
QM Advantage




LTI tool for integrating with Qualtrics surveys.

Running standalone

Add env vars or system properties as desired.

ENV Property System Property Default Value Description
APP_FULLFILEPATH app.fullFilePath /usr/src/app/config Directory for configuration files
APP_OVERRIDESFILENAME app.overridesFileName Customizable filename for additional configurations. Would be located in the above directory.
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE Supply spring profiles to activate. See configuration details below for potential values.
APP_ENV app.env dev Environment designator. Free-form and can be used for your own purposes. Shows up in the application footer.
LTI_CLIENTREGISTRATION_DEFAULTCLIENT lti.clientregistration.defaultClient canvas Specify the launching configuration to expect (canvas/saltire)

Setup Database

After compiling, see target/generated-resources/sql/ddl/auto/postgresql9.sql for appropriate ddl. Insert records into the LTI_13_AUTHZ table for the tool's registration_id ("course-review-form), along with the matching client_id and secret from Canvas's Developer Keys. An env designator is also required here, and allows a database to support multiple environments simultaneously (dev and reg, for example).

One will need to create a record in the table QUALTRICS_DOCUMENT.

Test a local launch

Startup the application with the LTI_CLIENTREGISTRATION_DEFAULTCLIENT value set to saltire. Use an LTI tool consumer launcher, like Default values are fine, with the below exceptions...

In the Message section, set the following:

Property Value
Custom parameters

Use an appropriate canvas_course_id, canvas_user_login_id, and document_id.

From the Security Model section, set the following:

Property Value
LTI version 1.3.0
Message URL http://localhost:8080/app/launch
Client ID dev (or whatever is appropriate based on the record inserted in the database table from above)
Initiate login URL http://localhost:8080/lti/login_initiation/course-review-form
Redirection URI(s) http://localhost:8080/lti/login

Canvas JSON

Example json for the tool can be found in the examples directory.


If choosing to use properties files for the configuration values, the default location is /usr/src/app/config, but that can be overridden by setting the APP_FULLFILEPATH value via system property or environment variable. You may use,, or set the APP_OVERRIDESFILENAME value with your desired file name.

Database Configuration

The following properties need to be set to configure the communication with a database. They can be set in a properties file, or overridden as environment variables.

Property Description
lms.db.user Username used to access the database
lms.db.url JDBC URL of the database. Will have the form jdbc:<dbtype>://<host>:<port>/<database>
lms.db.password Password for the user accessing the database
lms.db.poolType Fully qualified name of the connection pool implementation to use. By default, it is auto-detected from the classpath.

Configure support contact information

The following properties need to be set to configure the contact information on the global error page. They can be set in a file, or overridden as environment variables.

Property Description Display name for your support organization Contact mechanism - URL or mailto:email (e.g. or

Redis Configuration (optional)

If you would like to use Redis for session storage, you will need to enable it by including the value redis-session into the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable. Be aware that if the tool requires multiple values, that there could be more than one profile value in there.

Additionally, the following properties need to be set to configure the communication with Redis. Then can be set in a properties file, or overridden as environment variables.

Property Description Redis server host.
spring.redis.port Redis server port.
spring.redis.database Database index used by the connection factory.
spring.redis.password Login password of the redis server.

Vault Configuration (optional)

If you would like to use HasiCorp's Vault for secure property storage, you will need to enable it by including the value vault into the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable. Be aware that if the tool requires multiple values, that there could be more than one profile value in there. Include any* properties that your environment requires in a properties file, or override as environment variables.

Exposing the LTI authz REST endpoints

If you would like to expose the LTI authz endpoints in this tool (for CRUD operations on the LTI authorizations), you will need to enable it by including the value ltirest into the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable. Be aware that if the tool requires multiple values, that there could be more than one profile value in there.

Enabling swagger-ui for the LTI authz REST endpoints

⚠️ Experimental ⚠️

If you would like to enable the swagger-ui for interacting with the endpoints, include the value swagger into the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable. Once enabled, the ui will be available at /api/lti/swagger-ui.html. There are some additional OAuth2 considerations that need to be accounted for while using this setup.

This is marked as experimental due to the fact that we aren't running with this option at IU. We are running into CORS issues when trying to talk to our OAuth2 service via swagger, so we can't verify if it really works or not!