
Unnamed, Immutable Tuples for Haxe.

cross, fp, functional, immutable, tuple
haxelib install stx_tuple 0.0.3



##What is it?

A tuple is a collection of typed, unnamed values.

##What is it for?

If you want to return more than one value from a function, rather than create a new type, you can wrap the return value as a Tuple.

If you are using higher order functions, you can pack the inputs down to one parameter, so you don't have to define the higher order functions with 2, 3, 4 etc parameters.


There are one or two unavoidable gotchas, so off the bat Tup2 is the abstract type and Tuple2 is defined as an enum.use them by:

using stx.Tuple2

So that if you're in a position where you have the underlying Tuple2 implementation, you can still use the functions by way of using.


You can create a tuple by using the enum constructor tuple2

var a = tuple2(1,2);// Returns an instance of Tuple2

If you want to use functions on them the first function will automatically hoist to an instance of Tup2.

###abstract Tup2<a,B>


public function fst():A

Returns the value in the left side of the tuple


public function snd():B

Returns the value in the right hand side of the tuple


public function swap():Tuple2<B,A>

Returns a tuple with the left hand side on the right and vice-versa.


public function equals(other:Tuple2<A,B>):Bool

Yup, you can compare them, uses a regular = for each element.


public function toArray():Array<Dynamic>

Produces an array of untyped values.


public function into(fn:A->B->C):C;

Unpacks the tuple and applies the function with the internal values.


static public function tupled(fn:A->B->C):Tuple2<A,B>->C

Transforms the function to receive a tuple rather than two arguments.


static public function untupled(fn:Tuple2<A,B>->C):A->B->C

Transforms a function taking a tuple to one taking two arguments.


Using pattern matching on Tuples goes as follows

var a = tuple2({ test : "hello"}, "world");

    case tuple2(a,"world") :
    default :
    case tuple2({ test : "hello",b) :