
a benchmark tool

benchmark, profile, golden, runtime, run, profiling, bench, speed, compile, nim
nimble install golden@#1.1.3



A benchmarking tool that measures and records runtime of any executable and also happens to know how to compile Nim.

Currently pretty crude, but things are coming together.


Lightning Memory-Mapped Database

You will need to install LMDB so that the Nim wrapper can bind to it. This is a link to the Nim wrapper and this is a link to the Symas web-page with more information on LMDB.

It may sound like I'm asking you to install a behemoth closed-source binary. This is not that. It's open, very small, very fast, and I was already using it on my system for postfix and neomutt when I decided to use it here.


If LMDB is installed, you can simply

$ nimble install golden


If you pass it a binary, it'll run it a bunch of times and report some runtime statistics periodically.

If you pass it some Nim source, it will compile it for you and report some compilation and runtime statistics periodically.

It will keep running until the standard deviation is within truth (think percentage) of mean runtime. It handles a SIGINT more gracefully than my ex-wife.

$ golden --truth=0.002 bench.nim
compilations after 0s
│ Builds │ Min      │ Max      │ Mean     │ StdDev   │
│      1 │ 0.396129 │ 0.396129 │ 0.396129 │ 0.000000 │
benchmark after 1s
│ Runs   │ Min      │ Max      │ Mean     │ StdDev   │
│      1 │ 1.959187 │ 1.959187 │ 1.959187 │ 0.000000 │
benchmark after 3s
│ Runs   │ Min      │ Max      │ Mean     │ StdDev   │
│      2 │ 1.958892 │ 1.959187 │ 1.959039 │ 0.000147 │
completed benchmark after 5s
│ Runs   │ Min      │ Max      │ Mean     │ StdDev   │
│      3 │ 1.958892 │ 1.961293 │ 1.959791 │ 0.001069 │

Benchmarking the compilation of Nim itself:

$ cd ~/git/Nim
$ golden koch -- boot -d:danger
# ...
│ #      │ Min      │ Max      │ Mean     │ StdDev   │
│     12 │ 8.846606 │ 9.485832 │ 8.945023 │ 0.165638 │

Benchmarking compilation of slow-to-compile Nim:

$ golden --compilation openapi.nim
│      # │ Min       │ Max       │ Mean      │ StdDev   │
│      1 │ 91.946370 │ 91.946370 │ 91.946370 │ 0.000000 │
│      # │ Min       │ Max       │ Mean      │ StdDev    │
│      2 │ 29.271556 │ 91.946370 │ 60.608963 │ 31.337407 │

Command Line Options

  • truth a float percentage indicating how much jitter you'll accept
  • storage the path to a database file you wish to use; must end in .golden-db
  • interactive-forced assume output friendly to humans
  • json-output assume output friendly to machines (work in progress)
  • color-forced enable color output when not in interactive mode
  • graphs-in-console periodically produce graphs (PNG) and display them in a Kitty console
  • prune-outliers throw out this percentage of aberrant invocations with long runtime in order to clean up the histogram
  • dry-run don't write any results to the database
  • histogram-classes the number of points in the histogram
  • compilation-only benchmark the Nim compiler on the given source(s)
  • -- the following arguments are passed to the compiler and runtime. Note that if you supply -- cpp for compilation via C++, you will need to supply your own defines such as -d:danger.
