
🥦 Generate Nginx configuration files based on the user input

0x4447, cli, ginnx, nginx, configuration, broccoli, configuration-file, 0x4447-clis
npm install @0x4447/broccoli@1.0.7


🥦 Broccoli

If you're a developer with a local Nginx setup for the purpose of delivering local web pages with custom local domain names to mimic a real world scenario, you've definitely experienced the tedious work involved in creating Nginx config files: copy and paste a template, change the new file, save the file, reload the Nginx configuration file, and restart the server.

In this day and age, doing this with dozens of micro servers is truly a pain.

We decided to streamline the process and make our lives a bit simpler by creating this small CLI that automates everything.

We hope you'll find Broccoli as useful as we do.

How to install

] sudo npm install -g @0x4447/broccoli

How to use

] sudo broccoli -s .

Where to get help

] broccoli -h

What to expect

Follow the instructions on the screen. The app will do the following for you:

  • Ask the right questions ;)
  • Create a config file
  • Save the config file to the Nginx directory
  • Restart Nginx

Companion Software

This CLI tool also works well with the following software:

  • Hot Pepper: Set up SystemD as the process manager for your NodeJS server with one simple command.

The End

If you enjoyed this project, please consider giving it a 🌟. And check out our 0x4447 GitHub account, which contains additional resources you might find useful or interesting.

Sponsor 🎊

This project is brought to you by 0x4447 LLC, a software company specializing in building custom solutions on top of AWS. Follow this link to learn more: https://0x4447.com. Alternatively, send an email to hello@0x4447.email.