
Translations for the meteor account's error messages.

meteor add alexandruhuszar:accounts-t9n@=1.0.6


Duplicate of mrt:accounts-t9n ( Many thanks for softwarerero

General error message to accounts-password "Invalid email or password" .Romania translation added

Translations for the meteor account's messages (almost i18n)

This package offers translations for accounts-base, accounts-passwords, accounts-entry, accounts-templates-core and billing. Contributions for other packages are welcome. We try to translate only messages that might pop up at a users screen as developers are expected to understand English errors anyway.

Translations are currently available for Arabic, Catalan, Chinese (Mandarin), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish (South America), Spanish (Spain), Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese,Romanian.


Set a current language for translations:


Get a translation in Javascript:



  • T9n.get('name');
  • T9n.get('store.purchase');
  • T9n.get('error.accounts.User not found');

Get a localized text in a template

{{t9n code}}

Example: {{t9n "store.purchase"}}.

If a translation is not found the key is displayed. To spot not translated keys a prefix and a postfix can surround the key, they default to ">" and "<" so a you would see ">nonExistantKey<". You can change the pre- and postfix:

T9n.missingPrefix = ">" T9n.missingPostfix = "<"

If you use get you can also suppress printing of the prefix and postfix if you set the second parameter to false (it defaults to true). T9n.get code, false

Get a localized text with parameters

Optionally named parameters can be used, naming them allows for repetition.

T9n.get code, true, args


If you define a string in your language file like

'sentence': '@{subject} @{predicate} @{adverb} @{object}. Frische @{object} @{predicate} @{subject}.'

and have an object like

args = 
  subject: "Fischer's Fritz"
  predicate: 'fischt'
  object: 'Fische'
  adverb: 'frische'

you could call

T9n.get 'sentence', true, args

and that should give you

'Fischer's Fritz fischt frische Fische. Frische Fische fischt Fischer's Fritz.'

You must specify the second argument for prefix/postfix too, I am sorry.

Define translations language, yourMap

Example: 'en',
  hello: 'world'
    purchase: 'buy now'
    basket: 'basket'

Tip: If you do not want to expose the reason why a login was unsuccessful for security reasons. They could overwrite the corresponding messages: 'en',
      'User not found': 'Not for you'
      'Incorrect password': 'Not for you'

Language codes

ar, ca, cs, da, de, el, en, es, es, es_ES, fa, fr, he, it, nl, no_NB, pl, pt, ru, sl, sv, tr, uk, vi, zh_cn, zh_tw, ro


  • djhi - French Translation
  • laosb - Chinese Translation
  • mdede - Czech Translation
  • robhunt3r - Improved Spanish Translation
  • splendido - Italian Translation, Reactivity, Ideas
  • pwldp - Polish Translation
  • ryw - Fix for Blaze
  • eahefnawy - Arabic Translation
  • alanmeira - Portuguese Translation
  • timtch - Russian Translation
  • alesvaupotic - Slovenian Translation
  • timbrandin - Swedish Translation
  • olragon - Vietnamese Translation
  • noamyoungerm - Hebrew Translation
  • larsbuur - Danish Translation
  • SkeLLLa - Ukrainian Translation
  • maomorales - Spanish for Spain
  • kjetilge - Norwegian bokmÃ¥l Translation
  • pajooh - Farsi Translation
  • mutil - Greek Translation
  • willemx - Dutch Translation
  • victorleungtw - Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong and Taiwan)
  • ixdi - Catalan Translation
  • serkandurusoy - Turkish Translation
  • alexandruhuszar - Romanian Translation

This package is inspired by subhog's just-i18n and included this as a dependency before version 0.0.3.
