
Boring menu

npm install @teppokoivula/boringmenu@0.3.7


Boring menu

Boring menu is a JavaScript library for generating tree type navigation menus with toggle buttons for branches. Primarily developed with mobile navigation in mind, but technically the library can be used whenever a "boring menu" is needed.

Getting started

You can find an example using boring menu from the demo directory.

1. Install the library

npm i @teppokoivula/boringmenu

Alternatively download or clone module source code (or just the dist directory) from https://github.com/teppokoivula/boringmenu.js.

2. Include JavaScript

Import module:

import boringmenu from '@teppokoivula/boringmenu'

Alternatively you can include boringmenu.min.js directly:

<script src="boringmenu.js/dist/boringmenu.min.js"></script>

If IE11 support is required, include the compat version:

<script src="boringmenu.js/dist/boringmenu.compat.js"></script>

3. Include default styles (optional)

If using webpack or similar build tool:

@import '@teppokoivula/boringmenu/scss/boringmenu.scss';


<link rel="stylesheet" href="boringmenu.js/dist/boringmenu.min.css">

4. Initialize menu

new boringmenu();

Configuration settings

When initializing boring menu, you can optionally provide following configuration settings:

new boringmenu({
	selectors: {
		menu: '.boringmenu',
		item: ':scope > li',
	classes: {
		item: 'boringmenu__item',
		itemActive: 'boringmenu__item--active',
		itemParent: 'boringmenu__item--parent',
		toggle: 'boringmenu__toggle',
		toggleTextContainer: 'boringmenu__sr-only',
	labels: {
		'menu.open': 'Open',
		'menu.close': 'Close',
	icons: {
		// supported values for icons are string (used as `<i>` element `class` property),
		// DOM node (gets cloned for use), or function (gets called, must return DOM node)
		'menu.open': 'fas fa-plus',
		'menu.close': 'fas fa-times',
	id: 'boringmenu-1667758153965',
	// 'default' or 'accordion' mode: default mode allows opening multiple menu branches, while
	// accordion mode limits open branches of each menu to one, closing all others automatically
	mode: 'default',

Values displayed above are current default values, except for "id" which is by default generated automatically (boringmenu-[current timestamp]).


In order to develop and build boring menu you'll need to install a few JavaScript dependencies, and then run the Parcel powered build script (defined in package.json):

npm install
npm run build