
Planning Center application Topbar

npm install @planning-center/topbar@0.0.16



A shared topbar for planning center apps


Topbar is implemented in all eight of Planning Center's flagship apps. It will be enabled simultaneously on (or close to) November 1st.

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There are a lot of questions about the history, and process of developing Topbar. I thought I'd expose some context.

I started the Topbar discussions 2 1/2 years ago. The goal: unify the 8 disparate topbars and provide shared placement for Search and Notifications.


We had a problem. Interfaces Topbar uses a floating element layout to support older browsers. For the uninitiated, that means elements don't have any meaningful relationship to one another. So you can't say "put this Search component between the routes and user badge". You have to say "when the screen is exactly this width, put Search this many pixels from the right of the screen. If it gets opened, make sure that it's no wider than this many pixels".

That's not a scalable way to move our apps forward with new features.

We had another problem.

Since long before I was here, the planning center top bar has had these very strong vertical delineators. Those stronge vertical lines made a visual affordance for the icons. But they had came with a side-effect. Everyone designed layouts to those vertical lines, even though they were arbitrary.

I wanted to see those lines gone so we could free our layouts from an arbitrary horizontal rhythm.

New year, new topbar

At the beginning of the year, Shane, the PMs, and I picked discussions of the next topbar.

Time had marched on and CSS Flexbox was something we could expect our users to have.

New layout system: check.

Removing the vertical lines was more hard-won. They were an affordance for the icons, which have been a fixture of the Planning Center topbar for a decade. Many layouts played directly to it. But everyone came ready to play and compromised to make it work.

Removal of strong vertical rules: check


We decided to take a sprint and tackle one app at one breakp: Services desktop.

Shane, Aaron and I worked to finalize menus, layouts, and treatments for Services Topbar. It's the most complex use-case for Topbar. So, build it for Services and every other app should work.


Jeff set the early expectations for what it should be capable of:

  1. And you shall love the API with all your heart, soul and mind.
  2. The second is like it: work on any framework as you work on Rails.

(Mark 12:30-31)

The drone in my head sounded more like this:

  1. API all-the-things.
  2. React all-the-things.

Mid-course corrections

I wasn't able to deliver on the original expectation of Services desktop-only. Fortunately, I discovered that pretty quickly. Interfaces Topbar (particularly for Services) sprawled across Rails views, CSS classes, jQuery event handlers, and React components. I couldn't make a clean cut without rewriting parts of the old, making the all-app transition more difficult.

So, I added a mobile implementation to the punch list.

In addition to that, we needed to decide whether the initial view would be rendered in React. Interfaces Topbar uses React components for menus but the initial view is rendered by Rails. If we were going to follow through requirement #1 (love the API with all your heart), React needed to render the initial view.

This was a problem before Turbolinks5 because you'd see a flicker—an offset between the server-rendered view and the JavaScript-rendered view. Fortunately, it's largely not a problem with Turbolinks5.


So, Jeff and I decided to move forward with React-all-the-things.

API optimizations

In the last two weeks of the project, I took a number of conversations with James about how to optimize API requests.

The niave version of the component made four API requests on every page load:

  • /
  • /me
  • /me/apps
  • /me/connected_people

I'm no performance specialist but that seemed excessive.

At first we devised a plan to coalesce everything into the /me endpoint. But we'd still be making 1 request every view. And we'd likely hit that endpoint again every time a user interacted with a menu.

After thinking and rethinking, we thought it best to obey the spirit of law #1 (API-all-the-things) and not the letter. The truth is, we had that information availabe in Rails, at the render-site of the component. So we made a concession and passed user and org data from Rails.

Now, this doesn't break the spirit of the law because a non-Rails app can still write a data-providing component that interfaces with API. And given that we don't have any use-cases for that yet, there's was no point in being staunch about a universal solution.

So, we have options and we're also not pegging the API every request.

Thanks, James.

What kind of day has it been?

I didn't make the original 6-week goal of getting the desktop-only React Topbar in Services.

Excluding time spent on other projects, it took 9 weeks to design and develop a responsive, QA'd and deliverable Topbar to all 8 apps.

I don't know whether to feel good or bad about it but that's how long it took.

What I'd change

Decisions were being made between Berg, Aaron, Shane, and I. I don't think I did a great job of communicated the finer details in People stand-ups, when not directly discussing items with Berg. I know we discussed some of the major points in stand-ups (use of NPM module, API-driven, React-all-the-things), but some of the finer details got glossed over between my work with the Services team and daily People stand-ups.

On a technical level, there were no big changes. There were only shifts in the existing boundaries. We used React before, we simply needed to use more of it. It was a library inside another library before, and we wanted pull it out. It used hand-drawn UMD definitions, and we wanted to leverage Node tooling for builds and testing. Same thing; different edges.

I probably should have been in Services stand-ups for the build out.

That said, I've done my best to fill in gaps in the 20 Questions section.

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Design decisions

There is no Topbar

There is no single, black-box Topbar.

Topbar is a set of components designed for composition. So, if your App's topbar is Voltron, Topbar is Keith, Lance, Pidge, Sven, Hunk, and Princess Allura. If your App's topbar is Captain Planet, Topbar is The Planeteers: Gi, Kwame, Linka, Ma-Ti, and Wheeler.

You get the picture.

Each team owns their topbar

With Topbar, each app-team owns their topbar implementation. If you want to start implementing Search, go for it. Notifications? Do it. Topbar is opinionated about placement and implementation details that don't change. However, it returns control to the app for for things that can change.

The primary mechanism for this is the render prop. So familiarize.

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20 Questions

Why rewrite?

As detailed in #problems, The Interfaces Topbar was written to support browsers without CSS Flexbox. People and Services search elements had to be positioned manually for every breakpoint. Check-Ins "Make Station" button and Registrations notifications were not not exempt.

In adding affordances for Search and Notifications (across apps), we needed to rewrite with more powerful layout primitives.

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Why remove Topbar from Interfaces?

Interfaces is a big project and the sprawling Interfaces Topbar implementation is not discoverable in it.

We've been wanting to separate the two projects for years but never had the time.

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Why an NPM Module?

In the #expectations section, I talk about the importance of developing a topbar that is indifferent to server-side framework.

Over the last year, all teams have done work to support Node modules in Rails. Now—with webpacker—support is built right into the framework. There's little sense in keeping a Ruby gem on NPM. Likewise, there's no sense housing JavaScript modules in RubyGems.

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Why Inline Styles

It's the most direct, overridable path to styling components.

If we run into real problems, we can add indirection then.

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Why TypeScript

The most important feature of any library is a reliable API. I needed a way track breaking changes better than memory and assumption.

I could write a bunch of tests or use a language with first class interfaces.

I chose the latter. And I did so with care.

I'll answer a few questions to illustrate.

How does TypeScript impact me and my app?

It doesn't. I export all the right builds for modern loaders

Do I need to know TypeScript to use the Topbar?


Does my app understand TypeScript?


Is there a UMD I can use in apps without a module loader?


Do I need to know TypeScript to make fixes in Topbar?


Why use TypeScript if doesn't impact me or my app?

It helps me identify breaking API changes

What are you using it for?

I use it where I would have used prop-types. If you don't need to change a component's interface, you don't need to know anything about TypeScript.

Could TypeScript be easily removed if objectives change?

Yes. By removing the component type annotations and changing the .tsconfig to be more permissive about type enforcement.

Why not Flow?

TypeScript is a more mature product than Flow. It provides quicker authoring feedback. It's a language. So, unlike FlowBabelStage0Script, it doesn't vary (unreliably) from project to project. (Read Google-ability)

Why no tests?

This thing was changing on a daily basis. Now that it's PM approved in all apps, all start building a backstop for it.

My strategy for testing is simple. Because the interfaces are already covered by the type system, I'll do a snapshot test for each of the 8-apps, in the 3 supported width ranges.

I don't have any plans to test the API components but that might change.

On TypeScript

The exported components make heavy use of interfaces.

You'll see, in a couple places public static defaultProps, which is the way you set defaultProps on a TypeScript classes.

That's it, the rest is the JavaScript you know and love.


Component Class

Just so you know what to expect, here's what a component class looks like in TypeScript:

class MyComponent extends React.Component<{}, {}> {
  render() {
    return <div />

See that <{}, {}> bit?

That defines the interface for the component. The two empty objects represent props and state. In this component their empty and must always be empty.

Component Class with required props

Here's a component that takes a name prop. It's string.

class Greeting extends React.Component<{ name: string }, {}> {
  render() {
    return (

Now, if I don't render the component with name or try to pass a number, I'll get an error.

Component Class with optional, default props

Let's add an optional punctuation prop to Greeting and set a default value for it.

class Greeting extends React.Component<{
  name: string,
  punctuation?: string,
}, {}> {
  public static defaultProps {
    punctuation: "."

  render() {
    return (

This is about all the TypeScript you'll see. And if you find yourself needing to change an interfaces, you'll see why this is so valuable in a library.

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Component overview

This is the high-level look at the exported components and what purpose they serve.

SmallTopbar and NotSmallTopbar

Topbar has two primary exports: SmallTopbar and NotSmallTopbar. These components are home to the implementations for small and large displays, respectively. When provided all the correct props, they can be independently rendered with none of the other components.

Baked into these two components are all the details of display and interaction.

SmallRoute and NotSmallRoute

Topbar exposes to route components. These are effectively styled anchor tags. The encapsulate the basic out-of-the-box styles apps use today. However, they can easily be replaced with implementations of your own.


AppsProvider and ConnectedPeople Providers

Topbar exports two data-providing components that interact with PCO API endpoints. These components fetch data, cache it in localStorage, and expose it via the render function prop. The first argument render callbacks is called with is the

  render={(apps, refetchApps) =>
    <ul onSomeEvent={reFetchApps}>
      {apps.map(({ id, attributes: app }) =>
        <li key={id}>{attributes.name}</li>

They can easily be replaced with implementations of your own.


This is a very implementation-specific component.

It takes smallTopbar and notSmallTopbar as props. It renders smallTopbar when the display is smaller than 720px and notSmallTopbar otherwise.

  smalTopbar={() =>
    <SmallTopbar {...allTheRequiredProps} />
  notSmallTopbar={() =>
    <SmallTopbar {...allTheRequiredProps} />

Both functions get called with a string. It's a shorthand representation of the current breakpoint.

Here's a legend:

"xs" =  480px >
"sm" =  600px >
"md" =  720px >
"lg" =  960px >
"xl" = 1200px >
  smalTopbar={breakpoint =>
      breakpointConditionalProp={breakpoint === "xs"}
  notSmallTopbar={breakpoint =>
      breakpointConditionalProp={["xl", "lg"].indexOf(breakpoint) !== -1}

This can easily be replaced with implementations of your own.

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BellIcon, SpyglassIcon, and XIcon

These components simply styled SVGs.

BellIcon is the most advanced with some options for showing the indicator dot. In leu of docs, checkout the implementation for how.

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Issues and Critique

If you have questions or concerns, please make them known in the Github issue tracker. I will do my best to provide meaningful context and loop in the parties with whom the decisions were made.

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These are things I'd like to see improved.

Other Notes

The final component API was brought to you by the Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack. God only knows how this album was able to give me such supernatural focus. I only wish I'd found it earlier in the process.