
Multidimensional arrays for JS

Multidimensional, array, MD, multi, dimensional
npm install @debonet/mdarray@1.0.2



Multidimensional arrays for JS


npm install @debonet/mdarray


MDArray makes working with multidimensional array structures easy and natural.


A multidimensional array can be easily created:

	const myMDArray = new MDArray(2,3,4);


accesing elements can be done in numerous ways:

	// arrays can be access in typical way
	myMDArray[1][2][3] = "hello";
	// or, equivalently
	myMDArray[ [1,2,3] ] = "hello";
	// or, for higher performance
	myMDArray.get( [1,2,3] ) = "hello";
	// better error handling
	myMDArray[100][2][3] = undefined; // does not throw!


Looping is also vastly simplified. Looping over indicies:

	for ( const index of myMDArray.loop()){
		myMDArray[ index ] = index.join('');


	MDArray(2) [  
		MDArray(3) [  
			MDArray(4) [ '000', '001', '002', '003' ],  
			MDArray(4) [ '010', '011', '012', '013' ],  
			MDArray(4) [ '020', '021', '022', '023' ]  
 		MDArray(3) [  
			MDArray(4) [ '100', '101', '102', '103' ],  
			MDArray(4) [ '110', '111', '112', '113' ],  
			MDArray(4) [ '120', '121', '122', '123' ]  

And looping over values:

	for ( const val of myMDArray ){
		console.log( val );




	const myMDArray = new MDArray(2,3,4).fill(0);


	[ [ [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ],  
	    [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ],  
	    [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ],   
	  [ [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ],   
	    [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ],   
	    [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ] ]   


Much of the functionality of the native Array() class has been replicated with sensible multidimensional analogs, e.g.:

	const myMDArray = new MDArray(2,3,4,5,6).fill("haystack");
	myMDArray[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ] = "needle";
	myMDArray.indexOf("needle") // == [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]

More to be added in future releases.

functional methods

Including function-oriented programming methods, e.g.:

	const mTwos = new MDArray(2,3,4,5,6).fill(2);

	const mFours = myMDArray.map(( x ) => x * 2);



new MDArray()

produces an empty MDArray object, with dimension 0

new MDArray( , []* )

produces MDArray whose dimensions are set to the specified numbers

new MDArray( )

converts the array into an MDArray

MDArray.prototype.get( index )


if the index is an array of length equal to the dimensionality of the MDArray, returns the value at the specified index where

if the index is less than the dimensionality of the MDArray, returns the sub MDArray

if the index is greater than than the dimensionality of the MDArray, undefined is returned.

if the index is outsize of the size of the MDArray then undefined is returned.

MDArray.prototype.set( index, x )

sets the value at the specified index if the index is outsize of the size of the MDArray then undefined is returned.

Other Methods

These rougly replicate the Array class equivalents

MDArray.prototype.every( f )

returns true if f() applied to every element of the MDArray is true. Otherwise, returns false.

MDArray.prototype.fill( x )

fills every value of the MDArray with the provided value x

MDArray.prototype.find( f )

returns the first value of the MDArary for which f() applied to that value returns true.

MDArray.prototype.findIndex( f )

returns the index of the first value of the MDArary for which f() applied to that value returns true.

MDArray.prototype.forEach( ... )

MDArray.prototype.includes( ... )

MDArray.prototype.indexOf( ... )

MDArray.prototype.join( ... )

MDArray.prototype.makeCopy( ... )

MDArray.prototype.map( ... )

MDArray.prototype.size( ... )

MDArray.prototype.reduce( ... )

MDArray.prototype.slice( ... )

Element-By-Element Operators

MDArray.prototype[ operation ] ( [ value ]* )


Operation is one of:

- - - -
add sub mul div
mod and or eq
ne neq lt lte
gt gte bitand bitor
bitxor abs acos acosh
asin asinh atan atan2
atanh cbrt ceil clz32
cos cosh exp expm1
floor fround hypot imul
log log10 log1p log2
max min pow random
round sign sin sinh
sqrt tan tanh trunc


value is an MDArray, Array, or value.

if value is an MDArray of same dimensionality of the calling MDArray, then operation is applied to the element

if value is an MDArray of smaller dimensionality, the higher dimensionalities are ignored, resulting in repeated use of each element

if value is an MDArray of greater dimensionality, the sub-MDArray is passed to the operator

if value is an Array, it is treated identially to an MDArray.dimension=1, resulting in repeated use of each element along the final dimension.

otherwise value is used in the per-element operation directly.

MDArray.prototype.applyOperation( f, [ mdarray | array | value ]* )

Element-By-Element Reflexive Operators

MDArray.prototype[ reflexive-operation ] ( [ value ]* )


reflexive-operation is one of

- - - -
setToAdd setToSub setToMul setToDiv
setToMod setToAnd setToOr setToEq
setToNe setToNeq setToLt setToLte
setToGt setToGte setToBitand setToBitor
setToBitxor setToAbs setToAcos setToAcosh
setToAsin setToAsinh setToAtan setToAtan2
setToAtanh setToCbrt setToCeil setToClz32
setToCos setToCosh setToExp setToExpm1
setToFloor setToFround setToHypot setToImul
setToLog setToLog10 setToLog1p setToLog2
setToMax setToMin setToPow setToRandom
setToRound setToSign setToSin setToSinh
setToSqrt setToTan setToTanh setToTrunc


value is an MDArray, Array, or value.

if value is an MDArray of same dimensionality of the calling MDArray, then operation is applied to the element

if value is an MDArray of smaller dimensionality, the higher dimensionalities are ignored, resulting in repeated use of each element

if value is an MDArray of greater dimensionality, the sub-MDArray is passed to the operator

if value is an Array, it is treated identially to an MDArray.dimension=1, resulting in repeated use of each element along the final dimension.

otherwise value is used in the per-element operation directly.

MDArray.prototype.applyReflexiveOperation( f, [ mdarray | array | value ]* )

Reductive Operators

MDArray.prototype[ reductive-operation ] ( [ value ]* )

. . .
maxElt minElt sumUp
dot dist norm


See above


A number

Not yet implemented

MDArray.prototype.splice( ... )

Static class methods

Element-By-Element Operators

MDArray[ operation ] ( [ value ]* )


Operation is one of:

- - - -
add sub mul div
mod and or eq
ne neq lt lte
gt gte bitand bitor
bitxor abs acos acosh
asin asinh atan atan2
atanh cbrt ceil clz32
cos cosh exp expm1
floor fround hypot imul
log log10 log1p log2
max min pow random
round sign sin sinh
sqrt tan tanh trunc


value is an MDArray, Array, or value.

if value is an MDArray of same dimensionality of the calling MDArray, then operation is applied to the element

if value is an MDArray of smaller dimensionality, the higher dimensionalities are ignored, resulting in repeated use of each element

if value is an Array, it is treated identially to an MDArray.dimension=1, resulting in repeated use of each element along the final dimension. otherwise value is used in the per-element operation directly.


Returns an MDArray containing the element-by-element result of the operation. For each of the above operations, the size of the result is determined by the MDArray argument with the highest dimension.


	const mTwos = new MDArray(1,2,3).fill(2);
	const mSevens = MDArray.sub(9, mTwos);

MDArray.applyOperation( f, [ mdarray | array | value ]* )

MDArray[ reductive-operation ] ( [ value ]* )


See above


A number


MDArray.loop( range[, range]* )

each argument is treated as a range over which a multidimensional iteration is done.


the range can be a number, pair, or triplet. In the case of a number the range is assumed to be 0 to number with step of 1. In the case of a pair the range is assumed to be pair[0] to pair[1] with step of 1. In the case of a triplet the range is assumed to be pair[0] to pair[2] with step of pair[1];


	for ( const index of MDArray.loop( 3, [ 1, 4 ], [-1, -2, -5 ], )){


  		 [ 0, 1, -1 ]  
  		 [ 0, 1, -3 ]  
  		 [ 0, 2, -1 ]  
  		 [ 0, 2, -3 ]  
  		 [ 0, 3, -1 ]  
  		 [ 0, 3, -3 ]  
  		 [ 1, 1, -1 ]  
  		 [ 1, 1, -3 ]  
  		 [ 1, 2, -1 ]  
  		 [ 1, 2, -3 ]  
  		 [ 1, 3, -1 ]  
  		 [ 1, 3, -3 ]  
  		 [ 2, 1, -1 ]  
  		 [ 2, 1, -3 ]  
  		 [ 2, 2, -1 ]  
  		 [ 2, 2, -3 ]  
  		 [ 2, 3, -1 ]  
  		 [ 2, 3, -3 ]  

MDArray.loop( mdarray )


if an MDArray is provided, the loop is over every element

MDArray.loopAround( [, <radius = 1>] )

iterates over the neighborhood of size radius surrounding, but not including, the indexed point. e.g.:

	for ( const index of MDArray.loopAround( [3,4], 1 )){


  		 [ 2, 3 ]  
  		 [ 2, 4 ]  
  		 [ 2, 5 ]  
  		 [ 3, 3 ]  
  		 [ 3, 5 ]  <--- notice [3, 4] does not appear  
  		 [ 4, 3 ]  
  		 [ 4, 4 ]  
  		 [ 4, 5 ]  

MDArray.loopUpDown( [, <radius = 1>] )

loops along each dimension separately, within the provided radius, e.g.:

	for ( const index of MDArray.loopUpDown( [3,4], 2 )){


  		 [ 1, 4 ] // loop 2 before in dimension 0  
  		 [ 2, 4 ]  
  		 [ 4, 4 ] // loop 2 after in dimension 0  
  		 [ 5, 4 ]  
  		 [ 3, 2 ] // loop 2 before in dimension 1  
  		 [ 3, 3 ]  
  		 [ 3, 5 ] // loop 2 after in dimension 1  
  		 [ 3, 6 ]