mdObject Centricity EMP/CPS component

npm install @mdobject/mdobject@2.0.0-alpha.1.9


mdObject For Centricity

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See the CHANGELOG for details of the changes in this release.

Centricity is a brand of healthcare IT software solutions from GE Healthcare, a division of General Electric.

The Centricity products being acquired by Athenahealth and remand to:

Centricity Practice Solution => athenaPractice (tm)
Centricity EMR => athenaFlow (tm)
Centricity EDI => athenaEDI (tm)

The GitHub GECentricity is subproject of mdObject initiative to simplify patient medical record exchange. The mdObject is a simple JavaScript object stricture that is easy to implement and to use.

For users of GE Centricity EMR9.8 Evaluation version, execute the following line to enable ActiveX component:

Regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Centricity EMR 9.8 Evaluation\GE.EMR.Msg.IF.dll"

Use IE9+ for the demo below.

Default location for your own HTML Encounter forms in CPS12+:

C:\Program Files\Centricity Practice Solution\jboss\standalone\deployments\demo.ear\CentricityPracticeWS.war

EMR9.8 Evaluation:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Centricity EMR 9.8 Evaluation\jboss\server\default\deploy\Default.ear\CentricityPracticeWS.war\

Refer to for issue with Windows10

To setup Angular demo page:

  1. Create a new folder in the "Default location for your own HTML Encounter forms" called mdObject

  2. Create a subfolder called mdObjectAngularDemo

  3. Build Angular project: Open Command prompt (CMD) and navigate into the mdObjectAngularDemo folder. Run the following commands: npm install npm run build

  4. Copy content of the ..\mdObjectAngularDemo\dist\mdObjectAngularDemo\ folder into the mdObjectAngularDemo folder.

  5. Add a Quick Text as following: .mdObjectAngular
    {show_html_form("//localserver/mdObject/mdObjectAngularDemo/index.html","$mdObject Angular Demo Page")}

  6. Open patient chart and a new document

  7. Type .mdObjectAngular and press Enter key.

To setup legacy demo page:

  1. Create a new folder in the "Default location for your own HTML Encounter forms" called mdObject
  2. Create a subfolder called mdObjectDemo
  3. Copy content of the ..\mdObject\examples\angular.js\ folder into the mdObjectDemo folder.
  4. Add a Quick Text as following: .mdobject
    {show_html_form("//localserver/mdObject/mdObjectDemo/index.html","$mdObject Feature Demo Page")}
  5. Open patient chart and a new document
  6. Type .mdobject and press Enter key.

Here is the example how to create a new observation (jQuery is used below to pull the height value from HTML control):

var currentDate = new Date();
var obsDate = (currentDate.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + currentDate.getDate() + '/' + currentDate.getFullYear();
var height = $("#Height").val();
var heightObs = new $mdObject.Observation(); = "HEIGHT";
heightObs.value = height; = obsDate;;

To build library

npm install
npm run build:libraries

Library usage

Use ```import { MdObject, Patient,... } from '@mdobject/mdobject';``` to avoid the ```Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@mdobject/mdobject/clssess' in 'xyz'``` error.
See the mdObjectAngularDemo project for details


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