
Common library for all kuroiLabs TypeScript projects

typescript, utility
npm install @kuroi/common@1.0.3



Common library for all kuroiLabs TypeScript projects


@kuroi/common exposes several utility classes used in most kuroiLabs projects. These classes can be imported directly from @kuroi/common root.

kuroiLabs Common Types

@kuroi/common commons with global types meant to simulate C# numeric typings. Include these types in your project's tsconfig.json under typeRoots.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "typeRoots": [

kuroiLabs Server

@kuroi/common/rest includes a base class that provides a TypeScript wrapper around Express.js.

Create your own extension of KuroiLabsServer and supply its onInit and onStart hooks.

// my-server.ts
class MyServer extends KuroiLabsServer {

  constructor(routes: KuroiLabAPIRoute[], options?: IKuroiLabsServerOptions) {
    super(routes, options)

  onInit(): void {
    // your bootstrap logic
    // ...

  onStart(): void {
    // ...
    this.httpServer = this.api.listen(this.port, () => {
      // ...
    // ...


Construct your endpoints and routes.

// routes.ts or something like that
function myEndpointHandler(req: Request, res: Response) {
  res.send({ message: 'Hello, world!' })

const MyEndpoint = new KuroiLabsAPIEndpoint('say-hello', 'get', myEndpointHandler)

const MyRoute = new KuroiLabsAPIRoute('my-route', [ MyEndpoint ])

Finally, in your index.ts file, construct a new instance of your extended server and supply your routes to its constructor.

// index.ts
const server = new MyServer([ MyRoute ], { port: 80 })

API Guards

Guards are wrappers around Express middleware you can supply at the route or endpoint level.

// guards.ts or something
export const MyGuard = new KuroiLabsAPIGuard((req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
  // run logic to call next() or not

MyGuard could then be applied in the routes.ts example like so:

// applied to just the endpoint
const MyEndpoint = new KuroiLabsAPIEndpoint('say-hello', 'get', myEndpointHandler, [ MyGuard ])
// applied to entire route
const MyRoute = new KuroiLabsAPIRoute('my-route', [ MyEndpoint ], [ MyGuard ])


The net package in @kuroi/common supplies a Packet class for both Node.js server and browser client.

The client Packet class uses ArrayBuffer and other standard modern JS classes to read and write bytes. The server Packet class uses ws and Node's Buffer class. As such, the server and client need to import these classes from their respective directory without touching the other, as Buffer is not compatible with the browser.

These classes must be imported directly from @kuroi/common/net/{server|client}