Build lexer and simple parser(LR0) in macro

LR0, lexer, parser
haxelib install lex 0.4.0



Build lexer and simple parser(LR0) in macro.



LIMIT: you can't use it in macro-in-macro

  • Lexer: the most of this code is taken from LexEngine.nml

    • It also provides a lexer tool for c language
  • Parser: Only LR(0) is available. (WIP)

    Unlike normal LR parser, there is no action table(just jump table), So how did it shift/reduce?

    1. if you got a valid state and if state < SEGS then shift else reduce

    2. if you got a invalid state on valid prevState, if can be exit(prevState) then reduce(prevState) else throw an error.

    Some conflicts may be resolved in normal LALR/LR1, but since there is no action table here, so it will throw an error directly

    • Position: Inside the actions, you could use _t1~_tN to access the position, which is the instance of lm.Stream.Tok

      _t1.pmax - _t1.pmin;

      And inside the actions, you could use the vairalbe stream

      var tok = stream.peek(0);
      if (tok.term == SomeToken) stream.junk(1);
    • Combine Tokens: Since the Parser can only be used with enum abstract(Int), So there are two ways to combine Tokens

      // 1. the same prefix(At least 2 characters).
      switch(s) {
      case [e1=expr, Op(t), e2=expr]: switch(t) { case OpPlus: .... }
      // 2. uses "[]"
      switch(s) {
      case [e1=expr, t=[OpPlus, OpMinus], e2=expr]: t == OpPlus ? e1 + e2 : e1 - e2;

      NOTE: if you put tokens together with different priorities, you will get a conflict error.

    • You can use string literals instead of simple terminators in stream match.

      switch(s) {
      case [e1=expr, t=["+", "-"], e2=expr]: t == OpPlus ? e1 + e2 : e1 - e2;
      case ["(", e = expr, ")"]: e;
    • different types:

      class Parser implements lm.LR0<MyLexer, Int> { // "Int" indicates that all LHS types default to "Int"
          static var main = switch(s) {
              case [e = expr, Eof]:;
          static var expr:Float = switch(s) {       // Explicit declaration "expr" type is "Float"
              case [e1 = expr, "+", e2 = expr]: e1 + e2;
              case [CFloat(f)]: f;
    • Operator Precedence:

      // the operator precedence definitions:
          left: ["+", "-"],         // The parser could auto reflect(str) => Token
          left: [OpTimes, OpDiv],   // The lower have higher Priority.
          nonassoc: [UMINUS],       // All characters of the placeholder must be uppercase
      }) class MyParser implements lm.LR0<MyLexer,...
      // Different from the normal LR parser, the behavior of "nonassoc" is same as "left". Since
      // this parser is not very necessary to refer the operator precedence definitions.

``` // UPPERCASE == "non-terml", LOWERCASE == "terml" [..., op, E]: if defined(op) then case.left.lval = E.value // the left type is OpLeft [..., op, E]: if not defined(op) then case.left = null [..., T, E] | [E] | [..., t]: then case.left = null [E, op, ...]: if defined(op) then case.right.own = E.value // the right type is OpRight [E, op, ...]: if not defined(op) then case.right.prio = -1 [E, T, ...] then case.right.prio = -1 [E]: then case.right.prio = -2 [t, ...] then case.right = null // when calculating closure(Array): [..., E]: if E at the and of case, then will according the case.left and .rights to do some mix. // you can use @:prec(FOLLOW) to specify both the value of OpLeft and OpRight(If there are not null). e.g: [@:prec(UMINUS) "-", e = expr]: // only case.left.prio & .type = UMINUS, since case.right is null // for a string: "var a:Array=[]", the close token ">" will be parsed as ">=" by Lexer. so: [@:prec(">=") e1 = expr, ">", "=", e2 = expr]: if (_t2.pmax == _t3.pmin) ... ```


  • 0.9.2: Some Improvements.
  • 0.9.1:
    • [lexer] Fixed null => Action
    • [lexer] Allow lm.Lexer<Void>. More...
  • 0.9.0: Simplify
    • [parser] use "%start" instead of @:side
    • [lexer] Added null => Action when there is no match



* `-D lex_charmax`: to simply handle for utf16 char, Because the State Transition Table is 8-bit ```hx // source code from lm.LexBuilder var c = input.readByte(i++); #if lex_charmax if (c > CMAX) c = CMAX; #end state = trans(state, c); ``` * `-D lex_rawtable or -D lex_strtable`: use `Bytes`(*No encoding specified*) or `String` as table format. By default, `String` format is used for **JS**, other platforms use `Bytes` format. * `-D lex_rawinput`: then force use `Bytes` as the input format, default is `String`. see `lms.ByteData` actually you can use `--remap ` to override `lms.*`.

  • -D lex_lr0table: for debug. it will generate a LR0 table save as lr0-table.txt. for example:

    You may have to modify the mmap field in debug.Print

      (R0)  MAIN --> EXPR $
      (R1)  EXPR --> EXPR [+ -] EXPR
      (R2)       --> EXPR * EXPR
      (R3)       --> EXPR / EXPR
      (R4)       --> ( EXPR )
      (R5)       --> - EXPR
      (R6)       --> int
    |  (S)  | (EP)  |   $   |  int  |   +   |   -   |   *   |   /   |   (   |   )   | EXPR  |
    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN
    |   0   | NULL  |       |  14   |       |   1   |       |       |   2   |       |   8   |
    |   1   | NULL  |       |  14   |       |   1   |       |       |   2   |       |  10   |
    |   2   | NULL  |       |  14   |       |   1   |       |       |   2   |       |   3   |
    |   3   | NULL  |       |       |   4   |   4   |   6   |   7   |       |  11   |       |
    |   4   | NULL  |       |  14   |       |   1   |       |       |   2   |       |   5   |
    |   5   |  R1   |       |       |       |       |   6   |   7   |       |       |       |
    |   6   | NULL  |       |  14   |       |   1   |       |       |   2   |       |  13   |
    |   7   | NULL  |       |  14   |       |   1   |       |       |   2   |       |  12   |
    |   8   | NULL  |   9   |       |   4   |   4   |   6   |   7   |       |       |       |
    |   9   |  R0   |
    |  10   |  R5   |
    |  11   |  R4   |
    |  12   |  R3   |
    |  13   |  R2   |
    |  14   |  R6   |


copy from test/subs/Demo.hx

class Demo {
    static function main() {
        var str = '1 - 2 * (3 + 4) + 5 * 6';
        var lex = new Lexer(lms.ByteData.ofString(str));
        var par = new Parser(lex);
        trace(par.main() == (1 - 2 * (3 + 4) + 5 * 6));

// The lm.LR0 Parser only works with "enum abstract (Int) to Int"
enum abstract Token(Int) to Int {
    var Eof = 0;
    var CInt;
    var OpPlus;
    var OpMinus;
    var OpTimes;
    var OpDiv;
    var LParen;
    var RParen;

* @:rule(EOF, cmax = 255) See the example below:
*   Eof is a custom terminator which is defined in "<Token>" (required)
*   127 is the custom maximum char value. (optional, default is 255)
@:rule(Eof, 127) class Lexer implements lm.Lexer<Token> {
    static var r_zero = "0";             // static variable will be treated as rules if there is no `@:skip`
    static var r_int = "[1-9][0-9]*";
    static var tok =  [                  // a rule set definition, the first definition will become .token()
        "[ \t]+" => lex.token(),         // "lex" is an instance of this class.
        r_zero + "|" + r_int => CInt,    //
        "+" => OpPlus,
        "-" => OpMinus,
        "*" => OpTimes,
        "/" => OpDiv,
        "(" => LParen,
        ")" => RParen,

    start: [main],            // Specify start, like the "%start" in ocamlyacc, If not specified, the first "switch" will be selected
    left: ["+", "-"],         // The parser could auto reflect(str) => Token
    left: [OpTimes, OpDiv],   // The lower have higher priority.
    nonassoc: [UMINUS],       // The placeholder must be uppercase
}) class Parser implements lm.LR0<Lexer, Int> {

    static var main = switch(s) {  // the "s" is instance of lm.Stream
        case [e = expr, Eof]: e;

    static var expr = switch(s) {
        case [e1 = expr, op = [OpPlus,OpMinus], e2 = expr]: op == OpPlus ? e1 + e2 : e1 - e2;
        case [e1 = expr, OpTimes, e2 = expr]: e1 * e2;
        case [e1 = expr, OpDiv, e2 = expr]: / e2);
        case [LParen, e = expr, RParen]: e;
        case [@:prec(UMINUS) OpMinus, e = expr]: -e;   // %prec UMINUS
        case [CInt(n)]: n;

    // Define custom extract function for CInt(n)
    @:rule(CInt) static inline function int_of_string(s: String):Int return Std.parseInt(s);
    // if the custom function has 2 params then the type of the second argument is :lm.Stream.Tok<AUTO>.
    // @:rule(CInt) static inline function int_of_string(input:lms.ByteData, t):Int {
    //    return Std.parseInt( input.readString(t.pmin, t.pmax - t.pmin) );


haxe -dce full -D analyzer-optimize -lib lex -main Demo -js demo.js

Generated JS:

// Generated by Haxe 4.2.0-rc.1
(function ($global) { "use strict";
var Demo = function() { };
Demo.main = function() {
    var str = "1 - 2 * (3 + 4) + 5 * 6";
    var lex = new Lexer(str);
    var par = new Parser(lex);
    console.log("src/Demo.hx:9:",par._entry(0,8) == 17);
var Lexer = function(s) {
    this.input = s;
    this.pmin = 0;
    this.pmax = 0;
Lexer.prototype = {
    getString: function(p,len) {
        return this.input.substr(p,len);
    ,_token: function(init,right) {
        if(this.pmax >= right) {
            return 0;
        var raw = Lexer.raw;
        var i = this.pmax;
        var state = init;
        var prev = init;
        var c;
        while(i < right) {
            c = this.input.charCodeAt(i++);
            state = raw.charCodeAt(128 * state + c);
            if(state >= 3) {
            prev = state;
        this.pmin = i;
        if(state == 255) {
            state = prev;
        var q = raw.charCodeAt(399 - state);
        if(i > this.pmax && q < 8) {
            this.pmin = this.pmax;
            this.pmax = i;
        } else {
            q = raw.charCodeAt(399 - init);
        return this.cases(q);
    ,token: function() {
        return this._token(0,this.input.length);
    ,cases: function(s) {
        switch(s) {
        case 0:
            return this._token(0,this.input.length);
        case 1:
            return 1;
        case 2:
            return 2;
        case 3:
            return 3;
        case 4:
            return 4;
        case 5:
            return 5;
        case 6:
            return 6;
        case 7:
            return 7;
            throw new Error("UnMatached: '" + this.input.substr(this.pmax,this.pmin - this.pmax) + "'" + lm_Utils.posString(this.pmax,this.input));
var Parser = function(lex) { = new lm_Stream(lex);
Parser.prototype = {
    _entry: function(state,exp) {
        var t =,0,0);
        t.state = state;
        var _this =;
        var i = _this.right;
        while(--i >= _this.pos) _this.cached[i + 1] = _this.cached[i];
        _this.cached[_this.pos] = t;
        var raw = Parser.raw;
        var prev = state;
        var dx = 0;
        while(true) {
            while(true) {
                t =;
                state = raw.charCodeAt(16 * prev + t.term);
                t.state = state;
                if(state >= 9) {
                prev = state;
            if(state == 255) {
                state = prev;
                dx = 1;
            var q = raw.charCodeAt(159 - state);
            if(q < 7) {
       -= dx;
            } else {
            dx = 0;
            while(true) {
                var value = this.cases(q);
                t =[q]);
                if(t.term == exp) {
           -= 2;
                    return value;
                t.val = value;
                var _this =;
                t.state = raw.charCodeAt(16 * _this.cached[_this.pos + (-2)].state + t.term);
                prev = t.state;
                if(prev < 9) {
                q = raw.charCodeAt(159 - prev);
        return this.cases(7);
    ,cases: function(q) {
        var __s =;
        switch(q) {
        case 0:
            return __s.cached[__s.pos + (-2)].val;
        case 1:
            var e1 = __s.cached[__s.pos + (-3)].val;
            var e2 = __s.cached[__s.pos + (-1)].val;
            if(__s.cached[__s.pos + (-2)].term == 2) {
                return e1 + e2;
            } else {
                return e1 - e2;
        case 2:
            return __s.cached[__s.pos + (-3)].val * __s.cached[__s.pos + (-1)].val;
        case 3:
            return __s.cached[__s.pos + (-3)].val / __s.cached[__s.pos + (-1)].val | 0;
        case 4:
            return __s.cached[__s.pos + (-2)].val;
        case 5:
            return -__s.cached[__s.pos + (-1)].val;
        case 6:
            return (__s.stri(-1) | 0);
            var t = __s.cached[__s.pos + (-1)];
            throw new Error(__s.error("Unexpected \"" + (t.term != 0 ? __s.lex.getString(t.pmin,t.pmax - t.pmin) : "Eof") + "\"",t));
var lm_Tok = function(t,min,max) {
    this.term = t;
    this.pmin = min;
    this.pmax = max;
var lm_Stream = function(l) {
    this.lex = l;
    this.cached = new Array(128);
    this.right = 0;
    this.pos = 0;
lm_Stream.prototype = {
    reclaim: function(tok) {
        tok.nxt = this.h;
        this.h = tok;
    ,newTok: function(term,min,max) {
        if(this.h == null) {
            return new lm_Tok(term,min,max);
        } else {
            var t = this.h;
            this.h = this.h.nxt;
            t.term = term;
            t.pmin = min;
            t.pmax = max;
            return t;
    ,junk: function(n) {
        if(n <= 0) {
        if(this.right - this.pos >= n) {
            var i = n;
            while(i-- > 0) this.reclaim(this.cached[this.pos + i]);
            i = this.pos;
            this.right -= n;
            while(i < this.right) {
                this.cached[i] = this.cached[i + n];
        } else {
            n -= this.right - this.pos;
            while(n-- > 0) this.lex.token();
            while(this.right > this.pos) this.reclaim(this.cached[--this.right]);
    ,stri: function(dx) {
        var t = this.cached[this.pos + dx];
        return this.lex.getString(t.pmin,t.pmax - t.pmin);
    ,error: function(msg,t) {
        return msg + lm_Utils.posString(t.pmin,this.lex.input);
    ,next: function() {
        if(this.right == this.pos) {
            var t = this.lex.token();
            this.cached[this.right++] = this.newTok(t,this.lex.pmin,this.lex.pmax);
        return this.cached[this.pos++];
    ,reduce: function(lvw) {
        var w = lvw & 255;
        if(w == 0) {
            return this.reduceEP(lvw >>> 8);
        var pmax = this.cached[this.pos + (-1)].pmax;
        this.pos -= w;
        var t = this.cached[this.pos];
        t.term = lvw >>> 8;
        t.pmax = pmax;
        var i = --w;
        while(i-- > 0) this.reclaim(this.cached[this.pos + i]);
        this.right -= w;
        i = this.pos;
        while(i < this.right) {
            this.cached[i] = this.cached[i + w];
        return t;
    ,reduceEP: function(lv) {
        var prev = this.cached[this.pos - 1];
        var t = this.newTok(lv,prev.pmax,prev.pmax);
        var i = this.right;
        while(--i >= this.pos) this.cached[i + 1] = this.cached[i];
        this.cached[this.pos] = t;
        return t;
var lm_Utils = function() { };
lm_Utils.posString = function(pmin,input) {
    var line = 1;
    var char = 1;
    var i = 0;
    while(i < pmin) if(input.charCodeAt(i++) == 10) {
        char = 1;
    } else {
    return " at line: " + line + ", column: " + char;
Lexer.raw = "每每每每每每每每每\x01每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每\x01每每每每每每每\t\x08\x07\x06每\x05每\x04\x03\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每\x01每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每\x01每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每每\x06\x07\x04\x02\x03\x05\x01\x01\x00每";
Parser.raw = "每\x0E每\x01每每\x02每每\x08每每每每每每每\x0E每\x01每每\x02每每\n每每每每每每每\x0E每\x01每每\x02每每\x03每每每每每每每每\x04\x04\x06\x07每\x0B每每每每每每每每每\x0E每\x01每每\x02每每\x05每每每每每每每每每每\x06\x07每每每每每每每每每每每\x0E每\x01每每\x02每每\r每每每每每每每\x0E每\x01每每\x02每每\x0C每每每每每每\t每\x04\x04\x06\x07每每每每每每每每每每每\x06\x02\x03\x04\x05\x00每每每\x01每每每每每";
Parser.lvs = [2050,2307,2307,2307,2307,2306,2305];