
This library provides a macros to add 'async' and 'await' keywords for Python and JavaScript and does nothing for other platoforms.

async, await, javascript, js, python, haxe
haxelib install hxasync 0.0.1



This library allows you to add async and await keywords in Python and JavaScript code almost the same way you would do it in the native code.
Theoretically, support of C# could be added since Haxe 4.2 if there is such a demand.

Used internally for my personal projects.


Haxe source code

class MyExample {
  public function new() { }

  @async public function myPromise() {
    return "something";

  @async public function some() {
    return @await this.myPromise();

class Main {
  @async public static function main() {
    var example = new MyExample();
    return @await example.some();

Python output (some Haxe-generated output is omitted)

class MyExample:
    __slots__ = ()

    def __init__(self):

    async def myPromise(self):
        return "something"

    async def some(self):
        return await self.myPromise()

class Main:
    __slots__ = ()

    async def main():
        example = MyExample()
        return await example.some()

JavaScript output (some Haxe-generated output is omitted)

class MyExample {
	constructor() {
	async myPromise() {
		return "something";
	async some() {
		return await this.myPromise();
class Main {
	static async main() {
		let example = new MyExample();
		return await example.some();

Instead of using bare async and await keywords, I had to use Haxe meta-tags @async and @await.
I tried to keep the implementation as close as possible to the native target platforms implementation.


In order to start using this macros, you need to:

  1. Install the library: haxelib install hxasync
  2. Add the library to your project when compiling a project: -lib hxasync
  3. To enable async and await for your class:
    • use build or autobuild macros:
    class MyClass {}  
    • implement Asyncable interface:
    class MyClass implements hxasync.Asyncable {}  
    • apply AsyncMacro to all classes in a specified package: --macro hxasync.AsyncMacro.makeAsyncable("")

Project is inspired by hx-jsasync library.