
Livedata SDK is a client library that enables easier integration with the Livedata XML feed. SDK exposes XML feed service interface in a more user-friendly way and isolates the client from having to do XML feed parsing, proper connection handling, error recovery, event queuing and dispatching. It also makes a client solution more stable and robust when it comes to feed handling, especially with the release of new and updated XML feed versions.



Livedata SDK 2.x

Livedata SDK is a client library that enables easier integration with the Livedata XML feed. SDK exposes XML feed service interface in a more user-friendly way and isolates the client from having to do XML feed parsing, proper connection handling, error recovery, event queuing and dispatching. It also makes a client solution more stable and robust when it comes to feed handling, especially with the release of new and updated XML feed versions.


Project consists of next modules:

  • sdk. Sdk itself.
  • sdk-example. Example project to test sdk.
  • sdk-test. Unit tests.
  • sdk-loginterceptor. Jmx functionality for debugging.
  • sdk-jar-example. Separate example project to test sdk.jar independently. Requirs sdk.jar in release folder.

Running "package" will run unit tests, generate javadoc and all needed jar files at sdk/target/.


Project builds three different jars:

  • sdk-2.0.9.jar - only sdk classes, need to upload dependencies from maven.
  • sdk-2.0.9-fatjar.jar - stores all needed libraries inside jar.
  • sdk-2.0.9-fatjar-shaded.jar - stores all needed libraries inside jar. Libraries are shaded to avoid overwriting by newer versions.

NOTE: Despite the availability of original jar, we recommend to use fatjar-shaded to avoid libraries versions incompatibility.

Livedata sdk can be imported from Maven Central Repository. Just add the fatjar-shaded dependency to your pom.xml file:


If you want to manage sdk libraries original jar be used:



In your you need at least to set-up the following: (replace xxx with actual credentials).


A complete list of properties and their defaults (when appropriate) can be found here.


First you need to implement the LiveScoutFeedListener that will receive callbacks for each message/event. Then to actually connect and start receiving messages you do the following:

final Sdk sdk = Sdk.getInstance();
final LiveScoutFeed liveScoutFeed = sdk.getLiveScout();
final LiveScoutFeedListener scoutFeedListener = new LiveScoutFeedListenerImpl();;

NOTE: Bookmaker SDK is a singleton. There should be only one SDK instance per process. When using multiple processes avoid running multiple SDK instances, especially if the same access credentials are used. You may end up in an inconsistent state and get problems due to limits on the server side. Use IPC instead in such cases.

SDK provider(s) will try to connect to the corresponding XML feed server and keep the connection alive. If the connection is lost the provider will try to reconnect automatically - you will be informed of this through the corresponding events.
To send message use LiveScoutFeed instace. For example:

final LiveScoutFeed liveScoutFeed = sdk.getLiveScout();


SDK will make various logs during its operation. Logs are organized into various categories, based on whether these are critical alerts, invalid messages received, configuration updates, message traffic, etc. Level of logging can be configured through All logger settings are listed in


SDK generates implicit "bet stop" message after disconnect and does automatic error recovery. It does however not keep track of bet clearings! If you are disconnected for a long time it may happen that after you come back the match is already over. In that time-frame bets were not accepted (so you are safe) but it might still be necessary to clear the bets placed at the begining of the match. In that (rare) case you it is up to you to invoke getMatchStatus method to obtain bet clearings to do correct pay-outs (if / when required).

SDK never generates implicit "bet start". You should not rely on "bet start" to start accepting bets again but check MatchHeaderEntity.getBetStatus()!


Javadoc for latest version. For older version can be used.