
f3rno64's personal dotfiles

dotfiles, markdown, neovim, vim, i3, tmux, rofi, dunst, dmenu, ncmpcpp, mpd
npm install @f3rno64/dotfiles@0.0.2


f3rno's dotfiles

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Deployed since Thu Dec 25 20:03:34 2014 +0100

Accumulated since 2012, from my dwm days and beyond awesome, now settled on a combination of i3, dunst, and rofi powered by fzf and the classic silver-searcher-ag, then finally full-circle to a populated .bashrc requiring a personal xf-bash-lib to operate sanely across a variety of environments.


Since the beginning I've utilised the outdated dotfiles package to deploy this configuration. As of this moment, Fri Oct 8 05:50:45 PM UTC 2021, it still clobbers existing directories. Hence a re-install of local pip packages is required after each sync. Regardless:

cd ~
pip install --user dotfiles

# This folder structure is used for the Github repo helpers, i.e. gc
mkdir -p ".src/github/$USER"
cd ".src/github/$USER"

git clone https://github.com/f3rno64/dotfiles.git

cd dotfiles

git submodule init
git submodule update

Edit the config at dotfilesrc to point to the cloned repo. Example follows.

// ...
repository = /home/USER/.src/github/mf3rnol/dotfiles
// ...

Finally, sync and re-install your pip packages due to the subsequent clobber:

cp dotfilesrc ~/.dotfilesrc
dotfiles -f -s
pip install --user dotfiles

Bash Utility Examples

Highly opinionated and plentiful, below are some examples:

# clones github.com/nvm-sh/nvm to ~/.src/github/nvm-sh/nvm
gc nvm-sh/nvm # clones https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm.git into .src/github/nvm-sh/nvm

# Installs neovim using either apt, pkg (termux), or dnf
pkgi neovim

# ls -alhc

# Uses unix pass to generate g/google, copies it, and clears the screen
pass-gen g/google

VIM Eye Candy

vim config


Since xf-bash-lib only enables then features that have the require dependencies present on the system, all of the following are optional:

NOTE: one may consider these bare essentials


Virtual Console Fonts

Fonts are available in /usr/lib/kbd/consolefonts and need to be set in /etc/vconsole.conf. To use terminus, install the console terminus font for the running distro (terminus-fonts-console for fedora) and set it in /etc/vcovconsole.conf.

To test, use setfont: setfont -h12 /usr/lib/kbd/consolefonts/ter-u12n.psf.gz.

Example final vconsole.conf



Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md for more information.