An Elixir interface to the Bugsnag API.



Bugsnag Elixir

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Capture exceptions and send them to the Bugsnag API!

πŸ”— See also: Plugsnag, to snag exceptions in your Phoenix application.


# mix.exs
defp deps do
    {:bugsnag, "~> 3.0.2"},
    # pick ONE of these JSON encoding libraries:
    {:jason, "~> 1.0"},
    {:poison, "~> 4.0"}
    # add your http client of choice
    # or use httpoison for the default adapter:
    {:httpoison, "~> 1.0"},
# config/config.exs
config :bugsnag,
  api_key: "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"

The :bugsnag application must be started to report errors β€” this should be done automatically by application inference, as long as the application function in your mix.exs does not contain an applications key. If it does, you'll want to add :bugsnag to the list of applications.

By default, the application adds an Erlang :error_logger handler on startup that will report most process crashes automatically. If you only want to report errors manually, this can be configured via the use_logger option (see below).


Although errors will be reported even if you only set an API key, some Bugsnag features (like release stage and app version tagging, or marking stack frames as "in-project") require additional configuration.

All configuration options support {:system, "ENV_VAR"} tuples for retrieving values from environment variables at application startup. You can also specify a default value using {:system, "ENV_VAR", "default_value"}.


This config uses all available features. It assumes your project is a single application whose code is in lib/my_app_name, and you have an environment variable MY_APP_ENV set to values like "staging" or "production" depending on the runtime environment.

# config/config.exs
config :bugsnag,
  api_key: "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
  app_type: "elixir",
  app_version: Mix.Project.config[:version],
  endpoint_url: "https://self-hosted-bugsnag.myapp",
  hostname: {:system, "HOST", "unknown"},
  http_client: MyApp.BugsnagHTTPAdapter,
  in_project: "lib/my_app_name",
  json_library: Jason,
  notify_release_stages: ["staging", "production"],
  release_stage: {:system, "MY_APP_ENV", "production"},
  sanitizer: {MyModule, :my_function},
  use_logger: true

See below for explanations of each option, including some options not used here.


Default: nil

Must be set to report errors.


Default: "production"

Sets the default "release stage" for reported errors. If set to a value that is not included in notify_release_stages, all reports will be silently discarded.


Default: ["production"]

If the configured release_stage is not in this list, all error reports are silently discarded. This allows ignoring errors in release stages you don't want to clutter your Bugsnag dashboard, e.g. development or test.

To accommodate configuration via environment variables, if set to a string, the string will be split on commas (,).


Default: "unknown"

Sets the default hostname for reported errors.


Default: "elixir"

Sets the default application type for reported errors.


Default: nil

Sets the default application version for reported errors.


Default: nil

A function to be applied over contents of stack traces.


defmodule MyModule do
  def my_func(word) do
    Regex.replace(~r/fail/, word, "pass")

config :bugsnag, sanitizer: {MyModule, :my_func}
raise "123fail123"

Produces the failure message


If a sanitizer function throws an exception while running, it will log out a warning and return the string [CENSORED DUE TO SANITIZER EXCEPTION]


Default: nil

When reporting the stack trace of an exception, Bugsnag allows marking each stack frame as being "in your project" or not. This enables grouping errors by the deepest stack frame that is in your project. Unfortunately it's hard to do this automatically in Elixir, because file paths in stack traces are relative to the application the file is part of (i.e. all start with lib/some_app/...). Since we don't know which apps are "yours", this option must be set to enable marking stack frames as in-project.

This option can be set in several ways:

String Matching

config :bugsnag, in_project: "lib/my_app_name"

If a stack frame's file path contains the string, it will be marked in-project.

Regex Matching

config :bugsnag, in_project: ~r(my_app_name|my_other_app)

If a stack frame's file path matches the regex, it will be marked in-project.

Custom Function

config :bugsnag, in_project: fn({module, function, arguments, file_path}) ->
  module in [SomeMod, OtherMod] or file_path =~ ~r(^lib/my_project)

If the function returns a truthy value when called with the stack frame as an argument, the stack frame will be marked in-project. You can also specify a function as a {Module, :function, [extra_args]} tuple (the stack frame tuple will be prepended as the first argument to the function).


Default: ""

Allows sending reports to a different URL (e.g. if using Bugsnag On-premise).


Default: true

Controls whether the default Erlang :error_logger handler is added on application startup. This will automatically report most process crashes.


Default: nil

Optional module that allows filtering of log messages. For example

defmodule MyApp.ExceptionFilter do
  def should_notify({{%{plug_status: resp_status},_},_}, _stacktrace) when is_integer(resp_status) do
    #structure used by cowboy 2.0
    resp_status < 400 or resp_status >= 500
  def should_notify(_e, _s), do: true


Default: Jason

The JSON encoding library.


Default Bugsnag.HTTPClient.Adapters.HTTPoison

An adapter implementing the Bugsnag.HTTPClient behaviour.


In the default configuration, unhandled exceptions that crash a process will be automatically reported to Bugsnag. If you want to report a rescued exception, or have use_logger disabled, you can send reports manually.

Manual Reporting

Use to report an exception:

try do
  raise "heck"
rescue exception ->

This reports the exception in a separate process so your application code will not be held up. However, this means reporting could fail silently. If you want to wait on the report in your own process (and potentially crash, if reporting fails), use Bugsnag.sync_report:

try do
  raise "heck"
rescue exception ->
  :ok = Bugsnag.sync_report(exception)

Reporting Options

Both report and sync_report accept an optional second argument to add more data to the report or override the application configuration:

try do
  raise "heck"
rescue exception ->, severity: "warning", context: "worker")

The following options override their corresponding app config values:

  • api_key
  • release_stage
  • notify_release_stages
  • hostname
  • app_type
  • app_version

The following options allow adding more data to the report:

  • severity β€” Sets the severity of the report (error, warning, or info)
  • context β€” Sets the "context" string (e.g. controller#action in Phoenix)
  • user β€” Map of information about the user who encountered the error:
    • id - String ID for the user
    • name - Full name of the user
    • email - Email address of the user
  • os_version β€” Sets the reported OS version of the error
  • stacktrace β€” Allows passing in a stack trace, e.g. from __STACKTRACE__
  • metadata - Map of arbitrary metadata to include with the report
  • error_class - Allows passing in the error type instead of inferring from the error struct

See the Bugsnag docs for more information on these fields.


This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file. Copyright (C) 2014-present Jared Norman