
uWebSockets.js for fastify

fastify, uWebSockets.js, fastify-plugin, nodejs, uwebsocketjs, uwebsockets, uws, websocket
npm install @geut/fastify-uws@1.0.0



uWebSockets.js for fastify

Tests JavaScript Style Guide standard-readme compliant

Made by GEUT


$ npm install @geut/fastify-uws


import fastify from 'fastify'
import { serverFactory, getUws, WebSocketStream } from '@geut/fastify-uws'

import fastifyUwsPlugin from '@geut/fastify-uws/plugin'

const app = fastify({

await app.register(fastifyUwsPlugin)

app.addHook('onReady', async () => {
  // access to uws app
  const uwsApp = getUws(app)

app.websocketServer.on('open', ws => {

app.websocketServer.on('close', ws => {

    method: 'GET',
    url: '/',
    handler (req, reply) {
      return 'hello from http endpoint'
    uws: {
      // cache subscription topics to produce less memory allocations
      topics: [
    uwsHandler (conn) {
      conn.on('message', (message) => {
        conn.publish('home/sensors/temp', 'random message')
      conn.send(JSON.stringify({ hello: 'world' }))
  .get('/stream', { uws: true }, (conn) => {
    const stream = new WebSocketStream(conn)
    stream.on('data', data => {
      console.log('stream data from /stream')
    port: 3000
  }, (err) => {
    err && console.error(err)


  • Machine: linux x64 | 2 vCPUs | 6.8GB Mem
  • Node: v18.15.0
  • Run: Wed Apr 12 2023 19:06:58 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • Method: autocannon -c 100 -d 40 -p 10 localhost:3000 (two rounds; one to warm-up, one to measure)
Version Router Requests/s Latency (ms) Throughput/Mb
fastify-uws 1.0.0 βœ“ 84001.6 11.50 12.58
0http v3.5.1 βœ“ 50275.2 19.41 8.97
bare 10.13.0 βœ— 49063.2 19.94 8.75
h3 1.6.4 βœ— 48583.2 20.10 7.97
fastify 4.15.0 βœ“ 48141.6 20.30 8.63
h3-router 1.6.4 βœ“ 48025.6 20.34 7.88
polka 0.5.2 βœ“ 47676.0 20.49 8.50
server-base 7.1.32 βœ— 47286.4 20.68 8.43
server-base-router 7.1.32 βœ“ 46884.0 20.85 8.36
yeps 1.1.1 βœ— 45748.0 21.36 8.16
connect 3.7.0 βœ— 45615.2 21.44 8.14
connect-router 1.3.8 βœ“ 44720.0 21.91 7.97
vapr 0.6.0 βœ“ 43516.0 22.48 7.14
spirit 0.6.1 βœ— 43287.2 22.64 7.72
spirit-router 0.5.0 βœ“ 41488.0 23.64 7.40
polkadot 1.0.0 βœ— 39672.8 24.73 7.07
koa 2.14.2 βœ— 38013.4 25.80 6.78
yeps-router 1.2.0 βœ“ 36993.8 26.54 6.60
take-five 2.0.0 βœ“ 36582.2 26.86 13.15
koa-isomorphic-router 1.0.1 βœ“ 36292.6 27.07 6.47
restify 11.1.0 βœ“ 35689.0 27.53 6.43
koa-router 12.0.0 βœ“ 33882.2 29.03 6.04
restana 4.9.7 βœ“ 33645.4 29.26 6.00
hapi 21.3.1 βœ“ 32087.2 30.68 5.72
express 4.18.2 βœ“ 11337.0 87.64 2.02
fastify-big-json 4.15.0 βœ“ 11012.2 90.32 126.70
express-with-middlewares 4.18.2 βœ“ 10000.8 99.45 3.72
trpc-router 10.19.1 βœ“ 6594.1 150.95 1.97
foxify 0.10.20 βœ“ N/A N/A N/A
galatajs 0.1.1 βœ“ N/A N/A N/A
micro-route 2.5.0 βœ“ N/A N/A N/A
micro 10.0.1 βœ— N/A N/A N/A
microrouter 3.1.3 βœ“ N/A N/A N/A
total.js 3.4.13 βœ“ N/A N/A N/A


πŸ› If you found an issue we encourage you to report it on github. Please specify your OS and the actions to reproduce it.


πŸ‘₯ Ideas and contributions to the project are welcome. You must follow this guideline.


MIT Β© A GEUT project