A common eslint config for use in ta-interaktiv projects.

eslintconfig, eslint, modules, npm, packages, react
npm install @ta-interaktiv/eslint-config@2.0.0


TA-Interaktive Packages

This repository collects all reusable React components and other JavaScript modules, using a monorepository managed by Lerna and NPM.


In case you haven't done so before:

Clone the repository, run npx lerna bootstrap as usual.


The monorepo has eslint and prettier-standard globally set up – this should happen automatically upon committing your changes.

Adding changes

In order for the version numbers to be correctly set upon publishing, commit messages need to be written using the Angular Commit Message Style Guide.


Bugfixes that don't change the API

Meaning for React components: you haven't added any new props that can be passed to the component, and the component doesn't behave wildly different to how it behaved before.

fix: describes the fix in present tense

New features that add to the API

Meaning for React components: you added new props that can be passed to the component, but all previous props work as before.

feat: describes the new feature in present tense

Some additional description can follow in the next few lines.

Breaking Changes that fundamentally change the API

Meaning for React components: a prop that previously could be passed to the component is no longer accepted or has been renamed – meaning that when upgrading this component, any occurrence of this component will have to be changed.

Can be a fix or a feat

fix: describes shortly the change

BREAKING CHANGE: adds a detailed explanation of the change, why it was
necessary, and how one can migrate to the new version.

Publishing new versions of packages

With proper commit messages, you should automatically get the correct version number when publishing using

lerna publish

If you want to limit the publication to only one specific package, use

lerna publish --scope @ta-interaktiv/<package>