
The javascript SDK for BlinkMobile analytics. Works in the browser (with a build step) and on the server.

npm install @blinkmobile/analytics-sdk@1.0.0-beta.4


@blinkmobile / analytics-sdk-js

The javascript SDK for sending custom events to the BlinkMobile Simple Analytics service.

If you are a BlinkMobile customer, you can access your analytics through the BlinkMobile Analytics Console or your custom installation if you have one. For more information, please contact support@blinkmobile.com.au.

Please Note: This is only just out of alpha release. It is currently being used by a number of BlinkMobile NodeJS projects. It has not yet been tested on client-side projects. If you have a special requirement, please request a feature.


npm install --save @blinkmobile/analytics-sdk


You will need an Access Key and a Secret Key for the Simple Analytics service. Please contact support@blinkmobile.com.au for keys.


Start by setting up your configuration and initialising a "collector".

// [1] Require in the SDK
const Analytics = require('@blinkmobile/analytics-sdk')

// [2] Set your keys and Simple Analytics service URL
const ANALYTICS_ACCESS_KEY = 'my-api-project'
const ANALYTICS_SECRET_KEY = '887659807=3124hjkgf987hjgf77t876t876g'
const ANALYTICS_URL = 'https://analytics.blinkm.io'

// [3] Initialise the Analytics collector object
const collector = new Analytics({

Your events must be an object but they can have any form you like. The events below are based on Google Analytics events.

To send a single custom event with the logEvent() method:

// Format your event
const formattedEvent = {
  category: "Videos",
  action: "Start",
  label: "HowTo",
  value: Date.now()

// Log your event
collector.logEvent("Server CLI Request", formattedEvent)
  .then((analyticsEvent) => {
    // The logEvent() method returns a Promise
    // that resolves to the event
    // sent to the analytics service
  .catch((err) => {
    throw Error(err)

To send multiple events with the logEvents() method:

// Format your events into an array
const formattedEvents =
    category: "Videos",
    action: "Start",
    label: "HowTo",
    value: 1497509263823
    category: "Videos",
    action: "Stop",
    label: "HowTo",
    value: 1497509350209

// Log your events
collector.logEvents("Server CLI Request", formattedEvents)
  .then((analyticsEvent) => {
    // The logEvents() method returns a Promise
    // that resolves to whatever was
    // returned from the Simple Analytics service,
    // currently the array of events that
    // was sent to Simple Analytics
  .catch((err) => {
    throw Error(err)


Contributions on GitHub are welcome. Please fork the repo and make a pull request.

If you have a problem, please make an issue and we'll give it our full attention.