
replaceError operator for tempest

tempest, drop, stream, reactive, cycle.js, cycle
npm install @tempest/replaceError@1.1.1



Tempest is a streaming library built for speed, ease-of-use, and for Cycle.js. This library takes the ideas of other libraries and builds upon them, namely most.js and xstream. I owe them everything!

I've come here to...

Why Tempest?

It's a tough question to answer.

Why not XStream? Its a great library

If you're coming to Cycle.js odds are you are going to be pointed in the direction of learning and using xstream. Staltz (and a much lesser extent I too) built xstream 100% with focus on Cycle.js! We analyzed and studied real-world Cycle.js applications and figured out what the majority of use cases were, and implemented only those as 'core' operators.

Its a step in the right direction, but I feel it still leads itself to being inflexible when you don't have a'majority' use case. I myself have tried rewriting xstream twice, but have notbeen able to strike the perfect balance I and Staltz were hoping for.

If XStream meets all your requirements please continue to use it, its a great library by a very talented developer, that is being battle tested more and more each day.

Why not Most.js? Its a great library

That's a bit of a trick question!

So I've been a contributor to most.js for a good amount of time, and I find it to be extremely well architected, as well as incredibly fast. If you take a look at the internals of most, and the internals of Tempest, you'll find them stunningly similar. So similar in fact, that it should be 100% compatible with most. See: http://www.webpackbin.com/VkwyeWuwW

This is totally on purpose. When most is rewritten to ES2015 in the future, I'll actually be cutting out a whoooole lot of code here from Tempest by leveraging tree-shaking to extract the parts of most that I'm basically just copying from javascript to typescript.

For those wondering, UnicastStream here in Tempest, is actually just a most.js Stream! The only reason it's not using most directly right now is because of the desire to keep things nice and small. Importing just Stream from most right now will still bring in 100% of the library.

Okay, so enough back story, really why this thing?

Let me list my requirements I had when writing this thing

  • most.js architecture - blazing-fast, maintainable, and compatibility.
  • xstream semantics - asynchronous stop, smart Cycle-related defaults, multicast by default
  • xstream operator names - fold, drop, etc
  • functional API - map(f, stream) instead of only stream.map(f)
  • Cold/Unicast Streams are possible, but not default - XStream has only multicast streams, most defaults to unicast
  • super super modular - pick and choose only what you need
  • tree-shaking compatible
  • no shame! - e.g. stream.shamefullySendNext() from xstream
  • TypeScript - Seriously, use it.
  • ES Draft Observable interop

List of things I've kept in mind, but haven't implemented yet

  • Helpful error messages - think Elm compiler type helpful
  • Seriously debuggable - More on this in the future

Basically, I wanted to find a no compromise way to write the applications I need while also trying to be developer friendly and ergonomical.

Lastly, and most importantly, its a lot of fun to write these things. The learning involved is tremendous, beneficial, and worthwhile.


More on the API in the future, in the meantime the most.js wiki pages for Concepts and Architecture can be quite eye-opening.


Contributions are the great, and I'd like to foster and accept all of it that I can, but to keep things smooth I need a little bit of help to do it!

Seriously all that I can ask is make your additions/fixes and use npm run commit instead of using git commit this gives us awesome commit messages that allow the generation of changelogs and for me to use semantic release to manage many small packages.

Snazzy Badges for things

Package Version Dependencies DevDependencies
monorepo 🔥 Has none :) devDependency Status
@tempest/core npm (scoped) Dependency Status devDependency Status
@tempest/map npm (scoped) Dependency Status devDependency Status