A Java native client for Weaviate.
To start using Weaviate Java client add this dependency to pom.xml
The client utilizes Gson for JSON serialization/deserialization and Gson uses reflection of internal java.lang
to do it. This is not allowed by default in Java 9 and above.
To work around this, it's necessary to add this JVM commandline argument:
If you're using Gradle, you can add this instead to your application
block in your build.gradle.kts
applicationDefaultJvmArgs += listOf(
Here's a simple code to start up working with Java client:
Add dependency to your java project.
Connect to Weaviate on
and fetch meta information
package io.weaviate;
import io.weaviate.client.Config;
import io.weaviate.client.WeaviateClient;
import io.weaviate.client.base.Result;
import io.weaviate.client.v1.misc.model.Meta;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Config config = new Config("http", "localhost:8080");
WeaviateClient client = new WeaviateClient(config);
Result<Meta> meta = client.misc().metaGetter().run();
if (meta.hasErrors()) {
System.out.printf("Error: %s\n", meta.getError().getMessages());
} else {
System.out.printf("meta.hostname: %s\n", meta.getResult().getHostname());
System.out.printf("meta.version: %s\n", meta.getResult().getVersion());
System.out.printf("meta.modules: %s\n", meta.getResult().getModules());