Total Packages: 159

Popular GLSL Packages See more »

webgl-noise shaders ported to work with glslify
Latest release 0.0.0 - Published - 358 stars
The open collection of GL Transitions
Latest release 1.43.0 - Updated - 1.55K stars
This package helps to resolve the #includes in a lygia shader, glsl or hlsl
Latest release 1.0.4 - Updated - 2.34K stars
Daniel Holden's functions designed to avoid conditionals in GLSL, available both as ES modules st...
Latest release 2.0.2 - Updated - 63 stars
draw wireframes on a solid mesh using a fragment shader
Latest release 1.0.1 - Updated - 43 stars

New GLSL Packages See more »

Ray-sphere intersection in GLSL bypassing precision issues
Latest release 0.0.1 - Published
anti-alias smoothstep utility function
Latest release 1.0.2 - Published - 129 stars
Utility for using a Shadertoy material as a texture.
Latest release 1.0.1 - Published - 1 stars
Random noise for glslify
Latest release 0.1.0 - Published
GLSL Parsing, Program Transformation and Printing with ANTLR4
Latest release 0.0.1 - Published - 40 stars

Updated GLSL Packages See more »

A collection of tone mapping functions available both as ES modules strings and as GLSL files for...
Latest release 2.1.1 - Updated - 164 stars
Common GLSL math constants (with 11 decimals) available both as ES modules strings and as GLSL fi...
Latest release 2.0.1 - Updated - 10 stars
Daniel Holden's functions designed to avoid conditionals in GLSL, available both as ES modules st...
Latest release 2.0.2 - Updated - 63 stars
Image filters based on OpenGL(SPIR-V) fragment shaders with useful preview widgets
Latest release 0.0.21 - Updated - 25 stars
Latest release 1.2.1 - Updated - 8 stars

Most Depended upon GLSL Packages

webgl-noise shaders ported to work with glslify
Latest release 0.0.0 - Published - 358 stars
The open collection of GL Transitions
Latest release 1.43.0 - Updated - 1.55K stars
anti-alias smoothstep utility function
Latest release 1.0.1 - Updated - 129 stars
Functions to test if a point is outside ranges, namely useful for 3D/2D scenes that may have reve...
Latest release 1.0.4 - Updated - 3 stars
HSL to RGB color conversion in GLSL
Latest release 1.1.0 - Updated - 46 stars

Top GLSL Licenses

MIT 116 projects

Apache-2.0 9 projects

ISC 6 projects

BSD-3-Clause 5 projects

Unlicense 4 projects

GPL-3.0 2 projects

LGPL-3.0 2 projects

AGPL-3.0 1 project

CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0 1 project

Top GLSL Package Managers

npm 122 projects

PyPI 8 projects

Maven 6 projects

Cargo 5 projects

CocoaPods 5 projects

NuGet 3 projects

Hackage 2 projects

Homebrew 2 projects

Pub 2 projects

Julia 1 project