskell-access.log;

        location / {
            haskell_run_async makeSubrequest $hs_subrequest
                    '{"uri": ""
                     ,"headers": [["Custom-Header", "$arg_a"]]

            if ($hs_subrequest = '') {
                echo_status 404;
                echo "Failed to perform subrequest";

            echo -n $hs_subrequest;

        location ~ ^/proxy(.*) {
            deny all;
            proxy_pass http://backend$1;

        location /httpbin {
            echo $hs_service_httpbin;

    server {
        listen       8020;
        server_name  backend;

        location / {
            set $custom_header $http_custom_header;
            echo "In backend, Custom-Header is '$custom_header'";

Configurations of subrequests are defined via JSON objects which contain URI and other relevant data such as HTTP method, request body and headers. In this configuration we are running a periodical service which gets contents of every 10 seconds, and doing a subrequest to a virtual server backend on every request to location /. In this subrequest, an HTTP header Custom-Header is sent to the backend with value equal to the value of argument a from the client request's URI.

It is worth noting that making HTTP subrequests to the own Nginx service (e.g. via allows for leveraging well-known advantages of Nginx such as load-balancing via upstreams as it is happening in this example.

A simple test
$ curl -s 'http://localhost:8010/httpbin' | head
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <link href=",700|Source+Code+Pro:300,600|Titillium+Web:400,600,700"
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/flasgger_static/swagger-ui.css">
    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/static/favicon.ico" sizes="64x64 32x32 16x16" />
$ curl 'http://localhost:8010/?a=Value'
In backend, Custom-Header is 'Value'

Let's do a nasty thing. By injecting a comma into the argument a we shall break JSON parsing.

$ curl -D- 'http://localhost:8010/?a=Value"'
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Server: nginx/1.17.9
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2020 14:42:42 GMT
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

Failed to perform subrequest

Making HTTP subrequests to the own Nginx service via the loopback interface (e.g. via has disadvantages of being neither very fast (if compared with various types of local data communication channels) nor very secure. Unix domain sockets is a better alternative in this sense. This module has support for them by providing configuration service simpleService_configureUDS where path to the socket can be set, and setting field manager to value uds in the subrequest configuration.

To extend the previous example for using with Unix domain sockets, the following declarations should be added.

File nginx.conf: configuring the Unix domain socket
    haskell_run_service simpleService_configureUDS $hs_service_uds
            'UDSConf {udsPath = "/tmp/backend.sock"}';

UDSConf is an opaque type containing only one field udsPath with the path to the socket.

File nginx.conf: new location /uds in server main
        location /uds {
            haskell_run_async makeSubrequest $hs_subrequest
                    '{"uri": "http://backend_proxy/"
                     ,"headers": [["Custom-Header", "$arg_a"]]
                     ,"manager": "uds"

            if ($hs_subrequest = '') {
                echo_status 404;
                echo "Failed to perform subrequest";

            echo -n $hs_subrequest;
File nginx.conf: new virtual server backend_proxy
    server {
        listen       unix:/tmp/backend.sock;
        server_name  backend_proxy;

        location / {
            proxy_pass http://backend;

The server listens on the Unix domain socket with the path configured in service simpleService_configureUDS.

A simple test
$ curl 'http://localhost:8010/uds?a=Value'
In backend, Custom-Header is 'Value'

To serve subrequests, a custom HTTP manager can be implemented and then registered in a custom service handler with registerCustomManager. To enable this manager in a subrequest configuration, use field manager with the key that was bound to the manager in registerCustomManager.

For example, let's implement a custom UDS manager which will serve connections via Unix Domain Sockets as in the previous section.

File test_tools_extra_subrequest_custom_manager.hs
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings #-}

module TestToolsExtraSubrequestCustomManager where

import           NgxExport.Tools
import           NgxExport.Tools.Subrequest

import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L

import           Network.HTTP.Client
import qualified Network.Socket as S
import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as SB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8

configureUdsManager :: ByteString -> NgxExportService
configureUdsManager = ignitionService $ \path -> voidHandler $ do
    man <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
               { managerRawConnection = return $ openUDS path }
    registerCustomManager "myuds" man
    where openUDS path _ _ _ = do
              s <- S.socket S.AF_UNIX S.Stream S.defaultProtocol
              S.connect s (S.SockAddrUnix $ C8.unpack path)
              makeConnection (SB.recv s 4096) (SB.sendAll s) (S.close s)

ngxExportSimpleService 'configureUdsManager SingleShotService
File nginx.conf: configuring the custom manager
    haskell_run_service simpleService_configureUdsManager $hs_service_myuds
File nginx.conf: new location /myuds in server main
        location /myuds {
            haskell_run_async makeSubrequest $hs_subrequest
                    '{"uri": "http://backend_proxy_myuds"
                     ,"headers": [["Custom-Header", "$arg_a"]]
                     ,"manager": "myuds"

            if ($hs_subrequest = '') {
                echo_status 404;
                echo "Failed to perform subrequest";

            echo -n $hs_subrequest;
File nginx.conf: new virtual server backend_proxy_myuds
    server {
        listen       unix:/tmp/myuds.sock;
        server_name  backend_proxy_myuds;

        location / {
            proxy_pass http://backend;

Handlers makeSubrequest and makeSubrequestWithRead return response body of subrequests skipping the response status and headers. To retrieve full data from a response, use another pair of asynchronous variable handlers and functions: makeSubrequestFull and makeSubrequestFullWithRead, and makeSubrequestFull and makeSubrequestFullWithRead respectively.

Unlike the simple body handlers, there is no sense of using the corresponding variables directly as they are binary encoded values. Instead, the response status, headers and the body must be extracted using handlers extractStatusFromFullResponse, extractHeaderFromFullResponse, and extractBodyFromFullResponse which are based on functions of the same name. Handler extractExceptionFromFullResponse and the corresponding function can be used to extract the error message if an exception has happened while making the subrequest: the value is empty if there was no exception.

Let's extend our example with these handlers.

File test_tools_extra_subrequest.hs does not have any changes as we are going to use exported handlers only.

File nginx.conf: new location /full in server main
        location /full {
            haskell_run_async makeSubrequestFull $hs_subrequest
                    '{"uri": "$arg_p/proxy"
                     ,"headers": [["Custom-Header", "$arg_a"]]

            haskell_run extractStatusFromFullResponse $hs_subrequest_status

            haskell_run extractHeaderFromFullResponse $hs_subrequest_header

            haskell_run extractBodyFromFullResponse $hs_subrequest_body

            if ($hs_subrequest_status = 400) {
                echo_status 400;
                echo "Bad request";

            if ($hs_subrequest_status = 500) {
                echo_status 500;
                echo "Internal server error while making subrequest";

            if ($hs_subrequest_status = 502) {
                echo_status 502;
                echo "Backend unavailable";

            if ($hs_subrequest_status != 200) {
                echo_status 404;
                echo "Subrequest status: $hs_subrequest_status";

            echo    "Subrequest status: $hs_subrequest_status";
            echo    "Subrequest-Header: $hs_subrequest_header";
            echo -n "Subrequest body: $hs_subrequest_body";

Now we can recognize HTTP response statuses of subrequests and handle them differently. We also can read a response header Subrequest-Header.

File nginx.conf: new response header Subrequest-Header in location / of server backend
            add_header Subrequest-Header "This is response from subrequest";
A simple test
$ curl -D- 'http://localhost:8010/full/?a=Value"'
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Server: nginx/1.17.9
Date: Sat, 04 Apr 2020 12:44:36 GMT
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

Bad request

Good. Now we see that adding a comma into a JSON field is a bad request.

$ curl -D- 'http://localhost:8010/full/?a=Value'
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Server: nginx/1.17.9
Date: Sat, 04 Apr 2020 12:47:11 GMT
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

Internal server error while making subrequest

This is also good. Now we are going to define port of the backend server via argument arg_p. Skipping this makes URI look unparsable ( which leads to the error.

$ curl -D- 'http://localhost:8010/full/?a=Value&p=8020'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.17.9
Date: Sat, 04 Apr 2020 12:52:03 GMT
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

Subrequest status: 200
Subrequest-Header: This is response from subrequest
Subrequest body: In backend, Custom-Header is 'Value'

Finally, we are getting a good response with all the response data decoded correctly.

Let's try another port.

$ curl -D- 'http://localhost:8010/full/?a=Value&p=8021'
HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway
Server: nginx/1.17.9
Date: Sat, 04 Apr 2020 12:56:02 GMT
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

Backend unavailable

Good. There is no server listening on port 8021.

Data encoded in the full response can be translated to ContentHandlerResult and forwarded downstream to the client in directive haskell_content. Handlers fromFullResponse and fromFullResponseWithException perform such a translation. Not all response headers are allowed being forwarded downstream, and thus the handlers delete response headers with names listed in set notForwardableResponseHeaders as well as all headers with names starting with X-Accel- before sending the response to the client. The set of not forwardable response headers can be customized in function contentFromFullResponse.

Let's forward responses in location /full when argument proxy in the client request's URI is equal to yes.

File nginx.conf: forward responses from location /full
            set $proxy_with_exception $arg_proxy$arg_exc;

            if ($proxy_with_exception = yesyes) {
                haskell_content fromFullResponseWithException $hs_subrequest;

            if ($arg_proxy = yes) {
                haskell_content fromFullResponse $hs_subrequest;
A simple test
$ curl -D- 'http://localhost:8010/full/?a=Value&p=8020&proxy=yes'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.17.9
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2020 13:14:33 GMT
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Length: 37
Connection: keep-alive
Subrequest-Header: This is response from subrequest

In backend, Custom-Header is 'Value'

Now let's get an error message in the response after feeding a wrong port value.

$ curl -D- 'http://localhost:8010/full/?a=Value&p=8021&proxy=yes&exc=yes'
HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway
Server: nginx/1.19.4
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 08:24:22 GMT
Content-Length: 593
Connection: keep-alive

HttpExceptionRequest Request {
  host                 = ""
  port                 = 8021
  secure               = False
  requestHeaders       = [("Custom-Header","Value")]
  path                 = "/proxy"
  queryString          = ""
  method               = "GET"
  proxy                = Nothing
  rawBody              = False
  redirectCount        = 10
  responseTimeout      = ResponseTimeoutDefault
  requestVersion       = HTTP/1.1
  proxySecureMode      = ProxySecureWithConnect
 (ConnectionFailure Network.Socket.connect: <socket: 31>: does not exist (Connection refused))

A bridged HTTP subrequest streams the response body from the source end of the bridge to the sink end. Both source and sink are subrequests configured with the familiar type SubrequestConf. They comprise another opaque type BridgeConf. The bridge abstraction is useful when some data is going to be copied from some source to some destination.

A bridge can be configured using handlers makeBridgedSubrequest, makeBridgedSubrequestWithRead, makeBridgedSubrequestFull, and makeBridgedSubrequestFullWithRead derived from the functions with the same names.

Let's extend our example with bridged subrequests.

File test_tools_extra_subrequest.hs: auxiliary read body handler
reqBody :: L.ByteString -> ByteString -> IO L.ByteString
reqBody = const . return

ngxExportAsyncOnReqBody 'reqBody

In this example, we are going to collect the request body at the sink end with an auxiliary handler reqBody.

File nginx.conf: upstream sink
    upstream sink {
File nginx.conf: new location /bridge in server main
        location /bridge {
            haskell_run_async makeBridgedSubrequestFull $hs_subrequest
                        {"uri": "$arg_p/proxy/bridge"
                        ,"headers": [["Custom-Header", "$arg_a"]]
                        {"uri": "http://sink_proxy/echo"
                        ,"manager": "uds"

            if ($arg_exc = yes) {
                haskell_content fromFullResponseWithException $hs_subrequest;

            haskell_content fromFullResponse $hs_subrequest;
File nginx.conf: new location /bridge in server backend
        location /bridge {
            set $custom_header $http_custom_header;
            add_header Subrequest-Header "This is response from subrequest";
            echo "The response may come in chunks!";
            echo "In backend, Custom-Header is '$custom_header'";
File nginx.conf: new servers sink_proxy and sink
    server {
        listen       unix:/tmp/backend.sock;
        server_name  sink_proxy;

        location / {
            proxy_pass http://sink;

    server {
        listen       8030;
        server_name  sink;

        location /echo {
            haskell_run_async_on_request_body reqBody $hs_rb noarg;
            add_header Bridge-Header
                    "This response was bridged from subrequest";
            echo "Here is the bridged response:";
            echo -n $hs_rb;

Upon receiving a request with URI /bridge at the main server, we are going to connect to the source with the same URI at the server with port equal to argument arg_p, and then stream its response body to a sink with URI /echo via proxy server sink_proxy. Using an internal Nginx proxy server for the sink end of the bridge is necessary if the sink end does not recognize chunked HTTP requests! Note also that method of the sink subrequest is always POST independently of whether or not and how exactly it was specified.

The source end puts into the bridge channel its response headers except those listed in notForwardableResponseHeaders and those with names starting with X-Accel-. The request headers listed in the sink configuration get also sent: their values override the values of the headers of the same names sent in the response from the source end of the bridge.

Bridged HTTP subrequests have transactional semantics: any errors occurred at either end of a bridge make the whole subrequest fail. Responses from the source end of a bridge with non-2xx status codes are regarded as a failure.

In this example, after receiving all streamed data the sink collects the request body in variable hs_rb and merely sends it back as a response to the original bridged subrequest. Then this response gets decoded with handlers fromFullResponse or fromFullResponseWithException and finally returned in the response to the client.

A simple test
$ curl -D- 'http://localhost:8010/bridge?a=Value&p=8010&exc=yes'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.19.4
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2021 13:12:46 GMT
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Length: 100
Connection: keep-alive
Bridge-Header: This response was bridged from subrequest

Here is the bridged response:
The response may come in chunks!
In backend, Custom-Header is 'Value'

A negative case.

$ curl -D- 'http://localhost:8010/bridge?a=Value&p=8021&exc=yes'
HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway
Server: nginx/1.19.4
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2021 13:16:18 GMT
Content-Length: 600
Connection: keep-alive

HttpExceptionRequest Request {
  host                 = ""
  port                 = 8021
  secure               = False
  requestHeaders       = [("Custom-Header","Value")]
  path                 = "/proxy/bridge"
  queryString          = ""
  method               = "GET"
  proxy                = Nothing
  rawBody              = False
  redirectCount        = 10
  responseTimeout      = ResponseTimeoutDefault
  requestVersion       = HTTP/1.1
  proxySecureMode      = ProxySecureWithConnect
 (ConnectionFailure Network.Socket.connect: <socket: 32>: does not exist (Connection refused))

Building and installation

Build and install with cabal v1-commands
Configure and build
$ cabal v1-configure
$ cabal v1-build
$ cabal v1-install

The module is also available on, so you can simply install it from there with

$ cabal v1-install ngx-export-tools-extra
Build as a dependency in a Nix-style local build aka v2-build
$ cabal build
Building custom libraries

See details in