
Rio parser and writer implementation for the Turtle file format.



#Welcome to the Sesame code repository#

Sesame is an extensible Java framework for storing, querying and inferencing for RDF. It can be deployed as a web server or used as a Java library. Features include several query languages (SeRQL and SPARQL), inferencing support, and RAM or disk storage. Additionally, the central APIs of Sesame are storage-independent and are supported by many third-party RDF database vendors.

Report any issues in the JIRA issue tracker.

More information about Sesame can be found at the project website.

##Build instructions##

Sesame is a Maven project, as such the usual Maven goals are used to build, test, and package the project. These goals are typically run directly from the project root, though if you know what you are doing you can also use (some of) them in one of the (sub)modules (e.g. the core directory or one of its subdirs):

  • mvn clean cleans the working directory
  • mvn package creates all binary artifacts (jar/war files) and (when executed from project root or core directory) assembles the distribution bundles (available in core/assembly/target).
  • mvn verify executes all unit and (when executed at the project root) integration/compliance tests. It also creates source and javadoc jars for each module, in preparation for installation/deployment.
  • mvn install compiles, packages, and then tests the build, before installing the artifacts in your local maven repository.
  • mvn eclipse:eclipse generates Eclipse project settings, after which you can easily import the entire project into an Eclipse workspace (each module will be a separate Eclipse project).

In order to speed up the build (and skip test execution), you can optionally specify the quick profile, for example, to install artifacts in your local repo without executing tests:

mvn -Pquick install

##Become involved##

We welcome code contributions.

Sesame development takes place on one of the release branches (for example, branch 2.7.x or 2.8.x). The core development team fixes issues by creating feature branches (typically with the number of corresponding JIRA issue in the branch name) off of the appropriate release branch. Once a fix is tested it is merged back into the release branch.

If you have a minor patch to contribute, you can do so by forking the repository, fixing the issue in your fork, and then submitting a pull request for us to merge your fixes into the core repository. If you do this, please make sure you submit the pull request against the correct branch most often it should be one of the release branches, not the master branch). If unsure, get in touch with the development team.

For larger contributions, please get in touch with the development team first. Explain your fix or improvement and we can look at the best way to incorporate it together.

##Copyright and License##

This is a collective work, licensed under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE.txt file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.

This work is licensed to you under the terms of a BSD-style License (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. See the LICENSE.txt file distributed with this work for the full License.