
A process monitor that does not take itself too seriously

npm install @softwaregardeners/monoi@1.0.0



Monoi is a process launcher / restarted that does not take itself too seriously. It comes with sane default and is designed to play well with docker.


Build then run once

const run = require('@softwaregardeners/monoi');
run(['yarn build', 'node dist/index.js']);

Build then run and watch for changes in the src directory

const run = require('@softwaregardeners/monoi');
run(['yarn build', 'node dist/index.js'], { watch: 'src/' });


Should I use it? Is it battle-tested?

Probably not. Nope. But we do use it on a couple of side-projects.

What's the point? I mean there's already pm2 and nodemon?

You could probably do exactly the same with pm2/nodemon/XYZ. In fact you should probably. That being said, monoi is design as an api, not a script (to be fair nodemon is as well), and allows you to configure which signals to pass through to your commands and which signal to use in order to restart.