
A Shanzhai input which builds an object from a number of other inputs.

npm install @shanzhai/build-object-input@0.0.9


Shanzhai Continuous Integration License FOSSA Status Renovate enabled

A crude, plugin-based build system built upon NodeJS.

NPM packages


For the most part, software built using Shanzhai is configured simply by adding NPM dependencies upon plugins (e.g. npm install --save-dev @shanzhai/read-type-script-files-plugin). A plugin will typically read information from one or more files or stores, apply a transformation, then write the results to one or more files or stores.

Take note of and install any peer dependencies recommended upon installation of these packages.


Name Version Description Published
@shanzhai/collect-svg-defs-plugin 0.0.4 A Shanzhai plugin which collects SVG defs, outputting the results to the Pug locals store, the TypeScript globals store and the TypeScript source store.
@shanzhai/compile-type-script-plugin 0.0.3 A Shanzhai plugin while compiles the entire store of parsed TypeScript, storing the resulting Javascript in corresponding source store.
@shanzhai/convert-svg-documents-to-defs-plugin 0.0.2 A Shanzhai plugin which converts the contents of the minified SVG store to defs, outputting them to the defs store.
@shanzhai/es5-type-script-compiler-options-plugin 0.0.6 A Shanzhai plugin which loads a set of TypeScript compiler options for ES5.
@shanzhai/minify-html-plugin 0.0.4 A Shanzhai plugin which minifies HTML from the source store.
@shanzhai/minify-javascript-plugin 0.0.2 A Shanzhai plugin which minifies the Javascript from the source store, writing the resulting Javascript to the Pug locals store.
@shanzhai/minify-svg-plugin 0.0.3 A Shanzhai plugin which minifies SVG from the source store.
@shanzhai/output-type-script-compiler-options-plugin 0.0.6 A Shanzhai plugin which outputs the current TypeScript compiler options to the current working directory.
@shanzhai/output-zip-content-plugin 0.0.4 A Shanzhai plugin which outputs the content of the distributable zip to the dist/content subdirectory of the current working directory.
@shanzhai/output-zip-plugin 0.0.4 A Shanzhai plugin which outputs the distributable zip to the dist subdirectory of the current working directory.
@shanzhai/parse-pug-plugin 0.0.3 A Shanzhai plugin which parses Pug source.
@shanzhai/parse-type-script-plugin 0.0.4 A Shanzhai plugin which parses TypeScript source files.
@shanzhai/read-pug-files-plugin 0.0.4 A Shanzhai plugin which reads Pug files into the Pug source store.
@shanzhai/read-svg-files-plugin 0.0.3 A Shanzhai plugin which reads SVG files into the SVG source store.
@shanzhai/read-type-script-files-plugin 0.0.7 A Shanzhai plugin which reads TypeScript (*.ts) files into the TypeScript source store.
@shanzhai/render-pug-plugin 0.0.4 A Shanzhai plugin which renders parsed Pug, storing the results in the HTML source store.
@shanzhai/zip-plugin 0.0.4 A Shanzhai plugin which zips the generated content.

Command-Line Executables

These command-line executables can be ran using NPX (e.g. npx @shanzhai/production-cli).

Name Version Description Published
@shanzhai/production-cli 0.0.10 A CLI tool which performs a one-off production build of the Shanzhai project in the current directory.
@shanzhai/watch-cli 0.0.6 A CLI tool which performs a build of the Shanzhai project in the current directory, watching for changes and rebuilding automatically.

For extending Shanzhai

These packages are only needed should you wish to extend Shanzhai itself.


Whenever a plugin is triggered, it generates a step.

Most are "action steps", which perform a single operation such as reading a file, compiling script or minifying mark-up.

Some are "aggregation steps", which allow multiple other steps to be executed in parallel or serial.

Name Version Description Published
@shanzhai/collect-svg-defs-step 0.0.8 A Shanzhai step which collects a number of SVG defs into a single document, and generates TypeScript source which can be used to refer to those defs.
@shanzhai/compile-type-script-step 0.0.10 A Shanzhai step which compiles parsed TypeScript to Javascript.
@shanzhai/convert-json-to-type-script-step 0.0.7 A Shanzhai step which converts a JSON value to TypeScript source code for ambient declarations.
@shanzhai/convert-parsed-csv-to-struct-of-arrays-step 0.0.7 A Shanzhai step which converts a parsed CSV file to a "struct-of-arrays" format where each column is its own array.
@shanzhai/convert-svg-document-to-def-step 0.0.7 A Shanzhai step which converts a SVG document to a def to be embedded in another SVG document.
@shanzhai/copy-step 0.0.4 A Shanzhai step which copies an input to an output.
@shanzhai/create-directory-step 0.0.7 A Shanzhai step which ensures that a directory exists (as well as all of its parent directories).
@shanzhai/delete-from-keyed-store-step 0.0.2 A Shanzhai step which deletes a key/value from a keyed store.
@shanzhai/delete-step 0.0.7 A Shanzhai step which deletes a file or directory (including any child files or directories) if it exists.
@shanzhai/minify-html-step 0.0.8 A Shanzhai step which minifies a HTML file.
@shanzhai/minify-javascript-step 0.0.8 A Shanzhai step which minifies a Javascript file.
@shanzhai/minify-step 0.0.7 A Shanzhai step which can be built upon to create recursive minification build steps.
@shanzhai/minify-svg-step 0.0.9 A Shanzhai step which minifies a SVG file.
@shanzhai/parallel-step 0.0.8 A Shanzhai build step which runs any number of child build steps in parallel.
@shanzhai/parse-csv-step 0.0.7 A Shanzhai step which parses CSV files.
@shanzhai/parse-json-step 0.0.7 A Shanzhai step which parses JSON from a string.
@shanzhai/parse-pug-step 0.0.7 A Shanzhai step which parses Pug files.
@shanzhai/parse-type-script-step 0.0.8 A Shanzhai step which compiles parsed TypeScript.
@shanzhai/read-binary-file-step 0.0.7 A Shanzhai step which reads the content of a binary file.
@shanzhai/read-text-file-step 0.0.7 A Shanzhai step which reads the content of a UTF-8 encoded text file.
@shanzhai/render-pug-step 0.0.7 A Shanzhai step which renders parsed Pug files.
@shanzhai/serial-step 0.0.8 A Shanzhai build step which runs any number of child build steps in serial.
@shanzhai/stringify-json-step 0.0.8 A Shanzhai step which "stringifies" a JSON value to a string.
@shanzhai/validate-json-schema-step 0.0.7 A Shanzhai step which validates a JSON value against a JSON schema.
@shanzhai/write-file-step 0.0.7 A Shanzhai step which writes to a binary or UTF-8 encoded text file, creating it if it does not exist, or replacing it if it does.
@shanzhai/zip-step 0.0.8 A Shanzhai step which creates a zip file from a list of binary or UTF-8 encoded text files.


An input provides a value to a step during its execution.

While some perform transformations, most simply provide a value. Inputs should not be performing complex or potentially risky operations.

Name Version Description Published
@shanzhai/build-object-input 0.0.6 A Shanzhai input which builds an object from a number of other inputs.
@shanzhai/build-tsconfig-input 0.0.5 A Shanzhai input which converts TypeScript compiler options to JSON as would be found in a tsconfig.json file.
@shanzhai/constant-input 0.0.6 A Shanzhai input which provides a constant input to a build step.
@shanzhai/keyed-store-get-all-input 0.0.2 A Shanzhai input which reads all keys and values from a keyed store as an object.
@shanzhai/keyed-store-get-input 0.0.2 A Shanzhai input which reads a single value from a keyed store.
@shanzhai/keyed-store-get-keys-input 0.0.2 A Shanzhai input which reads all keys from a keyed store as an array of strings.
@shanzhai/merge-object-input 0.0.7 A Shanzhai input which builds an object by merging the objects retrieved by other inputs.
@shanzhai/stringify-json-input 0.0.4 A Shanzhai input which "stringifies" a value after retrieving it from an input.
@shanzhai/unkeyed-store-get-input 0.0.2 A Shanzhai input which reads the value of an unkeyed store.


An output stores a value provided by a step during its execution.

As with inputs, most simply store a value. Only simple and fast transformations should be performed in outputs, and preferably none should be made at all.

Name Version Description Published
@shanzhai/keyed-store-set-output 0.0.2 A Shanzhai output which sets a value in a keyed store.
@shanzhai/null-output 0.0.6 A Shanzhai output which discards any value it is given without taking further action.
@shanzhai/stringify-json-output 0.0.4 A Shanzhai output which "stringifies" a value before passing it to an output.
@shanzhai/unkeyed-store-set-output 0.0.2 A Shanzhai output which sets the value of an unkeyed store.
@shanzhai/wrap-in-object-output 0.0.3 A Shanzhai output which wraps a value in an object with a given key.


Stores are peer dependencies of plugins, and are used to pass data between them.

For example:

  • A plugin to read TypeScript files from disk might write the read TypeScript into a keyed ephemeral store.
  • A plugin might then read from that store to parse the files, writing the results to another keyed ephemeral store.
  • Then, another plugin might collect all those parsed files to compile them, writing the result to an unkeyed ephemeral store.
Name Version Description Published
@shanzhai/ephemeral-keyed-store 0.0.2 A keyed Shanzhai store which holds data in memory until the application closes.
@shanzhai/ephemeral-unkeyed-store 0.0.2 An unkeyed Shanzhai store which holds data in memory until the application closes.
@shanzhai/html-source-store 0.0.4 A Shanzhai store for HTML source.
@shanzhai/javascript-source-store 0.0.9 A Shanzhai store for Javascript source files.
@shanzhai/minified-svg-store 0.0.3 A Shanzhai store for minified SVG files.
@shanzhai/parsed-pug-store 0.0.4 A Shanzhai store for parsed Pug.
@shanzhai/parsed-type-script-store 0.0.9 A Shanzhai store for parsed TypeScript source files.
@shanzhai/pug-local-store 0.0.4 A Shanzhai store for locals to be passed to Pug templates.
@shanzhai/pug-source-store 0.0.4 A Shanzhai store for Pug source.
@shanzhai/svg-def-store 0.0.3 A Shanzhai store for SVG defs.
@shanzhai/svg-source-store 0.0.3 A Shanzhai store for SVG source files.
@shanzhai/type-script-compiler-options-store 0.0.8 A Shanzhai store for TypeScript compiler options.
@shanzhai/type-script-global-store 0.0.10 A Shanzhai store for global variables to be included in TypeScript builds.
@shanzhai/type-script-source-store 0.0.8 A Shanzhai store for TypeScript source files.
@shanzhai/zip-content-store 0.0.3 A Shanzhai store for SVG defs.
@shanzhai/zip-store 0.0.3 A Shanzhai store for the distributable zip.


These packages do not fall into any of the above categories.

Name Version Description Published
@shanzhai/change-tracking-helpers 0.0.10 Helpers for tracking changes to files during a Shanzhai build.
@shanzhai/execution-helpers 0.0.5 Helpers which execute a tree of steps to perform a Shanzhai build.
@shanzhai/interfaces 0.0.21 TypeScript types used as interfaces between the various components of Shanzhai.
@shanzhai/planning-helpers 0.0.5 Helpers which generate a tree of steps to execute to perform a Shanzhai build.
@shanzhai/plugin-helpers 0.0.9 Helpers for searching for plugins during a Shanzhai build.
@shanzhai/resample 0.0.0 Adjust the sample rate of floating-point audio.


FOSSA Status