⚒ Drupal JS Build
Command line to build JS files the way Drupal core does.
Just create your JS files as [name].es6.js. When this tool is executed, those files will be compiled by Babel to [name].js.
The script files were directly taken from Drupal core codebase and updated to
support custom build configurations using the .drupalbuild.js
The default configuration will match Drupal's default behaviour/convention.
Install it:
npm i drupal-js-build --save-dev
or globally:
npm i -g drupal-js-build
To build the files:
npx drupal-js-build
To watch the files:
npx drupal-js-build watch
This tool can also compile SASS files using node-sass
The recommended folder structure is ./css/sass/[file].scss
. The files will be compiled to parent folder as ./css/[file].css
To compile js and scss files:
npx drupal-js-build --css
npx drupal-js-build watch --css
To compile scss files only:
npx drupal-js-build --only-css
npx drupal-js-build watch --only-css
You may configure how the script runs by creating a local .drupalbuild.js
in the working directory running the script.
An example configuration is available below:
module.exports = {
ignoreList: [
// Don't include the local .ignore-me folder.
watchSettings: {
// Additional settings to pass along to chokidar.watch
usePolling: true, // Use polling in non-standard environments.
sassSettings: {
// Additional settings to pass along to the node-sass.render.
sourceMap: false, // Disable CSS sourcemaps.
jsHeader: `Custom JS header comment`, // May be set to null to remove the header.
cssHeader: `/**\n * Custom CSS header comment.\n **/\n`, // May be set to null to remove the header.
files: {
// Note: All matched files must end in '.es6.js'
jsSrc: './**/*.es6.js',
jsDestination: './', // Relative to the currently processed es6.js file.
// Note: All matched files must end in '.scss'
scssSrc: './css/**/[!_]*.scss',
scssDestination: '../', // Relative to the currently processed scss file.