
LaTeX syntax structures. This is a part of the TeXnous project.

TeXnous, LaTeX, syntax
npm install @texnous/latex-syntax@0.1.1


LaTeX syntax structures

This file is a part of TeXnous project.

This repository provides a library with a set of structures to handle LaTeX syntax definitions.

Structure of the repository

There are several files for the meta purposes:

  • package.json describes this repository for the npm framework.
  • license.*.md contain the full texts of the licenses.
  • .eslintrc.json contains the rules for the linter.
  • readme.md is this description.

And there are two directories:

  • sources contains the source code.
  • tests contains unit tests, it's unavailable for npm module.

The content of these directories is arranged exactly the same way, files with the same relative paths correspond to each other.

  • lib is the directory with libraries implementing all logic.
    • LatexSyntax.js contains LaTeX syntax structures.
  • index.js is the main exported file.


The corresponding node module can be installed with

npm install --save @texnous/latex-syntax

Developer scripts

Please use the following scripts to work with the repository:

  • npm run linting to call the linter.
  • npm run testing to call the unit tests.