
Query adoc files for structure

npm install @techwriter/pmodel@0.0.1


Analysing AsciiDoc using pmodel

pmodel runs against adoc files and produces reports.

To install pmodel:

npm i -g @techwriter/pmodel

To test an adoc file:

pmodel <adoc-file>

Example output shows that all elements exist:

"heading":"Analysing AsciiDoc using `pmodel`",
"abstract":"`pmodel` runs against `adoc` files and produces reports.",

To test a directory:

cd <dir>
pmodel parse

The parse keyword triggers pmodel to recursively search for AsciiDoc files and run the test, output can be queried with alasql.

pmodel parse > test.json

alasql 'select heading, abstract from JSON("test.json") where abstract is not null'


The following tests are performed:

  • Capture Level 1 heading. If there are two level 1 headings, both are captured.

  • Capture first line after [role="_ abstract"]

  • Capture id value