Adobe Experience Platform Target extension for the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK



Adobe Experience Platform Target Mobile SDK

About this project

Adobe Target helps test, personalize, and optimize mobile app experiences based on user behavior and mobile context. You can deliver interactions that engage and convert through iterative testing and rules-based and AI-powered personalization.

Getting started

Refer to the getting started guide for setting up and using the SDK with your application.


Open the project

To open and run the project, open the code/build.gradle.kts file in Android Studio

Run demo application Once you open the project in Android Studio (see above), select the testapp runnable and your favorite emulator and run the program.


Additional documentation about API usage and SDK architecture can be found under the Documentation directory.

Related Projects

Project Description
Core extensions The Mobile Core represents the foundation of the Experience Platform Mobile SDK.


Contributions are welcomed! Read the CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. See LICENSE for more information.