
~ Uploads your files to Amazon S3 bucket with one command ~

nodejs, deploy-to-S3, upload-to-S3, uploader, cli-tool, cli, aws-sdk, aws-s3, aws, cli-app, commander, deploytos3, frontend, s3, s3-bucket, s3-website, s3uploader, uploadtos3
npm install @siourdas-vasilis/deploytos3@2.0.2


🌌 deploytos3

A simple CLI tool for uploading files to an S3 Bucket

Perfect use for your FrontEnd projects on your S3 Bucket

📍 Install

Install with Npm or Manually:


npm install @siourdas-vasilis/deploytos3 -g


🔹Manually to your folder of your choice

  1. Move the files to a directory of your choice

  2. Run npm install to install all dependencies

  3. Run npm link to be able to run the app globally

📍 How to use

  1. Test that the tool is working globally by running:

    $ deploytos3 -v
    |       Deploy To S3 \_/     |
     version: 2.0.60
  2. Create config file in your project's root path, named .deploytos3

  3. Add your project as well your AWS, details. For example:

        // *required
        "defaults": {         
            "env": "dev"//default environment to load
        // Specify your environments
        // you can add as many you wish here
        // *required 
        "env": {        
            "dev": {          
                "path": "./dist",       //your path to be uploaded  *required  
                "s3Path": "folderInS3", //your S3 destination folder   
                "ignore": ["assets"],   //paths you want to ignore  
                "clearS3": true,        //clear S3 before upload
                "ignoreS3": ["styles.css"],//paths to ignore from S3 deletion (if clearS3=true)
                "profile": "default",   //your AWS profile      *required
                "region": "<region>",   //your AWS region       *required
                "s3Bucket": "arn:aws:s3:<region>:<account-id>:accesspoint/xxxx"//your S3 accesspoint    *required
            "prod": {
                "path": "./dist",
                "ignore": [],
                "profile": "default",
                "region": "<region>",
                "s3Bucket": "arn:aws:s3:<region>:<account-id>:accesspoint/xxxx"  
  4. Run the upload command in the directory of your project which contains your config file:

    $ deploytos3 upload

📍 Default behaviors

  • Auto loads .deploytos3 file inside your root path

📍 Commands

upload [options]

$ deploytos3 upload [options]

Upload your files to your S3 bucket

  -c, --config <configPath>                 Specify the config file of the project (default: ".deploytos3")
  -e, --env <env>                           Specify environment that will be used from `config.js` file.
                                            (default: "dev")
  -p, --path <path>                         Specify path of the folder that will be uploaded.
  -pr, --profile <profile>                  Specify AWS profile
  -s3, --s3-bucket <bucket>                 Specify the S3 bucket
  -ig, --ignore <ignorePathsJSON>           Ignore paths or files for the upload procedure (JSON format)
  -ig-s3, --ignore-s3 <ignorePathsJSON_S3>  Ignore paths of S3 (JSON format)
  -cl-s3, --clear-s3                        Option to delete existing files in S3 before upload begins 
                                            (used with --ignore-s3  to avoid deletion of specific paths/files)

check [options]

$ deploytos3 check [options]

Check config settings
(this command is a tool to check if the config file is found and parsed successfully.)

  -c, --config <configPath>     (default: ".deploytos3")

the end