
A template for Maven-based projects that will be published to Maven Central.




This project template sets up your Maven-based project to be published to Maven Central.


./mvnw install

Publishing to Artifactory

./gradlew artifactoryPublish


This project contains a GitHub Actions workflow file that:

  • runs the build on every push to any branch
  • publishes to Artifactory on every push to the release branch (uses the artifact-publish-token GitHub action to generate temporary access tokens for Artifactory).

To make that work, add these secrets to your GitHub project:

  • GH_EMAIL: the email you want to associate with the commits the Maven release plugin does to update the version number
  • GH_USERNAME: the username you want to associate with the commits the Maven release plugin does to update the version number
  • GH_ACCESS_TOKEN: the Github access token to authenticate for the commits the Maven release plugin does to update the version number
  • SIGNING_KEY: the private key that is used for signing the artifacts
  • SIGNING_PASSWORD: the password to the private key