
Bundle of vocabularies that includes the following: - solid-meta-server-creational: The Solid vocabulary providing terms (e.g. classes, properties and text strings (e.g. informative labels or error messages) used by Solid servers at server creation tim

ontology, rdf, vocabulary
npm install @inrupt/vocab-solid-common@0.6.3


Solid JavaScript Vocabularies - solid-common-vocab-rdf

This repository acts as a mono-repo for all the RDF vocabularies defined and controlled by Inrupt. It allows developers to build interoperable apps by reusing well-known vocabularies. These libraries provide vocabularies available as constants that you just have to import.

This repo also stores configuration files that allow us generate programming-language-specific artifacts (e.g. Java JARs, NPM modules, etc.) that provide convenient constants representing the individual terms from RDF vocabularies (including from RDF vocabularies that are not under our control, such as common vocabularies like Schema.org, or FOAF, or Dublin Core, etc.).

Published vocabulary bundles

Currently this repository bundles the following sets of vocabularies (each configured in its own directory from the root of this repository) :

To see how and where these bundles are packaged and published, you'll need to look at the YAML files in each of the respective directories (since different bundles can be generated for different programming languages, and published to multiple places - i.e. the generation process is very flexible!).

@inrupt/solid-common-vocab-rdf is part of a family open source JavaScript libraries designed to support developers building Solid applications.

Inrupt Solid JavaScript Client Libraries

Data access and permissions management - solid-client

@inrupt/solid-client allows developers to access data and manage permissions on data stored in Solid Pods.

Authentication - solid-client-authn

@inrupt/solid-client-authn allows developers to authenticate against a Solid server. This is necessary when the resources on your Pod are not public.

Vocabularies and interoperability - solid-common-vocab-rdf

@inrupt/solid-common-vocab-rdf allows developers to build interoperable apps by reusing well-known vocabularies. These libraries provide vocabularies available as constants that you just have to import.


For the latest stable version of solid-common-vocab-rdf:

npm install @inrupt/solid-common-vocab-rdf

For the latest stable version of all Inrupt Solid JavaScript libraries:

npm install @inrupt/solid-client @inrupt/solid-client-authn-browser @inrupt/vocab-common-rdf

Issues & Help

Solid Community Forum

If you have questions about working with Solid or just want to share what you’re working on, visit the Solid forum. The Solid forum is a good place to meet the rest of the community.

Bugs and Feature Requests

  • For public feedback, bug reports, and feature requests please file an issue via GitHub.
  • For non-public feedback or support inquiries please use the Inrupt Service Desk.



MIT © Inrupt