yarn add @depay/web3-tokens
npm install --save @depay/web3-tokens
import Token from '@depay/web3-tokens'
let token = new Token({
blockchain: 'ethereum',
address: '0xa0bed124a09ac2bd941b10349d8d224fe3c955eb'
token.address // '0xa0bEd124a09ac2Bd941b10349d8d224fe3c955eb'
await token.decimals() // 18
await token.symbol() // 'DEPAY'
await token.name() // 'DePay'
This library supports the following blockchains:
In case you want to use and package only specific platforms, use platform-specific packages:
import Token from '@depay/web3-tokens-evm'
import Token from '@depay/web3-tokens-solana'
import Token from '@depay/web3-tokens'
let token = new Token({
blockchain: 'ethereum',
address: '0xa0bed124a09ac2bd941b10349d8d224fe3c955eb'
Retrieves token decimals
await token.decimals() // 18
Retrieves token symbol
await token.symbol() // DEPAY
Retrieves token name
await token.name() // DePay
Retrieves token name for token address by NFT id:
await token.name({ id: '42745998150656004690816543961586238000273307462307754421658803578179357246440' }) // NFT Butler Lifetime License
Provides the balance (BigNumber) of the given account:
await token.balance('0xb0252f13850a4823706607524de0b146820F2240') // BigNumber {_hex: "0x0b896d5e9eeaabf4f1", _isBigNumber: true}
this also works for the native token of the given blockchain:
let token = new Token({ ..., address: '0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE' })
await token.balance('0xb0252f13850a4823706607524de0b146820F2240') // BigNumber {_hex: "0x0b896d5e9eeaabf4f1", _isBigNumber: true}
If you pass a second parameter, it will be used to get the balance for the given account for the given token id:
await token.balance('0xb0252f13850a4823706607524de0b146820F2240', '42745998150656004690816543961586238000273307462307754421658803578179357246440')
Provides the BigNumber amount for a given token (based on the tokens decimals) based on a human readable amount:
let token = new Token({
blockchain: 'ethereum',
address: '0xa0bed124a09ac2bd941b10349d8d224fe3c955eb'
await token.BigNumber(1) // BigNumber '1000000000000000000'
await Token.BigNumber({
amount: 1,
blockchain: 'ethereum',
address: '0xa0bed124a09ac2bd941b10349d8d224fe3c955eb'
}) // BigNumber '1000000000000000000'
Provides a human readable amount based on a given BigInt number.
Ending zeros will be eliminated
Decimals are dropped if there are none
await Token.readable({
amount: '1231211111210000000',
blockchain: 'ethereum',
address: '0xa0bed124a09ac2bd941b10349d8d224fe3c955eb'
}) // "1.23121111121"
let token = new Token({
blockchain: 'ethereum',
address: '0xa0bed124a09ac2bd941b10349d8d224fe3c955eb'
await token.readable('1231211111210000000') // "1.23121111121"
import Token from '@depay/web3-tokens'
Token.ethereum['20'] // [...] <XYZ>20 standard
Token.bsc['20'] // [...] <XYZ>20 standard
Token.ethereum.ERC20 // [...] ERC20 ABI
Token.bsc.BEP20 // [...] BEP20 ABI
Token.ethereum.WRAPPED // [...] WETH ABI
Token.bsc.WRAPPED // [...] WETH ABI
references the broad default token standard on the respective blockchain:
import Token from '@depay/web3-tokens'
Token.ethereum.DEFAULT // ERC20
Token.bsc.DEFAULT // BEP20
import Token from '@depay/web3-tokens'
// findProgramAddress({ token, owner })
// findAccount({ token, owner })
// async createTransferInstruction({ token, amount, from, to })
// async createAssociatedTokenAccountInstruction({ token, owner, payer })
// initializeAccountInstruction({ account, token, owner })
// closeAccountInstruction({ account, owner })
// getMetaData
// getMetaDataPDA
yarn install
yarn dev
npm publish