
Delivery zome webcomponents

npm install @ddd-qc/delivery@0.15.2


Delivery Zome

Holochain Zome Module for sending private data between agents asynchronously.


Enable private sharing of custom data between P2P agents (parcels). Features:

  • Sign and encrypt parcels
  • Delivery Receipt
  • Multiple distribution strategies:
    • Send via DM
    • Send via DHT
    • (TODO) Define private Drop-Off points (cap-grants?)
    • (TODO) recipient 2 recipient sharing
    • (TODO) public
  • Spliting / Chunking large parcels into many small ones
  • A default Chunk entry is provided for arbitrary data
  • Robust multi-step and failure recovery (with post_commit())
  • (TODO) auto-reception with Scheduler
  • (TODO) auto Chunk ordering
  • (TODO) Acknowledgement system?

A sender can send any Entry to a list of recipients The Entry must be first committed to the sender's source chain. The recipient has the option to accept or refuse an incoming delivery.

The module is to be used by other zomes (via inter-zome calls) for their own entry types.

?Parcel types can have the option to not be refusable (ex: acks, mails)? With parcel trait?


  1. Commit arbitrary entries to your source chain with your own zome functions or use commit_parcel_*().
  2. Send the committed entries to a list of recipient: distribute_parcel(parcel_eh, [recipients])
  3. Recipient will first commit a DeliveryNotice to its own source-chain. It can be retrieved with query_DeliveryNotice(). respond_to_notice(notice_eh, yes/no) to accept/refuse an incoming parcel get() the entry

un/set_drop_off_agent() Announce publicly which are my allowed drop-off points query_drop_off() Ask drop-off agent if it has a parcel for me. take_from_drop_off() Request drop-off agent to hand over parcel.


  • Investigate double send of entry (should we use receive_entry())
  • Test simultaneous sends and receives of parcels
  • Test big file transfer (> 16 MiB)
  • Test failure recovery
  • Add signaling
  • Cleanup code base


To rebuild the DNA for holochain:

  1. Install rustup and the wasm32 target with: rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
  2. Install holochain and hc
  3. Run scripts\pack-happ.sh


A testing zome has been implemented, called 'secret'.

Test suite with sweeettest:

  1. cargo build
  2. ./target/debug/delivery_sweettest.exe <testname>