
Powerful form validation library for Vue 3!

npm install @cataline.io/darpi@1.1.9



Now you can be relaxed when it comes to forms validation in Vue.

We have the component Form and Field component that will be enough for you to create your powerful forms, and to validate the entries we have a validation schema that is strongly inspired by Yup, but it is made exclusively for our components, which makes the integration very simple and light.


npm i @cataline.io/darpi


For use with Single File Components it is as easy as importing the Form and Field component, defining a validation schema and sending it as a prop to Form.

  <form :schema="fields" @submit="onSubmit">
    <Field name="name" />
    <Field name="age" />

    <button type="submit">Go</button>

  import { Form, Field, schema } from '@cataline.io/darpi'

  export default {
    components: { Form, Field },
    data() {
      return {
        fields: {
          name: schema.string().required().minWords(2),
          age: schema.number().required().min(18)
    methods: {
      onSubmit(values) {

About error messages

Under the hood, each Field has a span tag that will be displayed in case there are any validation errors, the errors will be displayed one at a time in the order in which the schema was assembled.

<div class="field has-error">
  <input id="age" name="age" type="text" />
  <span class="error-message"> {{ error }} </span>

Custom error messages

There are two ways to define personalized messages.

First, within the method of each rule.

fields: {
  name: schema.string().required('Yo! Put your name'),
  age: schema.number().min(18, 'You need to be adult'),

Second, at the component level or globally.

import { configure } from '@cataline.io/darpi'

  messages: {
    mixed: {
      required: 'Yo! Put your name'
    number: {
      min: 'You need to be adult'

Using with TypeScript

If you are using TypeScript it is interesting that you have the correct typing.

<script lang="ts">
  import Vue from 'vue'
  import { Form, Field, schema, FormContext } from '@cataline.io/darpi'

  const fields = schema.typed({
    name: schema.string().required(),
    age: schema.number().required()

  type Fields = typeof fields

  export default Vue.extend({
    components: { Form, Field },
    data() {
      return { fields }
    methods: {
      onSubmit(values: Fields, formContext: FormContext<Fields>) {
        try {
          // put `loading` class in the form

          // send to API

          // clear all fields
        } catch (error) {
          // define error messages for any field
          // they disappear when the field changes
            name: 'Seu nome é bonito demais'
        } finally {
          // remove class `loading` from Form

Add custom rules

First create a method on the Vue instance.

methods: {
  async uniqueEmail(email: string) {
    const alreadyExists = this.$axios.$get('/register-check', { email })

    return alreadyExists ? 'E-mail already registered' : true

Then pass this method through the rules property to the field.

<Field name="email" :rules="[uniqueEmail, anything]" />

Custom rules will run after all the rules in the schema.

About updates

We know that this is not adequate documentation and that a lot of information is missing, we will soon have a legal website with several documents, but if you are using TypeScript we are sure you will discover many things only with intellisense.

Until next updates 🚀