
Ensure updates to your changelog, and push them to Slack seamlessly

slack, release, note, notes, changelog, webhook
npm install @invisible/changelog-update@1.0.4




Provides three helper methods to publish the latest additions to your changelog.

  1. assert-changelog-update

    Asserts if there is an addition to your changelog in the current, unmerged branch.

  2. push-changelog-update

    Pushes the changelog additions to Slack (more adapters will be added in the future).

  3. last-changelog-update

    Logs the latest changelog additions to stdout. If you are on master, looks at the diff from two merges ago. If you are not on master, looks at the diff between master and HEAD

  4. generate-changelog

    Logs the latest commits to stdout. If you are on master, looks at the log from two merges ago. If you are not on master, looks at the log between master and HEAD.


  1. Install the package as devDependency:
yarn add -D @invisible/changelog-update
# or
npm install -D @invisible/changelog-update
  1. If you wish to use push-changelog-update, set up a Slack Webhook. NOTE: Slack will reject mutliple POST's to the same webhook that have identical messages, so you might run into this while testing.



  'use strict'

  const {
  } = require('@invisible/changelog-update')

  // changelogFile defaults to CHANGELOG.md if no argument given
  // This method will throw if no addition has been made to your changelogFile since
  // the last merge commit
  assertChangelogUpdate({ changelogFile: 'CHANGELOG.txt' })

  const webhookUrl = process.env.CHANGELOG_WEBHOOK_URL

  // This method is async so it returns a promise that resolves the Response object from POST'ing to the Slack webhook
    changelogFile: 'CHANGELOG.txt', // defaults to CHANGELOG.md
    iconEmoji: 'joy', // defaults to :robot_face:
    slackbotName: 'Cool Bot Name' , // defaults to Changelog

  const notes = lastChangelogUpdate()

  console.log(notes) // or do something cool with it

Hook scripts


  1. Append assert-changelog-update to posttest on scripts section of your package.json.
  // It would look something like this:
  "scripts": {
    "posttest": "assert-changelog-update"

You can also run it at any time from your CLI.

$ assert-changelog-update # will output the change if found
$ assert-changelog-update --quiet # will silently succeed, but output error if not found


  1. See circle.yml for an example of how to integrate it. Details below:

If using Circle CI, add push-changelog-update to the deployment section of your project circle.yml.

  # ...
      branch: master
        - push-changelog-update

Add the CHANGELOG_WEBHOOK_URL env variable to your project too. This can be either a Slack or Discord webhook (currently). This package will optionally load dotenv if it's present, so you may add this to your .env file as well.

You can also run it at any time from your CLI.

$ push-changelog-update
$ push-changelog-update --strict # will silently succeed, but, output error if no changelog found without stopping the execution.
$ push-changelog-update --generate # will generate a changelog based on commit messages.
  1. To ensure that assert-changelog-update is run properly, make your test section in circle.yml look like this:
      - yarn test
  1. Optional: set some config options in your package.json. Example:
  // in package.json
  "changelogUpdate": {
    "slackbotName": "Changelog Robot", // defaults to Changelog
    "iconEmoji": "joy", // defaults to :robot_face:
    "changelogFile": "CHANGELOG", // defaults to CHANGELOG.md
    "masterBranch": "production", // defaults to master
    "remoteMasterBranch": "origin/production" // defaults to origin/master


  • Unit Tests
  • Testing on multiple platforms