
Types and utility function for TypeChain

npm install @c-forge/typechain-types@0.2.8



This library generates TypeScript types from an ink!-based smart contract.

Dive into the latest updates and features of Typechain-Polkadot in our What's new article!.

Installation & import

Note: This repository & the following commands use pnpm. If you don't have it, you can install it via npm:

npm i -g pnpm

Install the package as dependency:

pnpm i @c-forge/typechain-polkadot

Pass the folder with artifacts(in the example it is artifacts) as input argument and the output folder(in the example it is typed_contracts):

npx @c-forge/typechain-polkadot --in artifacts --out typed_contracts

Import the contract what you want to use(in the example it is my_psp22):

import MyPSP22 from '../typed_contracts/contracts/my_psp22';

In the code you can find all available methods and constructors.

Right now, you can't instantiate the contract via typechain(coming soon), but you can wrap any already deployed contract. If in the code you already have instantiated contract then you can easily wrap it:

const typed_contract = new MyPSP22(contract.address.toString(), signer /* who will sign transactions*/, contract.api);

More information you can find in docs.

Usage of Typechain-compiler

npx typechain-compiler --config config.json

Also you can set some additional arguments like --noCompile, --noTypechain, --release

Config interface will be something like this:

export interface Config {
  projectFiles: string[]; // Path to all project files, everystring in glob format
  lint: boolean; // Enable cargo contract linting
  artifactsPath: string; // Path to artifacts folder, where artifacts will be stored it will save both .contract and .json (contract ABI)
  typechainGeneratedPath: string; // Path to typechain generated folder

Project Details

Typesafe contracts' descriptions can be generated automatically by a script, taking a list of ABIs as an input, giving usable TS type definitions and even runtime code as its output.

Given that a front-end developer needs to do this with every contract update, such a tool would save a lot of time and prevent mistakes of misusing smart contracts. It provides a way to generate TypeScript types to interact with ink! smart contracts on substrate chains, which is essential for building front-end applications as well as node.js development (e2e testing, one-off scripts, bots etc). It is installed as a package with a built-in CLI.

When contracts descriptions come both with ABI and source code (*.contract files), our tool will provide means for deployment as well.

Also, Typechain-Polkadot uses awesome tool Handlebars for generating code from templates. It is a very flexible and powerful tool, which allows to generate code from templates with a lot of different logic. For example, you can generate code for different contracts with different logic, or you can generate code for different methods with different logic.

Documentation 📚