Access Checkout Android SDK allows you to secure your customer's card details by creating a session.
The session can be used to then take a payment using the Access Worldpay APIs.
A sample demo application is also available to provide an example integration of the SDK.
To learn how to integrate with the latest version of the Access Checkout Android SDK - click here.
For full integration instructions and code examples visit Worldpay Developers
Some useful commands to know during development:
# Running unit tests
./gradlew :access-checkout:testDebugUnitTest
# Generate jacoco code coverage report
./gradlew :access-checkout:jacocoTestReport
# Verify jacoco code coverage
./gradlew :access-checkout:jacocoTestCoverageVerification
# Run unit tests and code coverage checks
./gradlew :access-checkout:testDebugUnitTest :access-checkout:jacocoTestReport :access-checkout:jacocoTestCoverageVerification
# Check ktlint formatting
./gradlew ktlintCheck
# Run the ktlint formatter
./gradlew ktlintFormat
Full changelog can be found here