
Markdown dialect

articles, html, markdown, nim, parser, pure
nimble install marggers@#v0.2.0



Dialect of markdown (that outputs to HTML) that I once made for a purpose that didn't work out. Very fragile and sloppily put together. Only use if you really want to.

Tested for C backend, but JS backend only works with Nim >= 1.3 due to Nim's XML parser needing StringStream which isn't supported etc. Also seems to work with --gc:arc because why wouldn't it.

To escape use \\

# Heading1
## Heading2
### Heading3
#### Heading4
##### Heading5
###### Heading6

####{heading-id} Heading (new, makes heading-id the id of this heading)

* Bullet points
+ Plus
- Minus

1. Numbered list
2. Can be
4. Any number
.  or just a dot (new),
   can also indent

> Blockquotes
> can _be_ **formatted**

Code blocks
Have no formatting

Inline formatting:

Link: [text](url)
      [text **can have formatting**](url "tooltip text")
Image: ![](url)
       ![alt text (image doesnt load)](url "tooltip text")
Superscript (new): 4^(3) = 64
Subscript (new): a[n] = 2n + 1
Bold: **text**
Underline: __text__
italic: *text* _text_
Strikethrough: ~~text~~
Inline code (has formatting!): `text`
Checkboxes anywhere in the document, not just lists: [ ] [x]
No formatting with curly braces (new): {aaaa **aa**}
Double curly acts as 1 curly: {{aaadooooo}}
Code without formatting: {`_ * 3 + 3 * _ + 2 ** 2 ** 2`}

Inline HTML (no formatting inside): <table>
      <td>a 1</td>
      <td>a 2</td>
      <td>b 1</td>
      <td>b 2</td>


<p>To escape use \</p>
<h1> Heading1</h1>
<h2> Heading2</h2>
<h3> Heading3</h3>
<h4> Heading4</h4>
<h5> Heading5</h5>
<h6> Heading6</h6>
<h4 id="heading-id"> Heading (new, makes heading-id the id of this heading)</h4>
<ul><li>Bullet points</li><li>Plus</li><li>Minus</li></ul>
<ol><li> Numbered list</li><li> Can be</li><li> Any number</li><li>  or just a dot (new),
    can also indent</li></ol>
<blockquote><p> Blockquotes</p>

<p>can <em>be</em> <strong>formatted</strong></p></blockquote>
<pre>Code blocks
Have no formatting
<p>Inline formatting:</p>
<p>Link: <a href="url">text</a>
      <a href="url" title="tooltip text">text <strong>can have formatting</strong></a>
Image: <img src="url">
       <img src="url" alt="alt text (image doesnt load)" title="tooltip text">
Superscript (new): 4<sup>3</sup> = 64
Subscript (new): a<sub>n</sub> = 2n + 1
Bold: <strong>text</strong>
Underline: <u>text</u>
italic: <em>text</em> <em>text</em>
Strikethrough: <s>text</s>
Inline code (has formatting!): <code>text</code>
Checkboxes anywhere in the document, not just lists: <input type="checkbox" disabled> <input type="checkbox" disabled checked>
No formatting with curly braces (new): aaaa **aa**
Double curly acts as 1 curly: {aaadooooo}
Code without formatting: `_ * 3 + 3 * _ + 2 ** 2 ** 2`</p>
<p>Inline HTML (no formatting inside): <table>
      <td>a 1</td>
      <td>a 2</td>
      <td>b 1</td>
      <td>b 2</td>