
Generic encoding of records. It currently provides a single, polymorphic function to encode sum types (i.e. categorical variables) as one-hot vectors.

data, data-mining, data-science, library, machine-learning, Propose Tags , Data.Record.Encode, Data.Record.Encode.Generics, Frames-beam, Frames, categorical-data, categorical-features, data-analysis, generic-programming, one-hot-encode, preprocessing
cabal install record-encode-0.2



Build Status Hackage

This library provides generic machinery to encode values of some algebraic type as points in a vector space.

Analyzing datasets that have one or more categorical variables (that is, values having a sum type) typically requires a series of boilerplate transformations, and the encodeOneHot function provided here does precisely that.

Usage example

    {-# language DeriveGeneric -#}

    import qualified GHC.Generics as G
    import qualified Generics.SOP as SOP
    import Data.Record.Encode

    data X = A | B | C deriving (G.Generic)
    instance SOP.Generic X
    > encodeOneHot B
    OH {oDim = 3, oIx = 1}


Gagandeep Bhatia (@gagandeepb) for his GSoC '18 work on Frames-beam, Mark Karpov (@mrkkrp) for his Template Haskell tutorial, Anthony Cowley (@acowley) for vinyl and Frames, @mniip on Freenode #haskell for helping me better understand what can be done with generic programming.