
Adapter/shim for cross-target JavaScript-style ('thenable') promises

async, promise
haxelib install thenshim 1.1.0



Thenshim is an adapter/shim for cross-target JavaScript-style ("thenable") promises for Haxe. On the JS target, it uses the native Promise object. On other targets, a fallback implementation is used. The fallback implementation is Promises/A+ compliant.

Thenshim is intended for applications or libraries that want to use JavaScript-style promises across targets. For more feature-rich asynchronous functionality, such as cancellation, consider using a different library. (You can search on Haxelib to find various libraries that best suit your project.)

Getting started


  • Haxe 4.0

The library can be installed using haxelib:

haxelib install thenshim

Or the latest from the GitHub repository:

haxelib git thenshim


If you never used a JavaScript promise or something similar, it is highly recommended to read an introduction such as this one on MDN.

The Promise abstract is an abstract over js.lib.Promise on JS and FallbackPromise on other targets.

The FallbackPromise class implements the Thenable interface. The Thenable interface can be used to specify an alternative implementation if needed.

The then method is slightly more restrictive than the JS method. It has two parameters with the following signatures:

  • onFulfilled: T->Promise<R>, T->Thenable<R>, or T->R
  • onRejected (optional): Any->Promise<R>, T->Thenable<R>, or T->R

Unlike JS-style promises which can return parameter types T, R1, or R2, this library's then method only allows R for straightforward parameter typing.

Using promises

To use a promise, pass a callback function to the then method. The onFulfilled callback is called with a value of type T when the operation successfully completes. The onRejected callback is called with a reason Any when there is an exception or error. Both callbacks returns a new promise or value of type R.

Example of using then:

// Schedule and execute an asynchronous operation
var promise:Promise<String> = someAsyncOperation();

promise.then((result:String) -> {
    // Once the asynchronous operation completes, print the result

    // Return a value as demo for chaining
    return result.length;
}).then((result:Int) -> {

    // To end the promise chain, return a dummy value
    return true;

Creating promises

New Promise

A promise can be created to wrap an operation into a JavaScript-style promise:

var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) -> {
    // Do something

    // If it was successful:

    // Otherwise, reject with an error:


Promise.resolve() is a special method:

  • When given a value, it returns a settled promise that is fulfilled with the given value (as a convenience function).
  • When given a Promise, it returns the promise itself.
  • When given a Thenable, it returns a new promise that reflects the Thenable's state.


Promise.reject() is a convenience method returns a settled promise that is already rejected with the given reason.

Task scheduler

Callbacks, in practice, are called asynchronously as required by specifications. The task scheduler function for the fallback promise implementation can be changed like so:

var promiseFactory = cast(Promise.factory, FallbackPromiseFactory);
promiseFactory.scheduler.addNext = myScheduleCallbackToEventLoopFunction;

By default, the task is called synchronously. You will need to implement and integrate the functionality into your event loop.

On the JS target, setImmediate or setTimeout will be used for task scheduling. This implementation is intended for testing, as native promises should be used instead.

Additional methods

Additional JavaScript-style promise methods are provided in PromiseTools. It is a static method extension class that can be used with the using keyword.

Further reading

API docs:


If there is a bug or improvement, please file an issue or pull request on the GitHub repository.


Copyright 2019 Christopher Foo. Licensed under MIT.